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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis



The Japan disaster is ongoing and many of us still do not know the repercussions of the disaster and won't know them for years to come.

Secondly, I whole heartedly agree that devices like HAARP are purposely, maliciously altering weather patterns for desired effects. I mean, Japan WAS threatened with an "earthquake machine" if their country wasn't handed over to the New World Order (IE, the globalists, oligarchs, elitists, etc.)


The Levee issue taking place in the south US I think is HAARP initiated, we are getting POUNDED with rain it hasn't stopped raining for WEEKS and those clouds in that picture looked EXACTLY like the clouds over PA a few days ago....we have almost super storms coming at us full force with no notice, unlike anything in history.

Washington DC needs eliminated.


The Fed
Trilateral Commission
Council on Foreign Relations
HAARP (bomb it and it's sister facilities)

and we need to convert every country from nuclear power to green energy (IE wind power, wave power, solar power, etc.)

I've even heard reports that there is technology that can create solar panels that produce 10 times the amount of power in half the time but has been seized and won't be released due to profiteering and because of the globalists stranglehold on the energy industry and their hate towards the citizens of the world - free energy? Please. They can make money on us, so they will do EVERYTHING in their power to keep that money coming in and that INCLUDES taking over governments, restricting rights and murdering people.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Whatever the case is. I think it's pretty clear that TEPCO has not nor will probably in the future disclose what the true circumstances are until their hand is forced. They, like BP, are only worried about investors and maintaining corporate profits.

This is still most likely to be a localized, maybe regional, problem. The fact that this is the world's third largest economy and that's a pretty big uninhabitable blue blob of poo on the Japanese map in the video is cause for concern. There are going to be long lasting repercussions for the disaster. Many of which aren't known.


Tropical Outcast
I don't wish anything bad on anyone & neither the Japanese.

However I hope those recent events fucked up their Whaling industry for good.


Game Bred

fucking humans!!
gotta come up with some shit to lend order to chaos.
that is how god was invented.


Game Bred
Humans think they are God.

WE ARE!!!!

the closest thing there is to true divinity is the imperfect narcissistic self aware human being.

we chose to ignore our own divinity. imparting it to our imaginary friends(god,karma,shiva,cannabis,currency ect ect ect...)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Humans are subject to natural laws that we did not write and cannot enforce.

We're watching proof of that fact in this very thread.

Don't get me started on arrogant atheists... :D


Whatever the case is. I think it's pretty clear that TEPCO has not nor will probably in the future disclose what the true circumstances are until their hand is forced. They, like BP, are only worried about investors and maintaining corporate profits.
Well if their disclosure on reactor 1 is any indication of what happened they very well may have 4 blobs of poo to contend with. Not only the reactors but I'm wondering what they're going to be dealing with regarding the cooling ponds. Saw one guy on TV that said one pond he was aware of had between 8 and 16 cores worth of fuel...and that's just one of the ponds. A friend said that site is one of the largest disposal areas in the world for used fuel.

I have no idea about the HAARP thing and really doesn't matter in some way if the situation was influenced. Bottom line is they have a serious mess. Some of the cloud formations in Japan at that time I saw in vids associated with Krunch's link were kind of freaky though.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
George Washington’s Blog
Saturday, May 14, 2011

It is newsworthy that the operator of Japan’s stricken nuclear plants is finally admitting that Fukushima reactor number 1 has melted down.

But nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that the containment vessels for reactors 1, 2 and 3 are all leaking.

However, Gundersen points out, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission assumes that containment vessels cannot leak and there is a “zero probability of containment leakage”. U.S.. nuclear laws are based around that obviously false assumption.

As I’ve previously demonstrated, the NRC is wholly captured by the nuclear industry.

Similarly, Reuters points out :

“TEPCO seems to be going backwards in getting the situation under control and things may well be slowly eroding with all the units having problems,” said Tom Clements with Friends of the Earth, a U.S.-based environmental group.

“At this point, TEPCO still finds itself in unchartered waters and is not able to carry out any plan to get the situation under control,” he said.

As I discussed yesterday, Tepco has grossly mismanaged its response to the nuclear accident. The whole “douse the reactors” approach has failed miserably.

Indeed, as the Guardian notes, flooding the reactors could cause new explosions:

Greenpeace has urged Tepco to abandon plans to flood the container with water, given the likelihood that melted fuel has damaged it. Shaun Burnie, nuclear adviser to Greenpeace Germany, said: “Flooding a reactor that has fuel [that has fallen] through the pressure vessel is not a good idea.”

Outlining a worst-case scenario, Burnie said very large amounts of cold water hitting the melted fuel could cause an explosion, trigger substantial damage to the reactor and create a “high risk of atmospheric release running for days, if not weeks.” He added: “I think [the flooding option] will now be scrapped.”

“It seems to be poorly thought through,” he said, adding that the firm had not demonstrated that the strategy could work.

There are various proposals for solving the Japanese nuclear crisis. As physicist Michio Kaku said only days after the accident:

What they are doing is basically using squirt guns against a raging forest fire.

Do what Gorbachev did, call out the Japanese air force, get the army to bring a fleet of helicopters armed with sand, boric acid and concrete, entomb it, bury it in concrete.

As Reuters reports:

U.S. nuclear experts said that the company may have to build a concrete wall around the unit because of the breach, and that this could now take years.

“If it is assumed the fuel did melt through the reactor, then the most likely solution is to encapsulate the entire unit. This may include constructing a concrete wall around the unit and building a protective cover over it,” W. Gene Corley, senior vice president of CTL Group in Skokie, Illinois, said on Thursday.

“Because of the high radiation that would be present if this has happened, the construction will take many months and may stretch into years,” Corley said.

But since Fukushima is right on the Pacific Ocean, burying it in concrete would not necessarily stop leakage into the ocean.

As Reuters reports, Gundersen might have a better – although technically difficult – approach:

TEPCO should consider digging a trench around reactors 1-3 all the way down to the bedrock, which is about 50 feet below the surface, said Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Associates Inc of Burlington, Vermont, who once worked on reactors of similar design to the Fukushima plant.

He said this should be filled with zeolite, which can absorb radioactive cesium to stop more poisons from leaking into the groundwater around the plant.



Japan's crisis will soon be overshadowed by the impending quake that is going to hit the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

NLE 2011

They are preparing.

What did they do right before 9/11? Held an exercise simulating planes flying into the towers. What happened on 9/11? Exactly.

The shit is about to hit the fan my friends, the west coast should be safe but those of us within the NMSZ need to prepare - store water and food for at least a 30 day supply as resources may be cut off VERY shortly.


Japan's crisis will soon be overshadowed by the impending quake that is going to hit the New Madrid Seismic Zone.


This morning Christchurch was hit by an aftershock of 6.0 and the object whatever you name it is getting closer.:chin:

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


shut the fuck up Donny
Japan's crisis will soon be overshadowed by the impending quake that is going to hit the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

NLE 2011

They are preparing.

What did they do right before 9/11? Held an exercise simulating planes flying into the towers. What happened on 9/11? Exactly.

The shit is about to hit the fan my friends, the west coast should be safe but those of us within the NMSZ need to prepare - store water and food for at least a 30 day supply as resources may be cut off VERY shortly.


Can I use my 30 day food supply that got in prep for the Japan disaster for this next disaster?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
No you will most likely need a 6 month supply if you have no access to fresh food and a safe supply of water.

We are in for a hell of a ride!


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
The only good ending that can possibly come from this is the total shutdown and cleanup of all these dirty and unsafe nuclear reactors.

Germany has shown the way :good:

Just have to get this Planet X thingo out of the way 1st :smoke:


Humans are subject to natural laws that we did not write and cannot enforce.

We're watching proof of that fact in this very thread.

Don't get me started on arrogant atheists... :D

Excuse me? "arrogant atheists"? NOT believing something makes one arrogant?

If you ask me...believing in an all powerful, all knowing, supreme creator of everything...including the laws of physics...and that there are "rules" I HAVE to follow or I'll burn in a fiery hell forever...is the ULTIMATE in ARROGANCE.

Did "we" make a mistake in unleashing the atom? Maybe. But "God" did ALLOW it...did he not? If we ARE chosen, special to him...and if he IS all knowing, all powerful...it will be alright...will it not? Are you afraid that "daddy" is going to let you kill yourself? (God let humanity destroy itself for the slower amongst us) IF God is what YOU think he is...humanity will be fine. He COULD just wave his hand and the whole mess clears itself up...he HAS done such miracles before...why not now? IF he parted the seas...he can clean up plutonium too! Or...maybe...he's done with humanity and this is "The Great Flood v2"? This time...no Ark? After all...where are you going to stay for a few thousand years?

You've been praying to him your whole life...perhaps it's time he earned his keep?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Excuse me? "arrogant atheists"? NOT believing something makes one arrogant?

If you ask me...believing in an all powerful, all knowing, supreme creator of everything...including the laws of physics...and that there are "rules" I HAVE to follow or I'll burn in a fiery hell forever...is the ULTIMATE in ARROGANCE.

Did "we" make a mistake in unleashing the atom? Maybe. But "God" did ALLOW it...did he not? If we ARE chosen, special to him...and if he IS all knowing, all powerful...it will be alright...will it not? Are you afraid that "daddy" is going to let you kill yourself? (God let humanity destroy itself for the slower amongst us) IF God is what YOU think he is...humanity will be fine. He COULD just wave his hand and the whole mess clears itself up...he HAS done such miracles before...why not now? IF he parted the seas...he can clean up plutonium too! Or...maybe...he's done with humanity and this is "The Great Flood v2"? This time...no Ark? After all...where are you going to stay for a few thousand years?

You've been praying to him your whole life...perhaps it's time he earned his keep?

You obviously missed the sarcasm in his post. Your newbieness is showing.