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Malawi Gold x Santa Marta Colombian Gold


Well-known member
I already have a thread on this on another site, but I would like to share it here as well.

Here's some background information that I am going to copy from my original thread:

A good friend of mine received several packs of seeds from British Hempire. He offered to let me pick some, but at the time I was busy with Deep Spacey (Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Deep Chunk x Casey Jones).

I was helping my friend transplant his seedlings one night outdoors, when he offered me one. There were dozens of different strains, all planted at the same time, however the Malawi x Colombians were enormous, at only a week old. They were in 16 oz party cups. They had the largest cotyledons I've ever seen. At least 5cm long, and 3 cm wide, each cotyledon. They were very healthy and vigorous, so I decided to chose that strain, as I've never grown a pure sativa before, and figured here's the chance. As a seedling, and in early vegetative growth, my seedling had very large and wide leaves, but after about the 5th node, she began to have giant 9 leaf thin sativa leaves. She was a beautiful shade of green.

I started to flower her about a month into veg. I topped her a few times, and Super Cropped extensively, so I could maximize her yield indoors.

At about 16 days of 12/12, she began to show her preflowers, and her new leaves only had 3 leaflets. She was flowering under 320 watts of CFLs placed within an inch from the buds, as well as being outside under the full sun, for about 4-6 hours a day.

I do not have a camera myself, but was able to use one at about week 9 1/2 of flowering. You can see that the buds are just starting to fill out, and just starting to explode with trichomes. Around week 12 I took a sample, and while it was a grade A high, I knew it would be better if I waited. Around week 14, the buds really started to bulk up, but not in an indica way. They just kept throwing out more pistils, and the calxyes started to swell, and smell amazing. Early in the morning, she smelled like some sort of sandalwood exotic incense. It reminded me a lot of the smell of this old record shop that had a wall full of incense. Later in the day, it was extremely lemony and sour, as well as very pungent. It could easily nauseate someone.

Now, here are the pictures I was able to take. On the good looking pictures, I took them outdoors in the shade, with flash. The ones in the sunlight I didn't use flash. In my opinion, using flash helps bring out the trichomes a lot. On with my pictures:


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Well-known member
As I said, at the time of that grow I didn't own a camera, but was able to borrow one. I planned on using it again once I harvested the majority of buds at week 16, but was unable to. My first harvest I got around 12 grams, but this strain kept on flowering, and I continued flowering her for another 3 months, in which I got around 10 grams. A 6" bud was generally only two grams dried. I will share my final thoughts on yield later, but despite the low yield, it is by far the highest quality of Cannabis I have ever smoked in my life, to this date, almost 5 months later. This strain could have gone on flowering indefinitely, and I deeply regret not keeping her, but I am all about variety, and trying as many strains as I can, and I simply did not have the room or time for her, when I could grow strains that will give me 5x the yield, and less than half of the flowering time.

Here is my initial report after my first harvest, that I am copying from my original thread:

While this strain tested my patience, it was well worth it in the end. It is hands down the best strain I have smoked in my life. It reminded me of being 13 and getting high for the first time. It made me realize that indicas are extremely boring. Sure, indica buds are dense and compact,and they flower quicker, but they are lacking in the high, smell, and taste.

The taste is pure tropical sour fruit bliss. I sampled some after it had dried for about a week. Even after little cure, it had an extremely profound grade A taste. With a cure, it became better. Think the citrusiness of Sour Diesel and OG Kush, and intensify it, but instead of having a "kushy" or indica tasting bottom end, it had a peppery bottom end, similar to NYC Haze. The longer it cured, the more profound the lemon pepper taste became.
As far as the high, it is extremely strong. After taking a hit, the first thing you notice is the intense flavor. After a hit or two, you already are starting to feel high. By the time you finish a bowl, you are really high and conclude that it's really good weed. You wrongly assume you've reached your peak. About 15 minutes into it, you realize you aren't just high, you are completely blazed. You get very strong perception distortions such as things appearing to be farther or closer away than they actually are. You are very euphoric, and your mind begins to race with different ideas. You don't want to just sit there, you want to do something, such as play the guitar, or draw. Music sounds amazing, and each hit you take brings a smile to your face because of the exotic taste.

Hours later, you are still high. You realize it's very strong, as you are having trouble remembering things, and your brain still feels all electric and buzzy. Smoking more actually refreshes your high, and gets you even higher, but with this strain, you don't feel the need to smoke the regular amount you're used to, because with this stuff, just a small amount gets you going for hours.

When you eventually smoke any other strain, even if it's supposedly "dank", you will realize that it sucks compared to Malawi Gold x Colombian Gold, and you will get depressed, and anxious for your next harvest.

For example, after I ran out of my harvest, I smoked some organic Blackberry Kush. It smelled and looked good. In fact, it smelled like blackberries and skunks. After hitting it, I was let down with the mild taste. I was more let down by the fact that it got me high, but that's it. It didn't get me blazed. And it lasted maybe a half hour at best. Just like the majority of indica dominant strains that flood the nation and the world.

One thing I'd like to mention about this strain for anyone searching for something similar, is that there is no ceiling or tolerance build up.

I frequently come across strains (usually indica dominant) being described as "narcotic" or "opiate-like", usually just because they have pain killing properties or will make you fall asleep.

This strain, while nothing narcotic or heavy, is extremely opiate like in it's mental high. It has very pronounced euphoria, a general sense of well being, and all of your problems in the world seem to melt away. You get lost in the moment of whatever you're doing, and the high is very long lasting. As a former IV heroin user, you can definitely feel similarities, especially in the euphoric rush. No "narcotic" indica has ever given me any sort of opiate effect like this has.

I'd just like to tell anyone that is skeptical about taking on such a long flowering sativa, that it is well worth the wait. I was skeptical myself at first, but I'm glad I was proven wrong. It truly is a learning experience that I suggest all growers take on at least once in their lives. They will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of the high.Okay, now I am including more pictures, since I can only post 4 at a time, and then I will talk about my final opinion, now that it's almost been 6 months, and almost a year since I first received this strain.


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Well-known member

Anything you cross SPG with normally ends up being good smoke!

Yes, a good friend of mine and I both grew seeds from that cross (Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Deep Chunk) x Casey Jones, and we both had extremely amazing results. The smell was so complex, the yield amazing, and the flowering time, not bad at 9 weeks. My friend grew his outdoors and it was the earliest strain to mature, the first week of September.


Well-known member
Now that it's been almost 6 months since my last hit of Malawi x Colombian, after re-reading my initial smoke report, that's what I still feel. I still have not experienced a strain that induces euphoria the way that it did. Looking back on my low yield, I knew that was to be expected going into it. Outdoors in the full sun 24/7 is where she needed to be, IMO.

The most unique characteristic of that strain, was the fact that under 12/12, it continued vegging/flowering, even after harvest. I simply left a few popcorn buds after my initial harvest, and 3 months later had another harvest.

I am no longer intimidated by long flowering strains, and have plenty of other African and South American strains on my list to grow in my life. For now though, being that I have limited space, I can't afford to dedicate half a year to such a strain.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. BTW, I have recently been researching and reading all the anecdotal reports I can on JWH-018 and herbal blends containing it, and the positive reports sound very similar to this strain. After hearing Motaco describe the high as that of a tropical sativa, which I know he's familiar with, I plan on experimenting with the herbal mixture in the near future, and will report any similarities to this pure tropical sativa.

Peace :rasta:

EDIT: Here's some more pictures:


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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
awesome man!
ima sat guy myself.

you said it best right here>
While this strain tested my patience, it was well worth it in the end. It is hands down the best strain I have smoked in my life. It reminded me of being 13 and getting high for the first time. It made me realize that indicas are extremely boring. Sure, indica buds are dense and compact,and they flower quicker, but they are lacking in the high, smell, and taste.


Well-known member
Evidently IC doesn't care much about Sativas. If I would have posted a fucking indica here I would have had a lot more comments.

It seems some of the other site's views on IC were correct. I guess if you're not a commercial grower or a Green House fan, you're not welcome.

I would also like to point out that when I joined, I was instantly accused of being a cop for knowing the prices of weed in different states, as well as having good connections in the mid west. So, really if that's how people get treated here... I'm not sure this is the place for me.

I posted this to show the haters and the skeptics that I know what a real Sativa is, I am no cop, and I thought people would enjoy seeing a unique plant that definitely isn't an every day strain. I guess not.


Andinismo Hierbatero
hey man, chill... tons of sativa lovers around here, myself included... I have grown pure malawi as well as many colombians, outdoors...

your cross looks amazing, I never saw this thread until now.

keep on enjoying it.

the fact you got two harvests from the same plant is a good indicator that the cross was made with real malawi and colombian genes.



Well-known member
Thanks man, yeah I've just had a really shitty day, and it just kind of irritated me that all these new threads showing indicas and/or hybrids get a shit load of comments, when they are nothing special or out of the ordinary. In addition, I've had a really shitty day, so I guess I'm kind of on edge.

Don't get me wrong, there are many great growers and people on ICmag. I have been a member since 2006, but left when a lot of other growers did, due to the way the site was going. Now it seems to be pretty chill again, but there's still a bunch of assholes. Like I said, when I first joined I was accused by some crazed member that I was a cop, in all my threads. So I never got a warm welcome.


Andinismo Hierbatero
hello again tetragrammanton,

this is a similar cross to yours:

afropips's malawi gold x colombian cripi

some buds, not too clear a pic

keep rocking the sativas.

You're def not a cop -- they usually suck at growing weed. I'm wicked impressed with your sativa, bro; you gotta love that trippy high and spicy flavor! It's a really sad thing that people have come to associate quality bud with predominantly indica characteristics (dense, tight buds, short internodes, and speed). Although there are some phenomenal indica strains out there, one should never discount the potential of a well-grown sativa. I think that there are a lot of people at IC who totally appreciate what you're doing. Have you checked out the Ultimate Sativa Revival thread? It's the best resource on sativa genetics to be found on the web, imo.

the gnome

Active member
job well done tetra :tiphat:

reading your post took me back to the days when santa marta gold hit my area.
beautiful tolook at , so nice and creamy colored.
it was 10-15 tamales more and the sack was half the size
but it wasn't an issue and it didn't last long when some hit town.
thats when we started rolling pin joints and 4 peeeps got ripped

I remember lots of coughing going on :)


Well-known member
Thanks guys for all the kind words, and thanks bombadil for sharing your sweet cross.

And I still have a great amount of respect for British Hempire, for taking the time to make this cross...

Peace guys


Andinismo Hierbatero
thank you man, for showing us your very nice lady! British Hempire is a cool man for sure, he knew me under a diff. name.



Active member
Looks like some trippy headstash. Like cleanin out the car or jammin out bud.

Btw, I love both indys and sats. They both have their purpose for me. Wake up with some amnesia haze, end the night with the gods gift or some sour bub.


Well-known member

thanks for the report

we kno BH is a haze head this cross is definetly my style

is this just one pheno from the seeds you recieved ?

the taste/aromas are delightful, curious if any of that incense aroma comes threw in the taste of the smoke ?

its true the high of these sativas is soo complex compared to most of these indica based hybrids ,after my first experience with mns sk/hz n nevs i completely agree and understand now ,i look forward to tasting som of those legendary pure sativas of yesteryear to get a complete experience



Well-known member
Hey bigherb, thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, this is just one pheno with characteristics of both parents. In veg, the leaves were very wide, yet jagged, similar to, yet completely different, from Indica leaves. As the plant got older the leaves slimmed down to very thin long classic sativa leaves, yet in flowering, she then switched all her leaves to just 3 leaflets.

My good friend dkmonk grew the same genetics outdoors and I believe has a thread on here somewhere. They grew into monsters, yet we never got to experience them as they were discovered by Deer Hunters shortly before harvest.

In my particular pheno, the taste was more Tropical Dank Lemon mixed with Pepper, than actual incense. It did have a floraly "piffy" taste that can be found in NY Haze, but it wasn't the main flavor.

This cross was made using Elevator Man's African Seeds Malawi Gold, and British Hempire's Brazilian Seed Co. Santa Marta Colombian Gold.

On a side note, British Hempire's indica hybrids are amazing. All of them aside from La Nina x Widow Haze finished in September.