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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis


Active member
Hydro-Soil: Nothing about the missing fuel rods in Humboldt?

Got to get back to my government assignment: Infiltrate ICmag, troll and convince domestic marijuana cultivators to welcome nuclear energy into their back yards.


If you didn't click the link, I'll post the info here:

Uranium is the only naturally occurring radio active material.

When used a fuel, it creates another type of Uranium and Plutonium, which can be used as weapons.

Iran and Korea want nuclear fuel, but the world denies them because they get too many F's on their report card.

Can't trust them with the big guns.

Japan, on the other hand, has let the US of A come over and set up shop.

Fair trade for them up until now. Cheap energy.

They have problems, we send them robots. What don't you understand?


google uranium enrichment ...... get your facts right, if you want to tell us how things are you should have a better understanding of how things really work. if think the closest term to how they get U325 would be distillation.... it is a naturally occurring isotope so like it or not mother nature made this stuff, but she was smart enough to put it in a form that is hard to get to. like a kid that has to have that cookie we stood on a box to get on a shelf that we should have left alone. we won't be getting the genie back in the bottle any time soon. sleep good:tiphat:


Uranium is the only naturally occurring radio active material.

Only 18 radioactive isotopes with atomic numbers of 80 or less can be found in nature. With the exception of 14C, which is continuously synthesized in the atmosphere, all these elements have lifetimes longer than 109 years. Although these isotopes all undergo radioactive decay, they decay so slowly that reasonable quantities are still present, 4.6 billion years after the planet was formed.
Do a little research into Rare Earth Elements also.

Rare earths present a difficult environmental conundrum. They are required for a variety of "green" technologies, including wind turbines and hybrid/electric cars. Production of an electric car is currently not possible without neodymium and dysprosium, which are both important components of the magnets used in the engine. However, the extraction and processing of rare earths has significant environmental risks in its potential for spread of radioactive material and toxic chemicals, and the acidification of watersheds. And so their use assists in relieving one type of environmental strain, climate change, while risking another, in a complicated risk/benefit relationship.

As discussed above, REE's are almost always found in conjunction with radioactivity, meaning that all the waste streams from mining (water, rock, and air pollution) can create a radioactive hazard. One of the major problems leading to the closure of the Mountain Pass mine was a series of radioactive wastewater spills from the mine facility totaling around 600,000 gallons of thorium-laced water. The largest REE mine in the world, near Baotou in China, has significant problems with water and air pollution. Some extraction techniques also involve depositing large amounts of acid directly onto the ore at the mine site. One estimate from China concluded that for each ton of rare earth brought to the surface, 200 square meters of vegetation and 300 square meters of soil were sterilized by acid treatment.

Rare Earth Element Processing:

In addition to the direct impacts of mining such as the footprint of the mine and the problems with radioactivity, the processing of rare earths requires a number of intensive steps, often using toxic chemicals and acids. Separation of different REE's from the complex mixture in ore can require dozens, or even hundreds of steps each with its own waste stream.


Active member
The Prius is Japanese.

And I never claimed to be a nuclear physicist.

I'm just saying you can't tell me to shave my head and stay indoors and expect me to do it without some deeper understanding of what is really going on...

...and most of us have no clue what is going on besides what google tells us.



...and most of us have no clue what is going on besides what google tells us.
Google has tons of info and up to us to sort it out and come to our own conclusions...which means you have to have the ability to think.

February 24, 2005|By Carl T. Hall, Chronicle Science Writer
After a seven-month search, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. said Wednesday that no one is completely sure what happened to three missing fuel rods at the old Humboldt Bay Power Plant near Eureka -- but that there is every reason to believe they were right where they were supposed to be all along.

An interim report to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission detailed "reasonable, but not conclusive, evidence" that deteriorated fragments recovered from the bottom of a used-fuel storage pool at the defunct plant in fact were the remains of the missing fuel rods.
If you wanna get worried about missing nuclear material watch Countdown to Zero and what's happened/happening in the old/new USSR in that regard.

Another weird thing that's happened is there's been old X-Ray equipment that got caught up in the scrap process and turned into new metal somewhere someplace in the US and they've lost track of it.

Shit...rock phosphates can have radioactivity issues. A friend just ordered a high end geiger counter cause he's a bit noided about the Japan thing and we're gonna have fun testing some stuff.


The Prius is Japanese.

And I never claimed to be a nuclear physicist.

I'm just saying you can't tell me to shave my head and stay indoors and expect me to do it without some deeper understanding of what is really going on...

...and most of us have no clue what is going on besides what google tells us.


cause i signed a paper that said i would not ever tell where i hid them.


Active member
That's weird.

My google source says there is only one naturally occurring nuclear fuel and most of its in Australia, yours says there is a bunch all over the place.

My google source says the fuel rods were never discovered in Humboldt, yours says they turned to dust.

I dunno if we should be believing everything this google guy tells us...


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Google CEO given a top govt. job.

Google collecting wi-fi data 'accidently on purpose' including passwords and bank details and storing on hard drives in google street cam cars.

2 good reasons to change to startpage.com :smoke:


That's weird.

My google source says there is only one naturally occurring nuclear fuel and most of its in Australia, yours says there is a bunch all over the place.

My google source says the fuel rods were never discovered in Humboldt, yours says they turned to dust.

I dunno if we should be believing everything this google guy tells us...

:laughing::no dude you are weird,

i said you should google uranium enrichment. the only reason i did that was because you were talking about it but don't understand it. now for some reason part of google is mine because you can't seem to decide what kind of nonsense you wanna throw into the next post. it is all yours man.

taunt me all you want i will never tell you where i hid the fuel rods:tiphat: not even if dick cheney says it is o.k. ..... oh yeah he said you are back on the list


Active member
:laughing::no dude you are weird,

i said you should google uranium enrichment. the only reason i did that was because you were talking about it but don't understand it. now for some reason part of google is mine because you can't seem to decide what kind of nonsense you wanna throw into the next post. it is all yours man.

taunt me all you want i will never tell you where i hid the fuel rods:tiphat: not even if dick cheney says it is o.k. ..... oh yeah he said you are back on the list

actually I came into this thread asking all sorts of questions, and someone responded with the helpful info of using "google" which is really full of shit.

if you want to type something in your computer and believe everything you read, good for you.

there are lies everywhere.

i can understand its easier for you to deal with this issue if its just a big joke.

you want to make this personal and call me wierd?

i shared what i know, you know-nothings just point to google.

keep on paying mr. burns... if there are any accidents you can look forward to a $12 check in the mail


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Google CEO given a top govt. job.

Google collecting wi-fi data 'accidently on purpose' including passwords and bank details and storing on hard drives in google street cam cars.

2 good reasons to change to startpage.com :smoke:

Google CEO gets top job, General Evil (General Electric) CEO gets top job, Daley (JP Morgan) gets top economic job. They call the big O a socialist which is hilarious. :biglaugh:

His cabinet and inner circle is more stacked with corporations than just about anyone from the past. Fascism in all its glory with O as their puppet. Sorry OT. :joint: Fuck fascism.


weed fiend
Google CEO gets top job, General Evil (General Electric) CEO gets top job, Daley (JP Morgan) gets top economic job. They call the big O a socialist which is hilarious. :biglaugh:

His cabinet and inner circle is more stacked with corporations than just about anyone from the past. Fascism in all its glory with O as their puppet. Sorry OT. :joint: Fuck fascism.

I agree. O's about as socialist as compassionate conservatism.

IMO, there's a difference between WW2 fascism and what we have today. In WW2, government ran business. Today, business runs government. At least their campaign contributions do.


Tsunami ravaging Kesennuma port


Planets orbit at that time


Planets orbit tsunami 12/26/2004


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


yep aftershock of 7.4.
It's just a matter of time. I honestly feel that Mother Nature has had enough of man's destroying the earth and is going to seriously start cleaning house.


i understand the position of the comet and the planets are somewhat symmetrical, is there anything else im missing?

Question is always is it the sun or are there other reasons which is causing an earthquake like the positions of the planets to each other or a coming brown dwarf star which could cause more solar flares.

Huge solar flare last April 3th


May 16th could be interesting when you see the positions of the planets and the brown dwarf star,we will see.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis: