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Just smoked some of this. First time I smoked it, it made me feel happy and got rid of my anxiety. It has dried a little more since then, and has gained a lot more strength. This stuff is pretty damn strong. Too much of this stuff will make people like me have a panic attack. 1 or 2 hits gets you in just the right place. So take it easy, people with anxiety, and it will help you. Too much and you will panic for a while, then want to sleep. Tastes really good as well. Very frosty bud. Smells like berries.


Active member

That brings up something I'd never considered before. For those of us who need meds for our heads, could a long cure be a bad thing?

I've got some Ganesh that's been jarred for about 4 or 5 months now. Thanks for the heads up. I'll go easy with it.
I've found that a long cure usually makes the bud have a less paranoid high. So no, I don't think it's a bad thing. I hate curing bud sometimes tho because it can lose smell and taste.

Just as a note, I haven't smoked any cured Mandala #1 yet, the high might change over time.


My Mandala notes so far:

I have some M#1 that is over a year old. Still has that crazy dried apples/carmel smell and the high has not changed at all. Its pretty strong if you smoke too much, I like 1-2 hits most of the time.

8 Miles High, I find gets much trippier and has a very high ceiling, but in low doses its very joyous and mellow.

Kalichakra hits hard and is speedier than the others.

Point of No Return is a powerful blast. It does not make me sleepy like they said, but leaves me unable to do much other than enjoy it.

My Krystalicas were all male, so I haven't had a chance yet (have 4 beans left). Also havent planted any sadhu yet but will next run.

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