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Making the Vietchunck


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Shut up Koopa. :D so I am a dumbass....It could be an old picture. How would I know? :spank:


Alfred-cannaria said:
But know i want to show my new cross :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: , i was very bored and i polinated a very resinous White Ryno with a pine tar kush ( blue pheno) polen!!!!

i wasn't trying to bash on you milo. just watching your back! k+


Great Job Alfred-please send some of these seeds to the west coast so we can enjoy them they look very nice. Id like to give some of those vietchunk a go with some of these cambodians I have
milo_xxx said:
Shut up Koopa. :D so I am a dumbass....It could be an old picture. How would I know? :spank:

What´s up bro!!! this plant will need around one or two weeks to finish the seeds. When the seeds finish... :redface: we can test amount of seeds :laughing: :jump: PM me :muahaha: :muahaha: :rasta: :rasta: :headbange :headbange

This polyhibrid will have a lot of phenos but the introduction of a PTK will be very interesting :laughing:


Wow such amazing crosses, im excited about seeing some grow and smoke reports on a lot of these, and hopefully one day maybe get to smoke some. You are a very impressive grower, I can't wait to be able to have a garden like yours. Keep up the good work, I love checkin this thread and seeing the new stuff pop up.



Active member
Here is what I got off of one VC. These are from the plant I topped. The bottom two branches were the ones I seeded-they are not pictured here. These were grown outdoors, about 1.5 gallon clay pot. These were chopped at just over 8 weeks, could have gone a bit longer, but spider mites were getting a foot hold.

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ThaiPhoon said:
I made VC F2's and also used some Bullrider X Deep Chunk pollen on the VC!

jummmmmmmmm, sounds GOOD!!!

( vietnam x dc ) x ( bullrider x dc ) It could be a very good cross brother, in this moment i have one Vietchunk mum and other Deep Chunk mum... i need polen of Vc to make the f1bx .... :laughing:

Also arrived to my garden:

- manga rosa ( pernambuco ) around 26 weeks of flowering time
- Andrha Prades ( south indian) thanks to Goldenseeds ( you are the man)
- Etiophian landrace ( thanks to El_socio)
- Thay ( thayphoon, thanks bro hehehe)
- Mozambique ( by Seyfer)

Thaypoon, this afternoon i´ll send you a PM if you need something. :redface:

I love this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Another update:

Another update:

Okay, I have 3 Vietchunk seedling left.

One is a little behind in development, but I guess it´ll catch up.

The other two look very nice and seem to have recovered pretty well from the bad starting soil, and look as if they really enjoy the fresh soil, the Son T- Agro and the additional Co2.

One looks more like a balanced Indica/Sativa mix, the other one leans much more to the Sativa side of the spectrum.

Gonna post some pictures here soon.

Peace and Love,



Active member
alfred, thanks again for the vc's. the weather is too hot at the moment to get mine going. looks like i need to update my equipment in order to get going in this type of weather. keep up the great pics and info.


Hey Alfred!!!

Have you planned something with those Landraces? Man you are able to make insane hybrids with this collection.Are you sure that the Manga Rosa flowers for 26 weeks :redface: ?I mean thats not a problem..i know what i got myself into wiht those Landraces but 26weeks sounds a bit long for a Manga Rosa i tought it would be an 18 weeker roughly....thanks anyways...i have high hopes for them.

Greetz Goldenseed :wave:
Goldenseed said:
Hey Alfred!!!

Have you planned something with those Landraces? Man you are able to make insane hybrids with this collection.Are you sure that the Manga Rosa flowers for 26 weeks :redface: ?I mean thats not a problem..i know what i got myself into wiht those Landraces but 26weeks sounds a bit long for a Manga Rosa i tought it would be an 18 weeker roughly....thanks anyways...i have high hopes for them.

Greetz Goldenseed :wave:

Yeaaah men!!, sounds very long brother!! this maga arrive from a old cultivator in brazil, inside pernambuco. This manga are the original manga fruit odor, a real old school strain!!. He talke me flowerings time around 26 weeks in their weather. Is posible find phenos with shot flowering time around 20 weeks, but we will see it soon !! i have some growing :rasta: , also you have seeds :muahaha:

Yes in this moment i´m germ your andra´s plants i want to make some hybrids with some originlas old mazar i shariff or some a purple afghan from BH. Hey man, if you need pollen of any of my plats, i can send you .

ThaiPhoon said:
Here's a photo of the last VC standing...This one is just over 9 weeks in flower...

(I tried rotating the pic in the gallery options...:(

HEeyyy man!!!, then all the VC phenos are very fasta ( by the moment), i hope to read more info about this cross, in this moment i have 3 or 4 vietchunks outdoor, very healthy, they could be monsters, i want a very green pheno like you bro!.


Active member


Here are a few pictures of my 3 Vietchunk plants.

4 weeks since the seeds were put between wet paper towels.

2 days ago, I switched to 12/12.

Once again: Thank you so much Alfred!

Please excuse the bad picture quality...

Here they are all 3 together:

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Active member
More pictures..

More pictures..

Here is the most beautiful among the 3 Vietchunk plants:

And in the second picture you can see an overview of my whole indoor garden.

3 plants in the front, from left to right:

Arjan´s Haze# 3, Kali Mist, Vietchunk


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