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what is a good soil for cheap ppl.


Well-known member
what is a good soil for cheap ppl.

I need new better soil that is good and cheap.
like around 9.00$/14.00$.

the soil I been using seems to be too hot for me plants.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If cheap is the criteria, I'd give the soil I have a thorough soak and drain before use.


Active member
I'd use Fox Farms Happy Frog if you think Ocean Forrest is also too hot. It is about $11.00. If you want cheaper yet look at Kellogg's soils like Patio Plus for under $6.00.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Soilmix is one area that is always worth spending the few extra pennies to get what ever works best with your watering style. A mix that is too hot should be preleached as FB suggests, or simply 'watered down' with sand, gravel, kitty litter and perlite or whatever you have on hand that increases drainage without adding more nutritive organic matter. Also, dolomite lime or oyster shells can buffer against PH swings to the degree that you can use more nutritive organics without burning your plants.


what is a good soil for cheap ppl.

I need new better soil that is good and cheap.
like around 9.00$/14.00$.

the soil I been using seems to be too hot for me plants.


soil can be cheap and be good, price isn't always the determining factor of quality, I have bought lots of stuff that was expensive that turned out to be shit. here is a recipe i have used and its quite cheap to produce.
1 bale 3.8cu. ft sunshine basic #2
8 cups bone meal phosphorus source
4 cup blood meal nitrogen source
1 1\3 cup epsom salt magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime calcium source and ph buffer
4 cups kelp meal
1 cup green sand
25lb pure worm castings
Mix throughly moisten and let sit 2-3 weeks before use.
just go get some miracle grow peat based soil, i have a friend running it and the plants are taking off quick, local shop told him he cant keep it on the shelves. im very impressed with its drainablity n ph, soil is soil, if u aint running hundo organic u aint even running dirt, its just a medium to hold your chem salts, most store bought soils will rock if u know what your doing with them.


u get what you pay for, i usually use happy frog but i got a few bags of ace for free once for my outdoor plot and the ace soil plants were just crap. they were super light green/ and yellowing and stunted.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
if you're in the states
i would go with black gold coco blend or supersoil
both cheap
both good
watch out for soil borne pests.


soil can be cheap and be good, price isn't always the determining factor of quality, I have bought lots of stuff that was expensive that turned out to be shit. here is a recipe i have used and its quite cheap to produce.
1 bale 3.8cu. ft sunshine basic #2
8 cups bone meal phosphorus source
4 cup blood meal nitrogen source
1 1\3 cup epsom salt magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime calcium source and ph buffer
4 cups kelp meal
1 cup green sand
25lb pure worm castings
Mix throughly moisten and let sit 2-3 weeks before use.

this was a simple recipe given to me by a friend thought I would give credit where credit is due. I have used subcools super soil but have found that some of the amendments could be cut down bone\blood meal
if u want cheap clean n easy just use coco, ill never use soil again, no mess, no mixing, no guess work, soil growing is actually harder-u seem like u want cheap that why i brought it up.


I have used Miracle-gro potting soil many times in a pinch and always got dank ass plants
it works great and isnt expensive also buy some perlite it has some but IMO needs more but any potting soil will work in a pinch very good luck and keep it dank...............ST

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
smallfry707, can't agree with you on the get what you pay for, because Mr. Greengenes has a saying; "You don't get what you pay for. You get what you know. And, the more you know, the more you get". Always choose skill and knowledge over tech and money, you'll go further.


Basic Peat Moss & Pearlite works great by itself. You can always add worm castings etc. to your mix if you wish.


Well-known member
if u want cheap clean n easy just use coco, ill never use soil again, no mess, no mixing, no guess work, soil growing is actually harder-u seem like u want cheap that why i brought it up.

I alreaty am useing coco and its working ok.
but I have had good luck with soil in the past. and wanted to try it agen because U don't have to water it as often as with coco.
i hear the water issue, if u dont over feed u wont need to flush everytime u water, i flush really well at the onset of flowering and later into it. but my point is a decent size root boundish plant in coco or dirt takes the same water, just that the soil one grows slower.