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Making iso hash - what iso do you use??


Hi.I wounder if i can ask a thing in this subject. The procedure written by dinix, is it really neccessry to heat the solution?
Doesnt it evaporize itself if left in a dark place?
Anyone used acetone?


Active member
heating it just removes the iso quicker, you can let it evaporate by itself over time. it was a harsh way to make hash i think.

tho you seemed to get a fair amount but the smoke was not that great.


Well, I don't have much smoke, and for the amount you have to use it is impressive for me (less than the size of a match head). I'd be a shame to have to throw it out. It's good stuff, just tastes funny. Do you think there is any danger in smoking the fragrance? Maybe vaporizing it would work better? Or make it into edibles?? I don't want to have to throw it out that's all...

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