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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Alright so the 2 cobs that were in my first batch, the brown ones, they were definitely over done. When I opened the bag they just smelled the same as before, like weed that had been used in a vaporizer. When I unwrapped them they just looked bad and smelled worse. I tossed those two. The other bag fared much better. When I cut it open it smelled sweet, hard to place, but sweet smelling. I didn't unwrap any of those cobs, just re-vacuumed and put back in the drawer. I didn't get any pictures because I was pressed for time, but I have a feeling this bag is on the right step.
The sweet smell means it is fermenting. I hope it wasn't too moist as if it is it will keep fermenting.
Better check it frequently and maybe dry it a bit if its moist. If you leave it too long it may over ferment and go the way of the others.
Its like sailing a boat you have to adapt to the conditions you find yourself in. It is not a rigid mechanical process you need to steer the cure in the direction you want to go by regulating the moisture content and temps during the cure. Use your nose.


Well-known member
Hi there Cobsters!!! Hope everyone is happy & high! Tangwena....buddy....that .25 dose sounds outta this world my friend!! I cannot wait til the future when I'll be able to cob my own stuff! Just a couple hits off of Sues cob was plenty enough to convince me for sure!! It was Grrreeeeeaaatttttt! (Tony-the-tiger voice)
I love reading everyone's accounts of their cob experiences!! Stay green friends!!!
Ha ha yes I was murmuring "Oh my God and sweet Jesus" a lot it wiped me out when those waves of euphoria hit me.


Just this guy, ya know?
The sweet smell means it is fermenting. I hope it wasn't too moist as if it is it will keep fermenting.
Better check it frequently and maybe dry it a bit if its moist. If you leave it too long it may over ferment and go the way of the others.
Its like sailing a boat you have to adapt to the conditions you find yourself in. It is not a rigid mechanical process you need to steer the cure in the direction you want to go by regulating the moisture content and temps during the cure. Use your nose.
The cobs didn't feel moist so I guess that's good. And yeah good metaphor on sailing a boat. Always reacting.


Hello dear people. I cannot believe this whole cobbing thing. It just can't be that reg weed evolves into something so much more.

I have smoked cobs sparingly, letting them age and cure properly. But, everytime i smoke, even a little, i am blown away by how amazing that stuff is.

Yesterday i smoked some reg weed from a bong, couple of bowls. Went to Sauna, had a nice löyly(finnish word for the whole sauna experience) around 90c. Smoked a bowl, read some ICMag, then threw in some cob, and wow.

The taste when mixed in with reg weed and some organic tobacco, reminds me of some good hash. But the high.. Pure blizz. So smooth, stable and long lasting high.

Thanks guys and gals once again. This is just so good.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hello dear people. I cannot believe this whole cobbing thing. It just can't be that reg weed evolves into something so much more.

I have smoked cobs sparingly, letting them age and cure properly. But, everytime i smoke, even a little, i am blown away by how amazing that stuff is.

Yesterday i smoked some reg weed from a bong, couple of bowls. Went to Sauna, had a nice löyly(finnish word for the whole sauna experience) around 90c. Smoked a bowl, read some ICMag, then threw in some cob, and wow.

The taste when mixed in with reg weed and some organic tobacco, reminds me of some good hash. But the high.. Pure blizz. So smooth, stable and long lasting high.

Thanks guys and gals once again. This is just so good.

Very nicely described, Sasati.

You are cleared for takeoff, Runway 27 Right. Good day.


Well-known member
Hello dear people. I cannot believe this whole cobbing thing. It just can't be that reg weed evolves into something so much more.

I have smoked cobs sparingly, letting them age and cure properly. But, everytime i smoke, even a little, i am blown away by how amazing that stuff is.

Yesterday i smoked some reg weed from a bong, couple of bowls. Went to Sauna, had a nice löyly(finnish word for the whole sauna experience) around 90c. Smoked a bowl, read some ICMag, then threw in some cob, and wow.

The taste when mixed in with reg weed and some organic tobacco, reminds me of some good hash. But the high.. Pure blizz. So smooth, stable and long lasting high.

Thanks guys and gals once again. This is just so good.
Very nice it makes me very happy to hear such things.
As you get more familiar with the technique your results will just get better and better. Hats of my friend you have a recipe for future bliss.


reminds me of some good hash. But the high.. Pure blizz. So smooth, stable and long lasting high.

That's exactly how I feel too!

I just can't understand why all commercial tropical weed is not packaged in this way...it would add value, suffer way less degradation in storage and transport..and the high would be better. Cobs burns much slower and cooler too.

Cobs won't make crap weed into killer but it will give you a noticeably better high than compared to the same buds that were hung dried and bottle cured.

Happy Cobbing!


So I ran out of herbs for my friends for a day, but I did have some fermented SpaceGrin.

One of my buddy, was happy with it but said it was not anything particularly special...

One other buddy, I can always count on for feedback on effects, had great things to say about it. He mostly vaporize now but he said it was on the verge of too much, and he said it worked every single time, super trippy, on the verge of paranoia... that spacegrin has always been anxiety causing to me but I think the cobbing take it to the next level.

Anyway, I was really glad to hear that coming from someone that was smoking pot in the late 70s, he said this is the first time he smokes anything similar to the pot from back then.

Worth mentioning, he really knew what he was talking about because he said back in the days, they used to wrap fresh ish flowers in a garbage bag, seal it, then an other, seal it, then other one, then an other one, then, throw it down a lake with a weight attached to it for ''a month or something'' lol and by the time they would pull it out the water pressure had forced all oxygen out and they were left with dynamite! He said that stuff reminded him of those days.

Old School New School Old School New School Old School New School


Very nice it makes me very happy to hear such things.
As you get more familiar with the technique your results will just get better and better. Hats of my friend you have a recipe for future bliss.

Especially thanks to you friend. Your advices on the topic are rock solid and top notch.

In my opinion, cobs are not for my everyday smoke. Much like poppy tea, i always have it in storage, but do not drink it often. It is saved for special moments(or when in alot of pain).

Though i haven't even tried all the cobs i made yet. Yesterday i smoked a couple of bowls of painkiller xl, and the high was even better then i remembered. Can't even imagine how good the the cbd high from cobbed weed can potentially be.

I have some outdoor sativa going. Not alot of guesswork on what to do with those if the spirits allow me to collect the bounty in the end of summer.


Well-known member
Especially thanks to you friend. Your advices on the topic are rock solid and top notch.

In my opinion, cobs are not for my everyday smoke. Much like poppy tea, i always have it in storage, but do not drink it often. It is saved for special moments(or when in alot of pain).

Though i haven't even tried all the cobs i made yet. Yesterday i smoked a couple of bowls of painkiller xl, and the high was even better then i remembered. Can't even imagine how good the the cbd high from cobbed weed can potentially be.

I have some outdoor sativa going. Not alot of guesswork on what to do with those if the spirits allow me to collect the bounty in the end of summer.
Welcome to the cob club brother. please post as much as you can on your search for the cbd high am sure many will be very interested in your findings.

Drunken Buddha

Active member
Alice Is Waiting

Alice Is Waiting


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Active member
Great to see this thread is still going strong and the procedures for cobbing have been evolving and are still being enthusiastically shared.

I should have caught up on this thread and read the latest method on cobbing before I harvested this year. Instead I used the older method (which I had summarised in my notebook last year) of sweating the cobs in the yogurt maker for a few days and then applying an extended ferment / cure ... looks like I will be getting the deeper heavier effects, rather than the stimulating euphoric effects which I prefer (and which has now been well detailed over the past few months as being achieved via a shorter and drier sweat and cure) ... oh well, something to look forward to next year !!

Photos are of some Chimera 'Hawaiian Spice' (slightly seeded) using both loose buds and cobs in vacuum bags. Buds were slowly dried over about 6 days, with resultant moisture content about 70% (when placed in bag for about an hour) ... this is probably getting to the low end of the optimum moisture range for sweating.

Cobs were vac sealed and sweated for 3 days in yog maker, then dried for a few hours before re-binding, resealing and placing back in the yog maker to sweat another 3 days (i.e. 6 days sweat overall !!). Cobs were then dried to about 75% moisture (yes, the moisture content is always higher after the sweat, probably due to the break-down of cell walls and the resultant release of water from the cells), and resealed in vac bags and placed in a cupboard at about 20C for 8 weeks. Photos are of the cobs after drying to about 65% moisture, just before placing them back into the vac bags for aging. I will try a sample in about a month when I open the bags next. Smells were sweet earthy hash.

Similarly, the loose buds were vac sealed and sweated for 3 days in yog maker, then dried for a few hours before re-binding, resealing and placing back in the yog maker to sweat another 3 days (i.e. 6 days sweat overall !!). Buds were then dried to 70% moisture, and resealed in vac bags and placed in a cupboard at about 20C for 8 weeks. Photos are of the buds after drying to about 65% moisture, just before placing them into jars (so as to slowly stabilise the moisture to about 62% by burping) for aging. Smells were very pronounced sharp woody (cedar / pine ?) aromas with softer fruity undertones.

Hawaiian Spice colas (tray is about 450mm long)

Cobs on left, vac sealed buds (canary) on right

Cobs - getting very dark - and probably a deeper and heavier narcotic type effect

Vac sealed bud - more of a lighter brown-green colour - and hopefully more euphoric !!


Well-known member
Nice job the buds should indeed be more to your taste and should age to a nice golden color.
Dont discount the cobs just yet. The longer slow pre dry will help despite the extended sweating time the fact that they were dryer will help to keep the high up.

They look great and will def be stronger than the bud I am not familiar with the strain but after aging you may be surprised as the stony effects will be replaced with cerebral type effects which may be to your taste after all.
Thanks for posting such a detailed description of your process it will be very important should you or others need to reproduce the cure down the track.
It is by experimenting that we will discover new techniques there is not only one way that works.
Please keep us posted when you test them my friend it will be worth knowing the results.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Tested the thunk cross cob and all who participated were
elated to say the least.

Bit of a creeper smoked out of a glass hand pipe packed tight,
about a gram for three of us. Full effect evident 10 or 15 minutes.

2 or 3 hits each left us grinning and nodding in approval.

Conversational inducing, music appreciation enhancement,
Jeff Beck, Utopia and Allmans at Filmore East, old school music,
we all pushing 60, lol.

Pulled pork tamales and refried beans and rice, salsa fresca nachos for snacks,
some ice cold canned Tecate beers for libation too.

All happening on the back porch on a cool summer evening overlooking the lake.

Maybe an hour later we took a couple more hits and
such shared soaring long lasting euphoria.

Session was maybe 5 hours, memories to share, friendships to last a lifetime.

(Thai Haze x Sk1) x (nycd x sensi star), cobbed traditional style, cured a couple weeks.

Fuck yeah.


Well-known member
Tested the thunk cross cob and all who participated were
elated to say the least.

Bit of a creeper smoked out of a glass hand pipe packed tight,
about a gram for three of us. Full effect evident 10 or 15 minutes.

2 or 3 hits each left us grinning and nodding in approval.

Conversational inducing, music appreciation enhancement,
Jeff Beck, Utopia and Allmans at Filmore East, old school music,
we all pushing 60, lol.

Pulled pork tamales and refried beans and rice, salsa fresca nachos for snacks,
some ice cold canned Tecate beers for libation too.

All happening on the back porch on a cool summer evening overlooking the lake.

Maybe an hour later we took a couple more hits and
such shared soaring long lasting euphoria.

Session was maybe 5 hours, memories to share, friendships to last a lifetime.

(Thai Haze x Sk1) x (nycd x sensi star), cobbed traditional style, cured a couple weeks.

Fuck yeah.
Nice you sold me sounds like something I would like a lot ha ha.
i just had half a trip on some year old GT, the first 4 hours were amazing. I am looking forward to the next 6 the way this is still pumping.
Here's a toast to ganja and the brother hood of the cob my friend.


Well-known member
Psssst wanna get high?

Psssst wanna get high?

Just tried 0.2g of this cob. Previous test have all be over doses ha ha which is great if you want to leave your body behind ha ha.
This is just right its like being stoned, tripping and speeding at the same time. Very positive feeling but totally unable to do anything other than enjoy the trip.
The best way I can describe the rush it gives is.

You know that feeling you get when you walk into a party.
High as a kite and get such a rush of excitement.
You just know its going to be the best party ever!

Thats it in a nutshell just awesome high.

Malawi x Ethiopia 5 month cured



Had .5g of 3 or 4 month cured Malawi last night and had the strangest, trippiest and best time. 20 hours later and still a little blissed.