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making larger amounts of oil


so what is the best way to make oil i have read a thread on acetone and denatured alc but still not sure i have always done small amounts with iso but i am unable to find larger quantiles of it so am wondering about acetone and denatured alc for larger amounts of material what do you recommend

#1 - Acetone

#2 - Denatured Alc

#3 - 91% ISO


to get the best quality make BHO. its easy and you can make the tubes as big as you want. just make sure you do it outside.

Alcohol and acetone are also very easy but the alcohol or acetone will break down chlorophyl and plant waxes that butane will not. which means that your hash will come out dark green/black and smell like fan leaves, but alcohol and acetone will give you a bigger yield.

the best thing for you to do is make small batches using different methods until you get one dialed in and like the product/yield that your getting.



Definitely one of the most helpful threads, i find myself checking back often

If i'm making mass quantity and quality is 2nd priority, I would say acetone works quite nicely and purges easily

otherwise you can do something like this




thanks shred420 i already read that as well as the denature oil thread
thanks mrblue i will try small batch of both aceatone and denature see what i like best i guess

nice dope roor

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
thanks shred420 i already read that as well as the denature oil thread
thanks mrblue i will try small batch of both aceatone and denature see what i like best i guess

nice dope roor

What are you planning to use the oil for? I would use that to select my method, rather than cost.

Skunk pharm processes harvest donations in quantity, using different techniques, depending on end use.

The absolute cheapest that we've found at current prices, is denatured alcohol at about $10/gallon. Even subsequently redissolving the extracted concentrate in 190 proof ethanol and refining to an absolute, it is still cheapest.

We typically use denatured to extract topicals from fan leaves and stems.

Iso is next cheapest price wise, followed by QWET, butane, and reagent grade hexane.

The last three noted, are how we extract 99% of our oral and vaporizing meds, regardless of volume.

At this point, alcohol is the easest for us to recover and recycle, though we are working on butane and hexane. Recycle can significantly influence cost.

Are you in a position to throw together some distillation equipment to lower operating costs, or are you looking for something quick and dirty?


the oil would be used for personal smoking and to give to friends . i was thinking on a quick wash for honey oil and then a soak to get everything else. if i use denatured do i have to (redissolving the extracted concentrate in 190 proof ethanol and refining to an absolute) and right now i am just looking for something quick and dirty the cheapest most effective way that i can but would like to get distillation equipment later on


to get the best quality make BHO. its easy and you can make the tubes as big as you want. just make sure you do it outside.

Alcohol and acetone are also very easy but the alcohol or acetone will break down chlorophyl and plant waxes that butane will not. which means that your hash will come out dark green/black and smell like fan leaves, but alcohol and acetone will give you a bigger yield.

I have never made oil, So I have no idea if this would work or not.
Why could you not use acetone to extract the oil, chlorophyl and waxes then take that substance and run it through butan to remove the oil from the chlorophyl and waxes.


I have never made oil, So I have no idea if this would work or not.
Why could you not use acetone to extract the oil, chlorophyl and waxes then take that substance and run it through butan to remove the oil from the chlorophyl and waxes.

You could try, but i dont know how it would work. acetone oil usually has a consistency like black tar and it may be difficult to pack it into tubes. i also dont know how well the butane would dissolve the acetone oil or how well the coffee filters (or whatever filter your using) would filter out the liquified waxes and chlorophyl.

I have a 20 gallon bubble bag set which i have used to make hash that i have then blown through tubes. it worked great but it wasn't very economical. i started with 250 grams of sugar trim. i wound up getting 4 grams of some of the best hash oil i have ever had.

I recently bought the pollinator by Ape and i have been making a shit ton of kief. then blowing the kief through tubes. the end product comes out real nice and the yield is pretty good to.

heres a picture of the pollinator.:dance013:

good method for large batches of oil

good method for large batches of oil

thought I would post the tech I have used with very good results. Found it on the internet on many sites. so you will have to read a copy and paste, sorry. We used 6oz dried bud trim in a 6000ml flask.on a fisher hot plate stirrer, and a 400mm condenser. Very fun to do, takes some time, and a little money, but if you use all good bud, oh-my-god! You can get good oil with butane but you dont convert any of the thc, from my understanding. So if you are looking to do a big batch, have time and some money this is really cool. We used all good bud trim, 6oz. Very good oil! If you have any questions Ill do my best to help out. like there are some subs for toluele, like xylene that can be bought at lowes, or naphtha that is sold everywhere.
google, hash oil isomarization, another good and much easier method is to use hexane, will not remove any waxes, chlorophil ect, I could give it a try one of these day soon and will let you know how it turned out.

I have no idea why they call this the "fast and easy"
Fast and Easy Hashoil Production
Need to Print the Fast and Easy Instructions?
by The Watcher
Hello friends. I am going to try and relate to you, the real method of producing hash oil from the leaves of the cannabis plant.
Note: that if you are using flower of the female plant you will find an end product with at least 5 times the strength of the oil produced using the leaf of the plant. The reason for this is:
The leaf contains a low percent of the active compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).Which upon extraction from the plant will be mixed with a larger percent of the compound cannabidol (which the cannabis plant converts into the more active isomer tetrahydracannabinol by means of natural acids within the plant itself). So, by the process of isomerazation (which I will give instructions for in a bit), we will help nature along by converting the cannabidol into THC.
Now when you do an extract from the flower of the female plant you get a larger percent of THC than you do cannabidol. Now the THC being good to begin with you also get a bonus. The THC that is present will be converted to delta-9-THC during izmerazation which has a more pronounced psychedelic effect than the regular isomer of THC. (you also get some ungodly head rushes.)
So in conclusion, upon extraction and izmerazation from the leaves / shake / sun-leaves of the cannabis plant you have a large percent of THC which you converted from the cannabidol and a small percent of the delta-9-THC isomer which was converted from the already existent THC that naturally occur in the leaves of the cannabis plant. Now since there is a high concentration of THC in the flowers of the female plant and a noticeably smaller amount of cannabidol, upon extraction and izmerazation of the flowers you get a low percentage of THC and a much higher percent of the delta-9-THC conversion. This leaves you with a more psychedelic product when all is said and done. A bit of technical information taken from the solvent FAQ on:
found in marijuana, the psychoactive stuff
prop: bp 200 C @ 0.02mm Hg (other cannabinoids may have bp's lower than 185 C)
sol: polar solvents, acetone, alcohol’s, etc.
note: this is an oily substance, not water soluble
Well it is time to get on with the extraction of tetrahydrocannabinol and the conversion processes.....
SULFURIC ACID (Concentrate 96 to 98 %(you can use a weaker acid but the delta-9 conversion is greater with the stronger sulphuric acid)).

NOTE: The most easy to find solvent for the extraction of the THC from the plant matter, is denatured alcohol which is ethyl alcohol that has been made Poisson with methanol (sunny side is a good brand of denatured alcohol). Methanol can cause blindness and death ! So don’t drink this stuff, and make sure when you separate the layers as described later on in this process, you don’t get any of the alcohol solvent layer in with the toluene layer.
Well, now that we have gathered all these solvents and glass ware, we will have some of the best hash oil in about 8 hours that you will ever find. So on to the process of extracting and izmerizing the cannabis essence.


You must dry your plant matter to a state where it will crumble into a fine powder.
TIP use your microwave oven, heat the plant matter for 1 to 2 min at a time then let cool, do this till it is completely dry. To crumble the plant matter, place it in a 1 gallon plastic zip-lock bag and proceed to crush it with your hands. This works very well.
Place the powdered plant matter into your 500 Ml flat-bottomed flask.

Add enough denatured alcohol solvent to completely cover the plant matter, so that it floats freely in the solvent.
Connect your condenser to the flask. (Connecting the condenser to a water source).
Now, slowly heat the solvent / plant matter to reflux. Let this reflux for about two hours.
Turn the heat off your reflux equipment, let every thing cool down to room temperature.
Remove the condenser from the flask.
Now add your sulfuric acid to the solvent / plant matter solution, use one drop sulfuric acid per 50 ML solvent used.
Replace your condenser to your flask and heat to reflux once more, leave it at reflux for 4 more hours.
Note: this is where all the magic takes place.
STEP #10
turn off heat, let every thing cool to room temperature.
Note: The alcohol will have a dark black color at this point, it will seem to be almost thick.
STEP #11
Neutralize the alcohol with sodium bicarbonate.(baking soda)
Tip: When it stops fizzing you will have a neutral or slightly basic solution.
STEP #12
Filter the solvent from the plant matter with the use of your funnel and filter paper.
Note: If you are going to be doing a lot of oil production you should get a filter flask, aspirator and a buchner funnel. See the watchers chemistry works for information on filtering.
STEP #13
Add as much water as you have alcohol/THC extract.
Note: Toluene mixes with alcohol in all parts so you will not be able to separate the alcohol/toluene layers if you don’t add this water.
STEP #14
Add about 1/3 as much toluene as you have alcohol/water to your flask.
STEP #15
Mix all this well for about 30 seconds.
Note 1: As the THC dose not want to stay in the alcohol/water layer it will move with ease into the toluene layer.
STEP #16
Now use your separatory funnel to sperate the two layers. (see the watchers chemistry works for information on this procedure.)
Note: The toluene/THC layer will be on top. Also the bottom layer should be a light green color.
Important: If the bottom layer still has a black color you should do steps #14 to # 16 one more time, but once is usually enough.
STEP #17
Evaporate the toluene/THC layer till you can no longer smell any trace of toluene.
Note: when the toluene has evaporated you will have left in the bottom of your glass baking dish a black oil with a slight spice smell.
Well people, there you have it the over night process for the extraction/manufacture of some of the finest hash oil anywhere.

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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
the oil would be used for personal smoking and to give to friends . i was thinking on a quick wash for honey oil and then a soak to get everything else. if i use denatured do i have to (redissolving the extracted concentrate in 190 proof ethanol and refining to an absolute) and right now i am just looking for something quick and dirty the cheapest most effective way that i can but would like to get distillation equipment later on

Quick wash is probably your best bet for smoking oil.

You don't have to make an absolute out of it. We just do to drop out some of the extra stuff.


well normally when i have made it in the past i use 99% iso and quick wash it for the honey. then i usually soak it for 12 or 24 hours to get anything left. it is not the best oil at this point, but still does the job fine. so you dont recommend the soak, is that because i will be using denatured or just a quality thing. with out making it to an absolute what will be left behind, will it make it more unhealthy.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
to get the best quality make BHO. its easy and you can make the tubes as big as you want. just make sure you do it outside.


Either bho or co2. I prefer co2. Cheaper, cleaner, easier. Just be careful, in CA producing any concentrates besides bubble or sift carries same charges as manufacturing meth or crack....


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
well normally when i have made it in the past i use 99% iso and quick wash it for the honey. then i usually soak it for 12 or 24 hours to get anything left. it is not the best oil at this point, but still does the job fine. so you dont recommend the soak, is that because i will be using denatured or just a quality thing. with out making it to an absolute what will be left behind, will it make it more unhealthy.


Don't know that smoking the water soloubles creates any health problems beyond a raspy throat but they definitely detract from the taste and add to the harshness.


thanks for the tip BiG H3rB Tr3E, i believe the law would be that ridiculous

thanks for the help gray wolf much appreciated :tiphat:
looks like i might have to used this bio flame ethanol sold at canadian tire if i can find it it is denatured just hope i can find it in the stores i have read alot of stuff around the net that denatured is hard to find ever body just have methyl hydrate


bho is so quick, easy and the power of the finished product can be north of 70%

i should also add... do it outside!

big herb tree... i followed the link and picked one up immedicate

The X-tractor I
1" x 12" Butane extraction tube. 5/32 allen wrench not included. $50.00 2 $100.00
2 dram oil/pollen bottle
glass w/ lid $1.99 1 $1.99
Extra stainless screen
stainless $1.99 1 $1.99
Subtotal: $103.98
Shipping Charge: +$15.00
Order Total: $118.9


thanks ghostly i am going to try a small amount in bho for sure but looking for a more efficient way and always do anything of the sort outside:yes: for course and no :smoke: either or :smoky:lmao just kidding it is not a joking matter


just don't molest my colas..
seriously just get an XL okief extrator. it will fit 150g of groud up material. you can easily make 15-20g of oil per run out of that tube. i don't know how much faster or easier it can be, it's possible to make multiple oz of high quality oil in a day with the XL okief tube.

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