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Making edibles without the ganja taste...


Am I missing something here? Every time I make edibles, they taste strongly like the weed that they were produced from. I've even tried using keif, but the taste is still overpowering my edibles. They work just fine, I just find that the taste of weed doesn't go well with brownies/cookies.

Is there any way to make an extract that maintains the high while stripping taste/smell?


If you find a way let me know. I agree & I do not care for the taste, personally .


Overkill is under-rated.
Use your trim or buds to make QWISO first, then dissolve that into oils, fats or alcohol. Mix into the food and voila`, next to no weed taste and tons easier than washing budder over and over. Check out the hash forum for instructions, it's much stronger than bubble hash, much purer, and has only a hint of hash flavor in edibles. I use 3-4 grams of QWISO oil per batch of edibles (like brownies etc) and they are extremely strong! I try to work the does out to 100mg per dose, whatever form your food takes.


i use a tumbler and then cook with kief. your success will come if you separate the trich's from the plant matter prior to cooking.


I bought some gourmet edible muffins and cookies that where made with Canna Butter they had the equivalent of 2.8 grams of buds in them. You could not taste the herb in them at all and they got me so HIGH I should of only eaten a 1/4 at a time.
I was TO high. LOL


Active member
I use 3-4 grams of QWISO oil per batch of edibles (like brownies etc) and they are extremely strong! I try to work the does out to 100mg per dose, whatever form your food takes.

So do you just make like single bite size doses? Or do you make a hell of a big batch of brownies or cookies or whatever lol. That would be 30-40 doses in a batch if you use 3-4grams.

Also if you use 1 gram of top shelf nug, can you expect .1g of qwiso? or what is the rough ratio


Overkill is under-rated.
The return rate on bud is about 12-15% weight in oil, yeah a single bite is a dose (we like making the little bite size mini muffins) and we get about 40 mini muffins per batch. Good luck! You won't be disappointed in the results.


Active member
great tips guys, thanks for sharing. I've always had a hard time with the hay taste from baked goods also. They dont really give me any effect, in my previous experiences with them so far.


I've used tumbled keif, quiso, bubble, fresh bud boiled in water, and trim to make butter, but it's always green, gnarly, and skunky; just like my bud.

I haven't tried a tripple wash. That's next on my list.

So.... 99% of edibles taste like pot? All of the edibles that dispensaries sell also taste like pot? I'm in the east, so I have no idea of the scene in cali. How about things like soda and lolipops? Do they taste skunky too? Breath spray?


New member
Water cure your buds first. It is very simple but since most people have an aversion to using a water cure on their smoking material they assume the technique is useless. Its proper appilcation is to remove the GREEN flavour from your edibles!


wash the butter at least once in a double boiler, two to three times if the first wash isn't enough. I've made edible cookies that you can't taste the herb at all, it gives the cookies a slightly different taste but I've given them to people and they couldn't tell there was cannabutter in them. They were really potent too, I eat the edibles that say they are four doses in one and my cookies are very comparable in effect but without the green taste.


I've found a gram of hash/keif to one serving does me fine. I don't know how people would even feel a tenth of that... really? .1g per serving?


Overkill is under-rated.
I've found a gram of hash/keif to one serving does me fine. I don't know how people would even feel a tenth of that... really? .1g per serving?

Kief and hash are about 63% crap by weight compared to oil, so it takes about 1/3 the amount of honey oil to get the same effect. Ive extracted oil from hash and kief and the stats hold true.

Rickys bong

BHO works the best for me. Virtually No smell when cooking, and virtually no taste. a tiny bit of cinnamon or vanilla covers up any hint of weed taste or smell.

20mg per serving seems to be a good ratio from what myself and friends have been using.
Yes, 20 milligrams. too much and yer wasted for several days.

Dissolves in butter beautifully.

I don't know why hash oil isn't used more for cooking in general, no need to modify recipies and no ass-like flavor like when ground up plant matter is used.

ISO oil works too, but the higher levels of impurities start to skew the taste.


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