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Making shatter!

Well if you could point me in the right direction for equipment it'll be appreciated. Money isn't really a problem right now anymore, aside from a vacuum purg which i may be able to swing one now. I'm very macyver at making things but they always seem to work out for me. I have an insane drive to perfection and altho I don't have the really proper gear this is just my start up config. Once I get my money rolled up Ill be getting proper lab wear and vac purg and whatnot. This is more of a proofing test that I can make strong shatter, it can be scrapped up in to little shards or a few big ones and medium ones my friend just wants to make sure I have the chem down. And I think from all the temps and times and tek I should get shatter. THe first time I made BHO I made shatter by accident so i shouldn't have to much of a problem because I'm actually trying.
Point taken so maybe the winterization is just a futile step? Or is there a redeeming quality, I won't be selling this stuff by the large amounts, just what a 1/4 - 1/2 lb can make me every 4 or so days. My guy sells it to individuals so he's more inclined to sell it for more, plus he's a master manipulator you could buy anything from him without even realizing it lol. If i do not go with the ethanol wash I can afford a vac pump probably, any suggestions and tips on how to use it cause thats one thing I don't understand to well.

Hash Man

Speculation is cool, hopefully u can pull it off. Sounds like u are betting your livlihood on the success of your venture. I remember thinking the same way you are, and then i ruined many many runs before i was able to get the product i wanted. Its not like you are going to have a shatter machine in front of you, and all chemistry aside, it comes down to technique and quality of final product. Its cool that u have confidence, but u sill need gear and experience.
Right now i am reminded of the underpants gnome southpark episode.
Step one- get underpants
Step two-?
Step three- $

No offense, but in all reality, step two is a big one.

Again hopefully u can make ot work. When u get your equiptment it will be interesting to see if u get what u want.


New member
I hate to burst your bubble, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Get the proper equpment if you're wanting to do it right. There are a lot of guys out there like you that think they know everything before they even get started and end up blowing themselves up. You need to do more research. Read through the forums and SPR website. Open blasting is pretty dangerous, not recommended


Active member
Practice makes perfect. It is going to take a minute for you to get things down consistently and even then there will be variance based on material.

You can get a cheap vacuum chamber and pump for ~$250-300. I'd get one before trying to trying to take your product to market. There is a reason you find so many threads asking for how long to purge, which bubbles are what, etc.
Ah yes that's my great down fall my great confidence and drive but wanting to go now now now. But my friend will bank roll me to get all the proper gear I need now. So things are looking up and hey were friends if I f up and make yucky shatter i can whip it into butter which also has an interest in so there's my fall back. I have A big open space to blow in so it won't be much of a problem with ignition. I mean I know I'm stepping into this a bit lop sidedly but the potential is there to make money and have fun doing chemistry so I say whats to lose. The money doesn't have to be paid back, as long as i produce something ( which I have made before, as well as a host of other chemicals, DMT, mescaline, DXM etc). I mean in my life right now I'm broke and need a cash flow if I really try maybe something will pop out of it? At worst Im left with some shitty shatter lol.
Yea I think Ill skip the ethanol bath and all that and go with a vacuum purge. Gotta do it right from the start eh? Im a bit a of a borderline psychotic perfectionist so I think I can pull this off maybe not the first time but eventually I can make a quality product. And hell even if my friend doesn't like the shatter (the shatter he gets is balls anyways), I have another network of complete stoner idiots who will gobble this stuff up. It'd just be harder to set up.

Daub Marley

Whats up Sailor bugg! Glad to see fellow engineering students on this forum. I definitely think you have the skills and the drive to beat almost anyone in this game, but IMHO you are underestimating the competition and risk involved.
Here in Cali its a felony and so many people are still doing it that the competition is pretty strong. Quality extracts usually wholesale in dispensaries for roughly $18/g. The problem is procurement of quality trim and the ease of extraction. Most big concentrate makers around here don't know anything about chemistry and grow their own garbage to extract, or have the hook on huge amounts of trim from similar folks. You might be better off risk wise by charging an extraction fee and gong your separate ways after.

Im with Kcar here...Ive Been a master concentrate maker for years....

Making shatter is all about your purging technique and material used. Even then, there are other variables that make it shatter or NOT shatter...
I respectfully disagree as I believe winterization and proper purging will produce shatter everytime regardless of the trim. Winterization is the key to consistent shatter.

Its not a given, and it looks like you dont have the right equipment yet.....
I agree. Its certainly going to be hard to compete without the proper equipment, especially vacuum oven.


New member
One more thing you might want to consider, You state that your potential business partner is a "master manipulator". If I were you I'd think twice about letting a master manipulator loan you money to start this kind of business
He's been my friend since the 9th grade and I've worked for hims and he is one of the only people he wouldn't take advantage of. I'm just really perceptive of peoples qualities and that's what I see, call him a vicious business man i guess. Yea he's funding me to get all the proper gear now so now it just comes down to skill. Not that I have done it more than a few times but with my schooling knowledge it really is an asset. As for the legality issues I've been on the fringes of society for a long time so this is nothing new. Besides if anything goes down my friend has lawyers up the wazzoo to shield me. The thing really is he can't reliably get shatter and stuff thats decent quality so I told him I bet if you give me a chance I can do better and having the relationship we do he accepted. I mean I've read almost every tech about shatter on google till my eyes bleed, but until I get some more skill thats where it counts. But my fiend isn't the kind to get really mad at me he'd just tell me to plug away, he feels if there's an all mighty dollar it's worth it.

Daub Marley

As for the legality issues I've been on the fringes of society for a long time so this is nothing new. Besides if anything goes down my friend has lawyers up the wazzoo to shield me.
I'm confused. Do you have a record? Did you finish school? Why are you on the fringes of society and why aren't you trying to change that? You should be getting paid $40-50/hr at a job with your education. Why risk it all for a risky business with no scalable potential that would likely never pay you the same amount per year?
If your friend has so many lawyers then actively discuss ways to reduce your risk. Don't expect that when shit goes down that they can do much, use them to prevent needless risk. That's proper shielding!


This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the thc-o-acetate process. I'll go look it up some, it's just the first I've heard of it.

Liking this thread. :)
I'm confused. Do you have a record? Did you finish school? Why are you on the fringes of society and why aren't you trying to change that? You should be getting paid $40-50/hr at a job with your education. Why risk it all for a risky business with no scalable potential that would likely never pay you the same amount per year?
If your friend has so many lawyers then actively discuss ways to reduce your risk. Don't expect that when shit goes down that they can do much, use them to prevent needless risk. That's proper shielding!

It's very complex, needless to say I'm not gonna explain it on a public forum lol. Lets just say for every well intentioned decision I've made, I've made a lot of bad ones. Plus with my personal history and what not it just complicates things (no criminal record tho lol). But I've been through a lot tho, more than a lot of people.

Hash Man

Lol. Im out of this discussion. The only way u will learn is by doing it. Not speculating... If u know so much then why are u asking questions? I cant take you seriosly anymore because i can spot the wide eyed naivity from afar. I think we all have a friend who can move everything. What happens if/when that option is gone? Just do it and stop talking about how awesome u are :)
Hash man
This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the thc-o-acetate process. I'll go look it up some, it's just the first I've heard of it.

Liking this thread. :)

if you want the complete process better than i can describe, skunk pharms your best bet. But a quick run down, I dissolved BHO in naphtha and added it to a pyrex dish with water in it anded drop wise HCL, then I added Glacial acetic acid (the site says to use acetic anhydride but I found a few sources saying glacial acetic acid would do) let double boil for an hour at 80C and then skimmed the naphtha layer off the water. Let it evap and was left with a very tar like substance that was super potent, one pin head amount and you were blasted off your ass and it was quite psychedelic. I believe it was used as a incapacitating agent in the fleet word arsenal project.


if you want the complete process better than i can describe, skunk pharms your best bet. But a quick run down, I dissolved BHO in naphtha and added it to a pyrex dish with water in it anded drop wise HCL, then I added Glacial acetic acid (the site says to use acetic anhydride but I found a few sources saying glacial acetic acid would do) let double boil for an hour at 80C and then skimmed the naphtha layer off the water. Let it evap and was left with a very tar like substance that was super potent, one pin head amount and you were blasted off your ass and it was quite psychedelic. I believe it was used as a incapacitating agent in the fleet word arsenal project.

Crazy stuff man. I just went to read up on that and found out about the use as an incapacitating as well. Read a lot of shit.

Crazy world man.
yea its nuts I can see why they used it as that you can hardly function hatter taking a hit. It was extremely fun to make tho, kind of a challenge, but it had no use to me. Tbh i don't even like smoking weed heh, just the conversion processes to make bhp, budder shatter etc and think of my own teaks and set ups to do it. It's like chem lab but with funner chemicals heh. I gave the acetate to my ex gf and god knows where it went lol.
Lol. Im out of this discussion. The only way u will learn is by doing it. Not speculating... If u know so much then why are u asking questions? I cant take you seriosly anymore because i can spot the wide eyed naivity from afar. I think we all have a friend who can move everything. What happens if/when that option is gone? Just do it and stop talking about how awesome u are :)
Hash man

Originally I just wanted to know if my tek was sound altho what tweaks would be necessary. I didn't mean to make my self out as some sort of Walter White if you got that impression. I'm just curious about this kinda stuff and I'm in need of cash and my friend can use me so why not? And the only reasons I ask questions cuz no matter how much I read there's always more info and to make something I think is worth being proud of I'll continue asking those questions.

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