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Mandala gone, and wanted to grow hashberry, need an alternative!


Me again. Sorry, just a correction to what I put in last night. I was tipping Aurora Borealis but I meant Flying Dutchmen's Arctic Sun instead.

The "arctic theme" confused me (cant be relied on to have a perfect memory all the time, funnily enough!).

Picking up on what you said about being unsure which kush related strains are stable, the simple answer is: the old ones. Kush strains from people like sensi or paradise or the dutchmen etc have all being knocking around for years and have a good solid reputation.

Incidentally, you will always get a degree of variability in F1 crosses - F1 crosses are seldom stable but they carry the advantage that out of 10 seeds you will be able to find a plant or two with both the genetics and the growing characteristics you require. Lots of people confuse phenotype variation with poor breeding, which simply isn't the case. Very stable crosses will give you more consistent results from seed but less choice if you are aiming to select a mother plant to clone from later.


Registered Non-Conformist
Hey, all you crusaders...! Hope all is cruising along well.....

I am vegging HB clones, 3 phenos. 2 are similar. One more branchy. For primarily Indoor, as I can see a propensity towards Powdery Mildew.

I cannot see any of these being very stretchy.... One of the seed-moms was in the Grennie, an it was in pre-flower stage, hardly stretched at all. But, I decided to give the space to a healthy Cheese clone instead.

I am not expecting super-gourmet smoke, but it would be fun to isolate the Kashmiri Hashplant pheno. I will try 'em all, and keep 'em all until I see otherwise.

Rotsa Ruck to M Mike, and all of you, too, in your present projects....


Try anything, find the pheno's you like, bin the one's you don't like... :D


Registered Non-Conformist
Yeah, Zoo. saw those prodigious buds before. Classic. Thanx. I saved the pic... lol

2 of my phenos want to go the "Single - cola" route, while one is more branchy, prob the pheno you showcase so well above.

Is the result good - great - gourmet...? (Com)"Mersh"-like...? C'mon be honest.... lol

Definitely, any buds like that attract Botrytis out in the greenie, so "in" they go.


1love1earth said:
I'd like to cut back to just one strain next run, however hashberry is all sold out, along with all mandala gear.

If you act fast, there's one set of Hashberry seeds on Seedbay. When I looked, there was two. :muahaha:
well, I'm sold on sticking with the hashberry, now I just have to get the seeds to do some actual selective breeding/cloning.

Currently my females I'm flowering are just a hodgepodge, I just picked the stockiest plants with the most nodes and kept them, across numerous strains, I've got 1 hashberry.

Probably 3-4 safari mix plants, which seem similar to the hashberry in look.

Regardless, I've made a mess of things with my extremely long veg time, and will have to cut the plants back again before too long.

I'm 4 days into 12/12 now.

Regardless, I figure some hashberries started in my adjacent cab would do nicely.

I'd do 30 seeds in keg cups, hopefully get 15 females, and flower all of them once I'm done running my current stuff.


ConceptOfSleep said:
Hey 1love!

Ive never grown out the Hashberry, but since Mandala stock wont be around until Mike is feeling better, I might be able to offer a few choices...

The strain I say would best suit what you are looking for may be MOD's Godberry.... There isnt any in stock, but they are always on the SPECIALS every weekend (an only $25!!) Anyway, I have some in VEG right now, and they are very easy to grow...I noticed (and have heard) that they can be a bit heavy on the nitrogen, but I use a modified Lucas formula and they seem to have all the N they need...

In terms of potency I have heard that Godberry can be downright devestating If left to a full 9 weeks. Some like to take it a bit earlier in the 50-55 day range for a less kick your brain in the gutter high...

Maybe the Godberry would be what you are looking for....

FYI Godberry = SAG's Bubbleberry x Godbud

Good luck with your strain search!


my own cross of godberry

blueberry(dutchpassion) X Godbud(cut from the cup winner)im not sure but i think i get this cut in 2005 if remember correctly.

peace QC.
so I guess I've got a final question:

Hashberry or Godbud/Godberry?

I couldn't find godbud/godberry online, checked DR. Chronic, seedbay, seedboutique, nowhere to be found.

I'm leaning towards hashberry, but I'll trust the advice I get here.
oh no, definately, just wanted to see if there was any final definative answer on what folks think of both of them, pros/cons etc, and if they were similar enough in nute needs, run them side by side perhaps.

Doctor Who

Sirius said:
If you act fast, there's one set of Hashberry seeds on Seedbay. When I looked, there was two. :muahaha:
When I grabbed mine, there was 5 left. It's on the way. Hopefully, it will make it here safely. :rasta:

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