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Marc Emery Extradited to USA and Sentenced

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Original Editor of ICMagazine
Vancouver's Prince of Pot, Marc Emery was extradited Thursday morning to the United States for selling marijuana seeds by mail to U.S. customers.

Emery, 51, has allegedly been selling marijuana seeds over the internet and shipping them to the U.S since 1994. He was arrested in 2005 after Canadian and American authorities found that he was distributing seeds to the U.S. and was associated with illegal growing operations in multiple states including Indiana, California, Florida and New Jersey.

Emery has been indicted for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, conspiracy to distribute marijuana seeds and conspiracy to engage in money laundering. Two of Emery's co-defendants have pleaded guilty. Michelle Rainey filled marijuana seed orders that came in by mail, while Gregory Keith Williams handled phone orders. Both were sentenced to probationary sentences.

Emery is facing a plea-bargained five-year prison term. He will appear in court Monday in a change of plea hearing.



From the Vancouver Sun
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this is the usa waving they dicks again .......sad canada allowed this to happen ... and on top of that they picked on marc due to he was a hop and skip away from the usa unlike those in the dam and other countries it woulda costa fortune to extradite and all that mess


They jumped on Marc because of his activism. I agree boo to Canada for giving in to us. And boo to us for the drug war.
Do we REALLY need to be spending tax money going through all this bullshit? Just let him be, and let Canada be, and then just go the whole way and leave everyone alone, it's none of the us's business. the government's only job, should be primary defense of it's constituents, i see none of that here! we need to revolt or something.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Canada's hands are pretty much tied as I see it, legally and politically.

When a crime is illegal in both countries, one will almost always extradite to the other. Simple as that.

This is a very longstanding tradition between friendly nations, and while the US prison system sucks, nobody thinks this is like shipping dude off to be tortured or something.

I'd say the blame is on America for this one, almost entirely.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I agree w mr b on this one....i would like to extend an apology to canada for us letting bush into office not once, but, sheesh, twice....our bad.....
BULLSHIT! Canada might be our friends, but i was hoping they wouldn't give in to us. Sad man, this country is fucked up, dont think it matters which president is in office. Its all just so wrong... And to think emery is going away for a 5 year stint, and THATS A PLEA BARGIN....sad, sad shit..just think what they would do to me our you, even worse, Im sure.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
If Canada's hands were tied Canada tied them!. This is disgraceful, were Canada's hands tied when they forced poor Rick Simpson into European exile? [no-one deserves that :)]
Canada should have told the US to swivel.
Both countries behaved shamefully throughout this sorry episode.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I agree w mr b on this one....i would like to extend an apology to canada for us letting bush into office not once, but, sheesh, twice....our bad.....

i'm sorry about everything the usa has done for the entire bush administration.

the only thing bush did right was let me have my gun in a national park. lol


Man look at that poor guy ... someone needs to slip him some chronic cake or something. :D

We, the collective of cultured cannabis connoisseurs and citizens of these otherwise fine countries, are not the one's who need to apologize. It is the uneducated, ethnocentric masses who do not know the truth and are not willing (or able?) to accept it who need to apologize. They need a scapegoat to point their fingers at to blame for the shortcomings of law enforcement and the government in general. High crime rates? Why search for real causes like high unemployment rates, poor education, and an overwhelmed police force when you can blame it -- at least partially -- on our favorite herb? MJ use is so prevalent, our numbers so strong, that they can pick at our population and pick and pick. We go don't away, but they get to check the block, add to their statistics, have PR feed the glutenous media with the "news" of another evil MJ dealer/grower off the streets and punished. Granny McGoo and Citizen McDumba$$ can rest easy at night because they KNOW LEO is doing a good job protecting them and keeping their streets clean, right? Never mind that the doughnut munchers have become too fat and lazy to apprehend anything but the low hanging fruit. Ours is not only a persecution of ignorance but of convenience.


Active member
this is a sad day indeed. the end is coming, all our right are being trampled and we are just standing by watching. i hope its over quick.


New member
Boo!!!! On the Justice Dept. for wanting Marc, shit on the Canadian parliment/government for giving into the MONSTER!

Antoine Mack

Cannasseur extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
man,that sh... is f´d up.
as a seed vendor he is imho as responsible for people
sawing the seeds,as gun vendors are responsible for
the murders some of their customers might commit.
damn hypocrites!

Green Supreme

Nice attitude for a weed forum. People jump off bridges all the time. Should we stop building them because they are dangerous. Peace GS

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
You are incorrect my good friend.

Case in point, a man (Martin Pang) started a fire in Seattle for insurance money. The fired killed four fire fighters. Seattle wanted to charge the man with capital murder. Although (arson) is a crime in Brazil, where Pang fled, Brazil would not extradite him to the USA because the punishment didn't suit the crime on their books. The USA had to agree to not charge the man with capital murder to get Brazil to extradite him.


Incorrect about what specifically? I never said nations refuse to extradite, merely that the bar is set very high to do so because of the legal nature of extradition treaties and the political ramifications of breaking them.

About the example you provided -

Brazil last executed a criminal in 1876... Of course they are going to resist sending someone off to face the death penalty in some other country. They consider it barbaric, akin to torture.

Emery's case has no such element to justify Canada flying in the face of their extradition treaty with the United States.

Furthermore, this isn't extraditing someone to face trial and potentially severe punishment - this is extraditing someone to fulfill a plea bargain they themselves already agreed to.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Mr Bong, Canada sent one of her own children to face a sentence that far exceeded their own for the same offense.

In the case of Martin Pang, Brazil would not even allow someone fleeing the USA to be sent back.

Canada let one of her own be sent to another country. Much worse.

Is Canada going to start sending women back to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan because they commit crimes against Muslim Law?

Just because the people who have been charged with selling seeds (heh mostly Emery) in the past in Canada got off light doesn't change the fact that they have laws and severe penalties on the books for doing it.

Shit, they tried to hit the OG people with 10 years each, so lets not act like the Canadian government is compassionate to seed sellers.

Thankfully Candian judges have been regarding sentencing at least, but that is simply not the detail that matters when it comes to extraditing someone.

Like said, the bar is high to put up a fight.

Anyways - Saudi Arabia? Really? Laws need to be on the books in both countries for extradition. When Canada makes it illegal for a woman to be in public without her shawl or whatever, maybe, but till then, that example seems pretty silly.

Green Supreme

Someone will always try to find the most extreme examples. Lets just write it down to defensiveness, easier to blame the other foot than take responsibility for their part. Peace GS
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