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marc emery news?


ICMag Donor
no JJ i dont think he has done things to deserve bagged on. some people think he capitalized off of seeds by inflating prices and not having anything to do with breeding. some others have other beef. the way i see it all that money went back into the movement anyhow so i dont see a problem with it but there are people i am sure who disagree with me on that. sounds like stoner4life may have a problem with mr. emery, but i do not. i just wanted an update on his status and couldnt find it on the net. i just didnt want some hate marc diatribe that is all.

Emery stated that he has given away millions for the "cause", yet no one has ever verified he gave anything. He once claimed he gave NORML a large donation but NORML spokespeople claim that is not true. The only verified donations went to his marijuana party which he has control over those funds.

Sometimes it's better to know the facts then to just take someone's word on what they are saying.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I think we are all very aware of this guys BIG MOUTH LOL LOL .. that being said no one should be locked up for seeds or bud for any fucking reason...Do I believe all the hype seed vendors put out not only about their seeds but about themselves ? NAH... Do I think they are making an example of him because he has a big mouth lol you bet ya lol peace out Headband707


Well-known member
does anyone out there in icmagland know if Marc Emery is serving his sentence in the U.S.? i can't seem find out his status after he was bonded out in canada last Nov. Marc is an amazing person. His bio is a very interesting story of someone who actually does take a stand. despite what some may say about his seed business he is one of the good ones in the movement. please no bagging on the man here just some current info.

I personally don't feel that throwing joints into a crowd of kids while being filmed by the media, good for the cause.

Emery is an egotistical fool, who began believing in his own distorted rubbish, and as a result screwed himself.

If the Nobel Prize Commission gave a Dumass award Emery would certainly be a finalist.


Walt Jabsco

agreed JJ i took what i read about him at face value and i shouldnt have. i didnt know such things. i read his bio on wiki and didnt really go much further. then i wanted to know what happended to him. i didnt realize some of the things he has done. i spend most of my days lost in the haze. wont ever bring him up around here again that is for sure. thought it was innocent enough but its not.

Walt Jabsco

"I personally don't feel that throwing joints into a crowd of kids while being filmed by the media, good for the cause.

Emery is an egotistical fool, who began believing in his own distorted rubbish, and as a result screwed himself.

If the Nobel Prize Commission gave a Dumass award Emery would certainly be a finalist."

true man that is boneheaded shit for sure.

Mitch Connor

He does what he wants with his life, and what he thinks is right. I don't see very many people going to the lengths he does to express his views and make some degree of change happen in this world.

On one hand, I can agree that trying to control the seed industry and bringing an unneeded spotlight to it was irrational on some level, but it has brought attention and action in Canada on prohibition and drug reform stances to some degree. This war cannot be won without sacrifice, everyone who believes in the greater good (not the governments greater good) must do their part.

Everyone is human and bound to make mistakes. At least Emery is taking MOST of the heat and spotlight in this "bad business" of supplying marijuana/seeds.

I met up with Emery at a private party in Winnipeg on July 11th last year when he came on his farewell tour. There were about 15 of us having a BBQ on a patio sharing stories and taking in all the knowledge and experiences that he has had throughout his life. He is a good person. Whatever people have to say about him and his business decisions is another story. He did what he thought was right based on his views. More than what a lot of other people can say.

Glad to hear Emery is doing O.K. I got a feeling he won't be going to prison anytime soon.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Action? No, inaction is more accurate. Canada was very close to decrim'ing....after his antics, we are furter from that than the States...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
KharmaGirl you blame Emery for that?? I Blame our Gov and the fact they let in the DEA ffs. Not sticking up for anyone here I just wonder what exactly your saying lol peace out Headband707

Classic Seeds

where ever he is club fed or club dread its not a place for anyone to be if he was a loud voice it was to bad it was not tempered with some wisdom,but to blame him for pot not being legalized i think else where is to blame its more the growers using their money to import hard drugs that got the goverments dander up i never bought his seeds because of the price but i wish him his freedom as soon as possible no one but killers and sociopaths belong in cages

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I personally don't feel that throwing joints into a crowd of kids while being filmed by the media, good for the cause.

Emery is an egotistical fool, who began believing in his own distorted rubbish, and as a result screwed himself.

If the Nobel Prize Commission gave a Dumass award Emery would certainly be a finalist.


Actually I loved the throwing joints in the crowd !!!!! LOL LOL....
Where else on this fucking planet to do get to do that shit?????
I think he has had a lot to do with that so I will give him props for that..
As far as his ego fuck yeah he is full of himself lol.. I don't think your going to get a person that isn't to do what this guy has done. I think he believes in the whole thing too. You have to take the good with the bad but he isn't the one you should really hate here it's the DEA and the Gov. Sure that Prince of Pot is all BS but GHS is now calling himself the KING lol it's all BULLSHIT LOL LOL.. Now here's my joint lets SMOKE!!! peace out Headband707:dance013:


~Resident Puck Bunny~
He did it in front of the RCMP....gave marijuana to underage kids....that's cool? And you wonder why things started to go backwards after that?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Surely the RCMP are smarter then this..

Surely the RCMP are smarter then this..

He did it in front of the RCMP....gave marijuana to underage kids....that's cool? And you wonder why things started to go backwards after that?

Okay well I smoked bud when I was underage ??
I live next to a highschool and lots of these kids smoke bud I see them all the time just like I did when I was in highschool. I would be a hypocrite about the age thing I think I was 13 when I started to smoke and try drugs and booze ,you?
The RCMP would be fools if they wanted drunk kids and not stoned kids. The outcome speaks for itself
peace out Headband707:)


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I smoked when I was underage too....I didnt do it while laughing in the RCMP's face after they had asked me not to....You do something to purposely piss off the RCMP, there will be consequences....unfortunatly the consequences affected more people then just Marc..


ICMag Donor
who did i insult? what insults? just askin for some info and people want to come in and wax poetic about his personal life. you guys should lighten up and light one up this is the tokers den afterall.

Most peeps that bag on Emery do so because of negative personal interactions with the man.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Rockster posted this on another board

Rockster posted this on another board

Marc Emery update
Hi all,

Marc is still looking at 5 years in an American jail but is out on bail and his wife Jodie is working hard petitioning people to contact the Canadian Justice Ministry to show the public's opposition to the Canadian government being bully boy'd by America into handing Marc over.

Although this is on the face of it a 'drugs case',it has far more to do with Canadian National Sovereignity being undermined by spineless Canadian polititians kow towing for socio-economic reasons.

America has put the thumb screws on Canada over this and it's SO easy for them to do.They just instruct US Customs to increase their cross border vehicle search rate for trade goods entering America from Canada by road,effectively creating a trade bottleneck,and that's REAL pressure on Canada as they've stopped half a $billion in goods moving daily before,the question is,when the Canadian state takes tax dollars from Marc Emery with full knowledge it came from seed distribution,effectively giving him legal sanction to continue,how can they in all good moral concience hand him over and for such a petty 'crime'?

In America they conferred 'drug kingpin' status on him,effectively making him legally rub shoulders with the Pablo Escobars of this world,it's insane!

Here's a clip of Marc and Jodie explaining the latest situation.

Points: 1,709, Level: 24


New member
Yes and we can turn off the oil. Or sell it too China. They want a trade war lets give them one lol. We shut the oil off in winter they'll pay attention right quick. Just say terrorists might target pipelines we have to shut them down. Good thing I don't run the country :D. Our problem is our politicians are bunch of sissies afraid of a fight.


stoned agin ...
i can remember back in the '70s when emery ran city lights book store in london, ontario. the government had banned the book "grow your own stone", a guide on how to grow weed. the next day, he had a sandwich board on the sidewalk announcing that you could buy the book there. i loved it ... what the hell kind of country were we in that banned books? it wasn't state secrets, or instructions on how to build an a-bomb, it was a grow guide for weed.

confrontation is his game, and thanks to his ego and personal flaws the results aren't pretty, and are often counterproductive. maybe he has a martyr complex or something. but, he won't quit and so faces 5 years prison. he had to know it was coming, yet he kept on as an advocate and vendor. i can't respect a lot of things about him, but i'll give him props for that.


Regardless of Marcs character or lack thereof, the issue is once again "selective" prosecution because he pissed off the wrong people. He has not done anything that 100's have and are doing. Now he has been labeled a "Drug Kingpin"... total horse hockey. We should call BS every time its offered up. I find that as offensive as the law itself.
Do they really think anyone with half a brain sees him that way?

If the herb was legal what has he really done thats so wrong?

Let us tokers not fall for that "blame the victim" crap, and in no way do I see him as anything but. Pot laws are immoral and he just says what he thinks it in a very obnoxious way.. but give him credit he may be many things, but shy about his beliefs is not one of them.

What would happen if we ALL spoke up and acted on our beliefs instead of armchair quarterbacking what active tokers do?

I dont think he is a great man or a bad man, just another victim of the war on people that think.