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nice report there icon. i'm trying to decide between #1 and satori if i can get the seeds in jan. I can't beleive that plant only yielded 10gms. i'd have guessed alot more. i see where you mention that you've grow satori. how do the yields compare? is it true that plants from feminized seed tend to yield less


If you want yield & potency go with satori. Mandala#1 is a good yielder but satori is a great yielder also more potent.Both having anti anxiety/anti depressant highs.
Im not sure if feminized seeds are lower yielders since this was my first time growing this strain & have never grown the regular mandala#1 seeds before.


Active member

He got this: http://www.mandalaseeds.com/html/ganesh.html


Ganesh is my pick, looks tasty! :)

8 Mile High

Sry for ot, but couldn't resist ;) Gotta get Mandala#1, sounds great too and looks like it!
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Those buds looks so dense.. amazing for being grown under a 150 W lamp..!!

You must have green thumbs mate... keep it up!!


nice buds icon...cant beat a bit of mandala#1..some great phenos...saved the african leaning pheno..real up daytime weed...sort of durban odor to it..

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
My Mandala#1 buds were like indica buds with a sativa high ..... lovely solid nugs
thank you for this short but spicy summary on your M#1 feminised plant! Excellent results for a 150W grow in coco. This is not an easy substrate and you did a really good job.
The pics are great too and I'd like to grab some for our online gallery... please. :)

High regards,

icon, did you find any anxiety, paranoia, heart racing in the Mandala #1? Every one of their strains "no side effects(racy heart, etc)", even the sativa dominants. So I was wondering if that's a gimmick or some special quality they found how to produce putting the genetics of a certain strain in all their stuff or something.

None of our strain details are "gimmicks". ;-)
We specialize in cannabis with no unpleasant side-effects and it's accomplished through very careful and specific breeding. This is not done by crossing all varieties with one strain. Each Mandala strain is unique. That's one reason why we don't have a catalogue with dozens of strains. It takes years of hard work before we issue a new strain.

jamie said:
I can't beleive that plant only yielded 10gms. i'd have guessed alot more.

The yield depends on how you grow the plant. ;-)
Under 150W this was a good result... look at the resin output, potency, and how dense the nugs are!
Our data on yield in the strain details is based on 400W/m2 and soil btw.
You can also grow monster buds with Mandala #1 if you want to. :)


WOW you can absolutly use my pics for your gallery thats awsome! Do you need me to send you pics or how does that work?

whats mine is yours & im very happy to see your back on the boards & hope that your health is back on track!

Mandala#1 is definatley a good yielder & the buds are very dense & I found the plant very easy to grow also & having great medical value to it.

My pics are just an example of your hard work Mike & your strains are a delight to grow & smoke with a great affordable price thank you.


I'll vouch that Mandala#1 is a rich yielder. I've been amazed. The same clone has done the baseball bat thing the first time (with very little pruning) and then later it revegged like mad from a near-stump. Dozens of branches with nice arrowhead-shaped minicolas at each end.

Interesting thing was that the first time it was grown in hempies with PBP and then a clone from the same plant was grown in FFOF soil with FF nutrient (dilluted) and the taste is extremely lemony. The first time it was more spicy/sagey. I am now a pure soil convert, at least for Mandalas.

Thanks for the strain Mike, can't wait to try Kalichakra (up next) and then see whats available Jan 1 for my next batches. HB is on the short list, and then can't decide between 8mile, Sadhu, Ganesh and whatever else might be new.

What are the main diffs between say 8mile vs Mandala#1?


Bush Doctor
Mandala #1 is a great smoke and yielder! Mine tastes very floral and earthy, and is great for stomach pains and increases appetite.




anybody got any good words for 8 miles, hashberry, and/or speed queen? really want to order 2 of these and i can see what #1 is about. I want a potent high and really intense stone, any info would be great...


anybody got any good words for 8 miles, hashberry, and/or speed queen? really want to order 2 of these and i can see what #1 is about. I want a potent high and really intense stone, any info would be great...

Ive grown and smoked hashberry and just harvested speed queen recently i can say they are both very good old school mellow indica highs, ralaxing but not knock you out to sleep stuff, also i found them both quite similar, speed queen had the more squat indica growth pattern of the 2, tho i had 1 hashberry that was very squat and had an almost blackcurrant taste when cured...if u want really intense id suggest kalichakra great strain in every way!




Ive grown and smoked hashberry and just harvested speed queen recently i can say they are both very good old school mellow indica highs, ralaxing but not knock you out to sleep stuff, also i found them both quite similar, speed queen had the more squat indica growth pattern of the 2, tho i had 1 hashberry that was very squat and had an almost blackcurrant taste when cured...if u want really intense id suggest kalichakra great strain in every way!

yo that hashberry looks awesome, no pix of the queen??

this a cold thread icon... :kewlpics:

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