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Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police


Active member
The pigs don't want us filming their brutality.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

41-year old Illinois mechanic Michael Allison faces life in jail for recording police officers after authorities hit him with eavesdropping charges based on the hoax that it is illegal to film cops, a misnomer that has been disproved by every other case against people filming police officers being thrown out of court.
The state of Illinois is trying to charge Allison with five counts of wiretapping, each punishable by four to 15 years in prison.

Allison refused a plea deal which would have seen him serve no jail time but would reinforce the hoax that it is illegal to film police officers, as well as acting as a chilling effect to prevent other Americans from filming cases of police brutality.

Allison has chosen to reject the plea bargain and fight to clear his name via a jury trial, arguing, “If we don’t fight for our freedoms here at home we’re all going to lose them.”

A judge is expected to rule on when the case will go to trial over the next two weeks.

As another report concerning the Allison case documents, in every other example where people have been arrested for recording police officers, the charges have been dropped and the case thrown out of court. Despite this fact, the state is so desperate to make an example out of Allison that an assistant from the Attorney General’s Office was recently sent to speak against him during a hearing.

The notion that it is illegal to film police officers is a mass hoax that is being promulgated by authorities, the media, and police officers themselves.

In the latest example, charges were dismissed against a woman who filmed cops in her own back yard in Rochester, New York.

In Illinois itself, eavesdropping charges against Tiawanda Moore for recording patrol officers were dropped, after a “Criminal Court jury quickly repudiated the prosecution’s case, taking less than an hour to acquit Moore on both eavesdropping counts.”
Despite the fact that recording police officers (public servants) is perfectly legal, Americans are still being arrested for doing so, and the establishment media is enthusiastically perpetuating the hoax that such conduct is unlawful, even though in doing so they are completely eroding protections that guarantee press freedom.

There is no expectation of privacy in public, the police are fully aware of this, which is why they have dash cams on their cars to record incidents, wear microphones and utilize other recording equipment as part of their job.

Cases like Allison’s have been thrown out all over the country and yet police continue to arrest people for filming them as a form of intimidation.

The fact that the state is knowingly ignoring its own laws in order to engage in acts of official repression highlights the rampant criminality that has infested every level of American government. This behavior is reflective of a predatory system that seeks to criminalize all first amendment activities.

It also highlights how petrified the system is about the public being able to document and record acts of police brutality.

Prosecutors in Allison’s case are deliberately attempting jail an innocent man for life for an activity that they know full well is not illegal. If anything, they should be the ones being charged with illegal conduct and official oppression."


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
fuck da police and the over zealous prosecutors...


Active member
I know this may sound dumb as hell. But it's just a crunken thought I had since I plan on moving out to a med friendly state extremely soon. Anyone ever thought of installing dash cam that has option of uploading the feed to an off-site via push of a button in a vehicle used to transport meds. I can see this saving so many peoples asses who've already been fucked over by dirty pigs. The reason for the off site upload is just in case a copper finds cam and destroys tape claiming the above bullshit that it's illegal to record them.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Allison = true patriot

he should be in everyone's thoughts for fighting the good fight


May your race always be in your favor
These type of actions by a state governments are the direct result of the last 30 years of conservatism. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR, be it taping a police action made "illegal, or the continuing war on the poor, and women and the shrinking middle class. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Corporations are now people? WTF????? How can any rational person possibly believe that is true, except for the conservative activist judges on SCOTUS. If corporations are people why hasn't BP been charged with murdering 11 people when the oil rig blew. If I, as a person caused the "accidental" deaths of 11 people, I think I'd be charged with 11 counts or more of murder. And what's up with the conservatives and my wife's uterus, Boner and the rest of the boys would rather restrict a women health rights than produce any jobs. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR. If anyone thinks a libertarian is going to single handedly change the pot laaws in America, well I have a bag of Oregano to sell ya. Fat Chance! So filming the Police is now punishable by "life", the conservatives love putting people in jail and the liberals allow it to happen, after all the private prison slave labor system we are building needs bodies.Google ALEC the American Legislative Council ( every thing they do,they do in secret) to see where the rights agenda is headed, we're screwed. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR ask the folks in Wisconsin ,Ohio, Michigan and the rest of the states that elected the far right in the last election. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR. So lets elect more conservatives and watch America as it spirals down the drain we are circling.


God bless this guy when most would roll over and take they're bullshit plea deal he's got the courage of his convictions to stand and fight. As was said above, a true patriot.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
well said pearl :good: the supreme court is really starting cross over the line if you ask me...

and oh yea, fuck da police and over zealous prosecutors...


good to see someone drawing a line in the sand and standing their ground ...... hit em hard mr. allison


Active member
every night before i go to bed i pray to the gods above(even though im athiest lol) that the party will just get popping if ya know what i mean.

im ready....

Zen Master

wtf can you record that they threaten you with life in prison anyways? fuck did the cops kill another unarmed child or something?


These type of actions by a state governments are the direct result of the last 30 years of conservatism. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR, be it taping a police action made "illegal, or the continuing war on the poor, and women and the shrinking middle class. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Corporations are now people? WTF????? How can any rational person possibly believe that is true, except for the conservative activist judges on SCOTUS. If corporations are people why hasn't BP been charged with murdering 11 people when the oil rig blew. If I, as a person caused the "accidental" deaths of 11 people, I think I'd be charged with 11 counts or more of murder. And what's up with the conservatives and my wife's uterus, Boner and the rest of the boys would rather restrict a women health rights than produce any jobs. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR. If anyone thinks a libertarian is going to single handedly change the pot laaws in America, well I have a bag of Oregano to sell ya. Fat Chance! So filming the Police is now punishable by "life", the conservatives love putting people in jail and the liberals allow it to happen, after all the private prison slave labor system we are building needs bodies.Google ALEC the American Legislative Council ( every thing they do,they do in secret) to see where the rights agenda is headed, we're screwed. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR ask the folks in Wisconsin ,Ohio, Michigan and the rest of the states that elected the far right in the last election. YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR. So lets elect more conservatives and watch America as it spirals down the drain we are circling.

More political bullshit from you?

Imagine that :laughing:
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Active member
When I read the following passages, it really resonated with me (no, not THAT kind of resin):
" in every other example where people have been arrested for recording police officers, the charges have been dropped and the case thrown out of court. Despite this fact, the state is so desperate to make an example out of Allison that an assistant from the Attorney General’s Office was recently sent to speak against him during a hearing.
The fact that the state is knowingly ignoring its own laws in order to engage in acts of official repression highlights the rampant criminality that has infested every level of American government. This behavior is reflective of a predatory system that seeks to criminalize all first amendment activities."
Here you have the state's attorney general, a lawyer and top law enforcement public official, ignoring the law and sending one of his assistants to speak out against this man who he knows was not breaking the law.
It shows the mind set of those who are out to get us.
They care nothing about the law or the constitution.
They have forgotten that this country was founded on revolution.
They have forgotten that our forefathers fought and died to get us these freedoms which they are now stomping on at every turn.
They are more interested in wielding power and locking people up than protecting our constitutional rights.
Imagine if our forefathers could read this article.
They would wonder "what country is this?"
It's certainly not the one they fought for.
It seems our revolutionary spirit has been bludgeoned.
Have we become a nation of sheeple, anesthetized, stupified and hypnotized by the media and our addiction to it?
It sure seems that way.
Even talk of revolution will get you locked up.
Our founding fathers would be criminals in our system.
I'm shocked by what has happened here.
Whatever happened to the "land of the free"?
It seems it has been extinguished, little by little, bit by bit.
Is it even possible to fight this machine anymore?
It gets more doubtful day by day.
But at least one man is trying, and I would hope that the rest of us will join and continue the fight.
I still have some fight in me, but I fear that 24/7 entertainment has taken the fight out of many. They don't even seem to realize that they are being oppressed.
I think of the members here as freedom fighters, because really, at the end of the day, that's what we are all really fighting for.
To those who are against us, I say "wake up, or rot in hell".
Sorry for the rant, but this story really got to me.
The nerve of those bastards in power!

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