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marc emery news?


ICMag Donor
Okay well I smoked bud when I was underage ??
I live next to a highschool and lots of these kids smoke bud I see them all the time just like I did when I was in highschool. I would be a hypocrite about the age thing I think I was 13 when I started to smoke and try drugs and booze ,you?
The RCMP would be fools if they wanted drunk kids and not stoned kids. The outcome speaks for itself
peace out Headband707:)

Do you really think that when you are trying to gain public support for marijuana legalization having the self proclaimed "prince of pot" giving weed to minors is going to move things forward? And then add to that anyone could google his name and read about him telling a minor to use cocaine so he could get his girlfriend relaxed so he could have anal sex with her. Some of the stuff he wrote on his forums was completely warped. What kind of 40 year old man gives that advice to a 15 year old kid?

Now you tell me, if legislatures read this, and thought this is how people that smoke pot act, whats the chance of anyone making it legal?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I think there are 3 big questions here

I think there are 3 big questions here

One good thing that you have to give Emery is that he wanted pot to be legal for everyone.

Second. should they let the Gov. get their hands on it ? thats another story?

Third. Can our Gov really tax you like this and then throw you in jail and our your just hung out to dry?? This whole thing seems very fishy to me ...
peace out Headband707:tiphat:

Lucky 7

Active member
A & W used to have great burgers . . . prop 'em up on yer car window . . .

I reached forward from backseat & snuck a bite outta my friends, re-wrapped it, and lmao when he opened it up, thinking someone inside had done it . . . he got a free burger and ate the other one too.

Still thinks someone inside did it. lol:laughing:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Do you really think that when you are trying to gain public support for marijuana legalization having the self proclaimed "prince of pot" giving weed to minors is going to move things forward? And then add to that anyone could google his name and read about him telling a minor to use cocaine so he could get his girlfriend relaxed so he could have anal sex with her. Some of the stuff he wrote on his forums was completely warped. What kind of 40 year old man gives that advice to a 15 year old kid?

Now you tell me, if legislatures read this, and thought this is how people that smoke pot act, whats the chance of anyone making it legal?

Coke helping with anal sex really ?? do you rub it on the ass ?? jk LOL LOL LOL.. yeah can't say I read that one lol lol I'm still laughing though .. I do believe I read somewhere he believes ppl have a right to use all drugs but thats funny shit lol peace out Headband707:dance013:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Here's that A&W I was @ last night, I ordered that $4.99 Bacon
Cheeseburger Combo. I upgraded to onion rings & A&W root beer
float and the total came to only $6.40 incl tax, not too bad.......


This joint still has the 'Drive In' bays (no girls on skates)
instead of the common drive thru of most fast food places.
Order from your car via intercom & it's served up quickly.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Jail Bait

Jail Bait

Didn't Mark , Marc, Narc..What ever... rip a bunch of people off?

I recall many people purchasing seeds from Mark and not getting shit from him,..other than anal sex techniques with cocaine.




yeah and marc apparently threatened these people who complained about his seeds

talking about a & w

the teen burgers are 2 for 5$ around here

damn kid misheard me

i noticed after eating the first one that something was wrong

I knew they charged me too much
they gave me double teens

anyways :)

as for Marc

people who are bringing him down or whatever, I don't agree with that

yes he acted in obnoxious ways
yes he gave some freaky advice to minors
yes he threw joints in a crowd of minors

to me he's still a human
and he didn't rape anyone

he never hurt me, don't think he hurt any people either

he did some crazy shit
got in the spotlight

and now he has a lot of problems

i don't wish for him to go to jail
So Marc is a terrible activist because he told someone to fuck his gf's ass? He is anti-pot because he is a loud mouth? He stopped the Canadian movement single-handedly because he was the first to get caught? He killed pot because he threw some joints to some kids, probably to see himself on tv?

Is that what I am getting from you guys? :dunno:

Or maybe you just don't like the way he acts so you rag on him and find scapegoats because the marijuana movement isn't moving as fast as you want it to.

Before you keep telling yourself he set the movement back single-handedly (lol), how about splashing a little cold water in your face? You really think politicians who have to deal with other issues like poverty, starvation, wars, transportation, trading, really stopped and had a sit-down about Marc Emery?

Tell me, you really really think the conservative party looked at the Bill C-15 and sat at the table talking about Marc fucking Emery? The guy is a self-acclaimed activist. They have their mind made up prior to Marc Emery. They gave him to the states because the states are all powerful and have a massive drug war.


Active member
im not a fan of emery at all!

he's a slouch who isn't well spoken... his arrogance and stupidity is why he's been in the spotlight.

he's done no favors to the cannabis community.

Walt Jabsco

maybe this should be put to a vote
i approve of marc emery
i do not approve of marc emery
like those 2nd grade notes do you like me circle yes or no
it would be better than voting on those horrible pictures they have for picture of the month right now. that one plant looks horrible. i cringe seeing it.
tonights selection super silver haze.
Regardless of Marcs character or lack thereof, the issue is once again "selective" prosecution because he pissed off the wrong people. He has not done anything that 100's have and are doing. Now he has been labeled a "Drug Kingpin"... total horse hockey. We should call BS every time its offered up. I find that as offensive as the law itself.
Do they really think anyone with half a brain sees him that way?

If the herb was legal what has he really done thats so wrong?

Let us tokers not fall for that "blame the victim" crap, and in no way do I see him as anything but. Pot laws are immoral and he just says what he thinks it in a very obnoxious way.. but give him credit he may be many things, but shy about his beliefs is not one of them.

What would happen if we ALL spoke up and acted on our beliefs instead of armchair quarterbacking what active tokers do?

I dont think he is a great man or a bad man, just another victim of the war on people that think.


Active member
this is a great debate because both sides are right! as far as i see it, i might not agree with everything the man has done, but at least i can respect him for standing up for the truth and what's right.

what is it they say in the advertising? "there's no such thing as bad publicity." correct because there isnt a human being on the planet who sees marc doing the things he does and then associates any negative feelings about that with the legalization movement as a whole. it DOES get the person thinking about that stuff though, which always leads to the mind reanalyzing previously held viewpoints in the light of newly introduced facts. this is GOOD for our cause. and when the idiot government takes drastic actions, people see through that bullshit. people are smarter than they are often given credit for and really, who the hell likes the government these days?

stoner4life: i hope anonymity is not important to you, because i guarantee if i were a person who was REALLY interested in finding out exactly who you are, i could have your name, address, and everything about you within 48 hours based on the information you provided in the picture and post.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
stoner4life: i hope anonymity is not important to you, because i guarantee if i were a person who was REALLY interested in finding out exactly who you are, i could have your name, address, and everything about you within 48 hours based on the information you provided in the picture and post.
hey gingerale (I just LOVE YOU mixed w/JD btw) I'll even give you a head start, I live about 90 minutes from that A&W and you can't see my car in the pics as it's on the far side of the drive in section, I paid cash (& purchased more stuff so the total was MORE than $6.40). Who am I?

They're famous for their onion rings & root beer floats so it is the most common menu upgrade.

I'm WAY smart enough not to mention actual dollar amounts tendered whenever I speak of a purchase, that includes that great eBay snag on a Vortex fan for only $74.88 I got last week, think I'd publicize an actual price? I'm 58 yrs old (born 4/20/52) and never been busted, in fact I'm so low key I was able to detect & turn an undercover operation on its ass. They got nothing, I was their only target & they didn't get a whiff of weed nor even a seed, not just local it was @ the county level of leo, I'm good bro, I've been doing this shit a long time.

I appreciate your obvious concern but I'm a consummate fuckin' liar when it comes to divulging critical detail, everything I show & tell (except that truthful price) is actually meant to mislead exactly what you're thinking.

pm me when you have my name n' addy because I'd like to hire you to find this chick for me (I'm stalker CRAZY in love w/her) but you won't find her @ any A&W burger joints.......



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you know there's daze when I so stoned that
even I don't know who I am, go figure.......

dare I mention where I'm headed to eat right now?
