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Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police

Bullshit!! The human brain is a recording device. If I stand on a sidewalk watching and hearing what is going on, I can remember that and recite what I had heard.
Is the act of watching a police action now going to be illegal? Like Nazi Germany? Clear the streets, nothing to see here...OR ELSE.


Registered User
Should someone wish to compile & package an aftermarket video & sound recording system for a car... I'll buy one.

Something simple, kinda cheap... offer & sell it as a 'security' feature, just like a simple car alarm. Hit a button when you feel something is going wrong, records to a flash disk.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c


Cautiously Optimistic
The "wiretapping" charges will get dropped. The fact is, no wires were tapped. That's probably why he decided to fight the case and not accept the plea. Here's the Law Dictionary's definition:

wiretap n. using an electronic device to listen in on telephone lines, which is illegal unless allowed by court order based upon a showing by law enforcement of "probable cause" to believe the communications are part of criminal activities. Use of wiretap is also a wrongful act for which the party whose telephones were tapped may sue the party performing the act and/or listening in as an invasion of privacy or for theft of information. A wiretap differs from a "bug" which is a radio device secretly placed in one's premises to listen in on conversations or to tape incoming calls without notice to the caller. The same rules of illegality and tort liability apply to "bugging." (See: probable cause, invasion of privacy)


A powder keg? This country is more like a obese sloth....

Could not agree more...

Gotta admit this is the scariest news story I've read in quite some time, and just reinforces the fact that the police and prosecutors feel that they are omnipotent and should have unquestionable powers with no public oversight.

I also think that this is more of a result of extreme liberalism more so than conservatism. Last I checked Illinois was a fairly left leaning state.

Fortunately we have a supreme that for the most part has some sensible people left.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Fortunately we have a supreme that for the most part has some sensible people left.

I disagree. Serving a life sentance as a supreme judge? Those people are fucking dinosaurs. I dont trust them to operate a vehicle much less to determine extremly important court cases...

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I thought I remember reading somewhere that recording LEO on the job was in fact against the law in some states. Seems to me, IL was one of those states.


it would not shock me at all to find out it is against the law to film LEO ....... i would like to here what the reason is. the basis for that law would not be anything you would try to explain to a room full of non-lobotomized humans. might be a tough sell with some crowds


Active member
Could not agree more...

Gotta admit this is the scariest news story I've read in quite some time, and just reinforces the fact that the police and prosecutors feel that they are omnipotent and should have unquestionable powers with no public oversight.

I also think that this is more of a result of extreme liberalism more so than conservatism. Last I checked Illinois was a fairly left leaning state.

Fortunately we have a supreme that for the most part has some sensible people left.

actually this kinda confirms that they are scared to death of the people,

or they would not care about someone taping them.

evidence can bring them down. the voice of the people, can bring them down. easily.
Nazi America hello, alive and thriving. To bad Americans have become sheep. they even watch COPS on TV and watch people have their rights abused all the time. When will they awake from their zombie sleep? I dream of the day that all Americans will stand together in a NON VIOLENT revolution. If every American refused to go to work until things really changed I think we would WIN! and they would have to change.

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