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Makeshift Greenhouse Problems


Active member
Hi AL,

Flipping must wait until my other lamps and sockets arrive... a week or two... then I need to get the buckets squeezed into the insulated chamber with heated blankets under and around them. I'll need to buy another remote line-level thermostat to nestle in the electric blankets to avoid extreme temperature fluctuations at the roots. I'll have no funds for the electric blankets or second thermostat for at least two weeks. By then I'll have topped all the plants that FIMing failed with.

As it is now, I'll have to transplant three plants into each of five 5-gallon buckets (total 15 plants) because that's all that will fit in that tiny enclosure.


Active member
that'll do fine B.T., a longer veg will only increase your yield, a third transplant is also not a problem, you're getting there, goodluck.


Active member
AL, at this time I can only transplant the one time, three to a bucket. I'll change things this spring. I might even move the next grow inside. Until then, the plants will have to endure my ignorance, lousy planning and lack of funds to make improvements.

BB, I'll wait a week after transplanting before flipping to flower.

These little buggers are finally taking off. They're growing at least 6mm per day right now. I'll have to raise the lights within a day or two.

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Active member
Something I can't remember if I mentioned: At first, I was adjusting water PH BEFORE adding nutrients and not testing after that. I'm sure the PH was always too low. Since I changed the procedure to adjusting PH AFTER adding nutrients the plants are doing much better. In fact, since changing this procedure, I haven't needed to adjust PH at all after adding nutrients.


Active member
Something I can't remember if I mentioned: At first, I was adjusting water PH BEFORE adding nutrients and not testing after that. I'm sure the PH was always too low. Since I changed the procedure to adjusting PH AFTER adding nutrients the plants are doing much better. In fact, since changing this procedure, I haven't needed to adjust PH at all after adding nutrients.

Indeed, that is definitely the way to mix the nutrients.
One issue at a time nice.


Active member
I forget which page of this thread lists what you have growing, but are they all Female? Transplanting 3 to a pot, it would suck if 2/3 were male.

Thank you. They're all fem or auto. I'm watching for sex. Any males or hermies I'll toss.

Indeed, that is definitely the way to mix the nutrients.
One issue at a time nice.

I'm accustomed to changing several variables at a time. I once did computer graphics for Distance Learning for the AMEDDC&S (US Army) and learned early to catch mistakes by my 'superiors'. As a low-level graphics guy, my opinions were often shoved aside. However the errors I found were far beyond silly and grossly illogical. I had to logically think moment-by-moment to avoid wasting precious time for dozens of people and at the cost of many thousands who would eventually 'learn' from our efforts... rightly or wrongly. Lives were at stake with what we did or didn't do. Egos seemed to be more important than getting things right. My objections were nearly always resented but soon accepted. I can usually juggle many variables though it might take some time to 'catch on' to the basics of the subject at hand. I've never been a gardener and have always had a 'brown thumb'. But with others' help here, I will succeed. As NASA Apollo 13 Flight Director Gene Kranz said, "Failure is NOT an option!!"
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Active member
if its all ye got B.T., put one in each corner, be prepared to tie/pull them away from each other,LST, when they settle in and start flowering they're gonna stretch, keep them apart,its fun tying em down, goodluck.


Doing good dude. Ladies look nice to me. Keep positive.

I agree with al70 .... I love me some training.


Happy ho ho all :eggnog:


Active member
I'll transplant them within the next few days. If they do grow large then this little makeshift insulated box will be extremely crowded. I'll do my best at LST a week after transplanting.

I didn't water yesterday because the humidity was very high and the ambient temperature was in the mid 60's F. The plants all looked good last night but today one was very droopy. I watered today. Hopefully, the sick girl will perk up by tonight and I'll give her a little extra.

EDIT: The sad girl perked up just fine. So I cut the top node off. I hope I didn't hurt her. My hands aren't as steady as they should be these days and I think I scraped a bit of skin off the branches of the node underneath.
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Active member
Yea, but juggling multiple variables in botany is not the same thing.

Especially when you have the very most rudimentary growing skills.

You had years of experience in your job..


Active member
That's true but the plants are doing better now even with my haphazard methodology.

I've been studying LST and it looks easy enough that I doubt I'll mess that up. What concerns me more is the transplant followed by the flip... and of course having enough room in the insulated box to put them. I might have to build a second box.


Active member
That's true but the plants are doing better now even with my haphazard methodology.

I've been studying LST and it looks easy enough that I doubt I'll mess that up. What concerns me more is the transplant followed by the flip... and of course having enough room in the insulated box to put them. I might have to build a second box.

Eventually, you need to just leave them alone. Don't keep bending them throughout flower. Get all the work done in veg.


That's true but the plants are doing better now even with my haphazard methodology.

I've been studying LST and it looks easy enough that I doubt I'll mess that up. What concerns me more is the transplant followed by the flip... and of course having enough room in the insulated box to put them. I might have to build a second box.

If you have doubt, build it and be ahead of the game if in fact you do need it. Transplant after the flip.... A week or two of veg before flipping to bloom after transplanting.


Active member
^^^ Thank you. Transplant after the flip? I could swear I've read to do the opposite. I'll research it further.

EDIT: Oh wait... I see your last sentence does suggest flipping after transplantation.
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Active member
I moved the plants into the sunshine (mostly cloudy) so I could move the lights up 3 inches (75mm). The tallest plants were less than an inch (15-25mm) from the lights. I noticed a few were already drooping below the top few leaves so I watered them again after watering them less than 24 hours earlier. I'm thinking they are indeed becoming root-bound. So I need to transplant as soon as possible. They'll enjoy nice bright sunshine all day before I move them back into their protective cocoon tonight.

I missed watering one plant so, rather than mix a tiny batch of nutrient water, I used plane bottled water. I thought it would be okay just this one time but... I forgot to PH the water. Hopefully, that girl will forgive me this time. I goofed with her not once but twice this time... poor thing. I'm so damn forgetful these days.


Active member
^^^ Thank you. Transplant after the flip? I could swear I've read to do the opposite. I'll research it further.

EDIT: Oh wait... I see your last sentence does suggest flipping after transplantation.

Yeah, you are correct. Most people will only transplant BEFORE the flip. You don't want that stress for the plant when they are also getting a new light schedule and a new feed schedule.

I know how slow it's going to seem in flower. It's painful already, and you have another 9-10 weeks to go! I feel your pain, and I'm at week 6ish.