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Mail order pot laws


this guy says he sent it to me last thursday and paid for overnight shipping, and no fedex guy has been by, so either the sender who I thought was my friend is ripping me off... or the package got lost or the contents discovered, so now I'm a little worried... thinking about getting rid of some grow related things around my apartment just in case.. could they get a warrant based on discovering a package addressed to you?
If he sent it fedex why doesnt he check the tracking number?
And depending how much was sent to you that's for you to decide if you wanna ditch stuff, although chances are.... they're watching you already.


Active member
Yes I read what you included, first class, priority, express is protected against search and siezure. Never said it wasn't.

Not making an argument at all, just sharing my experience so maybe someone on this site can use it.

State doesn't matter really, it was this decade. Quite sure.

Its not fantasy. If during handling your box is sufficiently damaged by machines, or human error(which does happen a lot)they will remove the contents, place them in a bag so you know you recieved all of your contents, put that bag in a new box with letter letting you know what happened, ship to address. That is procedure.

Now if a lb o good shit happens to fall out or is noticed in any way, dont worry it'll go right back in box, said sticker applied, ship to address. Again, don't worry, you won't be charged for that one. Don't worry about calling your lawyer either cuz that would be the end of any illegal search and siezure since they were just following procedure. That box won't matter anyway since it was just taped up and delivered like it was supposed to be, no harm no foul right? It's the next few boxes they'll be interested in. You know, the ones nobody should worry about.

But again, don't trip, you'll get those also with an extremely legal siezure, yours.

I'm actually in agreement with you 100%. People should'nt worry about it. Do what ya gotta do. I'm simply stressing the importance of( 1.) " Heh. Seriously though pack it well, be creative, and fudge the return addy." and (2) don't take them boys light.

TBH, I was recently let go by the PS for health reasons. Been smokin for a while, noticed it helped symptoms sometimes, figured grow my own. Only a few grows under my belt, but learned damn near everything from IC.(Thanks IC staff, members!!!) No more sometimes with that help for the symptoms cuz good beans beats buying shit off the street anyday.(Thanks Rez, Mr nice, Mosca, Grindhouse, DJ Short, Tom Hill....)I truly, truly appreciate that shit, saw my first chance to give back so I jumped.

They aint getting me cuz I aint mailing shit. Not cuz I'm scared, but thanks to all names mentioned above the best I've ever smoked is in my possession. Fuckem, I don't need em. I just hope I can help somebody that thinks maybe cuz they got some shit through that its all good. Thats what they rely on cuz when shit gets all good thats when people relax. That foolproof method is no more than good old human nature and that train aint never late. Seeing as we're in agreement on (1), and I think that (2) ismuch more important than (1), maybe the first person on IC I get the honor of giving back to is... nah.

Evidence? Ya got me there. I got nothin but experience.

10+ working, multiple family members(7 I think) that were there 10-15 yrs before I could walk. Sitting in on boring assed management meetings as a child. Relatives having fistfights, one management the other craft. All kinda shit.

But no evidence none the less, and just like you said a typed response so fuck it do U. :xmastree::smokeit: Tuggo

it says at the Post Office they can inspect any package.


overnight shipping with fed ex is ridiculously expensive.

unless he charged you 50-100 bux for shipping he didn't

komrade komura

Active member
If you local congressman or member of parliament do not support legalisation...guess whose return address you might consider using?

It makes it a very latex glove operation....but satisfying none the less.


Even in Arcadia I exist
it says at the Post Office they can inspect any package.

Can USPS search our mail?

It really depends on the Class of Mail being used. First Class Mail including Priority Mail and Express mail are sealed against Postal Inspection. Warrants are near impossible to get. The Postal Inspectors usually monitor delivery and give the person time to open it on their own before making entry on the suspect.

Other classes are NOT sealed against Postal inspection and may be opened to check that the contents are eligible for the rate being paid. Much like the case of Media Mail.

Your use of the class of mail is your consent to the possible inspection.

If you do not want any of your mail inspected, only ever use First Class Mail. However, you have no control of what is sent to you.

I work in Business Mail Entry, Bulk Mail. Not only am I permitted to open envelopes and read through the contents, my job description requires me to. Well, except for Presorted First Class Mail. Like I said, nobody can open First Class MAil, period.


24 year Postal Worker


packaging is an art. ive shipped before and never had one siezed. however i know someone who flew to cali and shipped to themselves but had someone wake up bright and early and sign for their package (i guess they were dumb and told people they were waiting for a package... voila! janked!), also know someone who got a phone call from DEA for shipping money(about 5grand!) what the hell. how dumb do you have to be to get caught shipping money seriously...


i once worked at fedx. Man we didnt do shit but throw boxes into there disinated trucks. thousands and thousands of them. they come off coveyers so fast and there are people who read zip codes fast and will throw them to other coveyer belts according to distination. the only thing they worrie about if it smell or leaks fluid. thats it. If you get busted for sending something then they where onto you in the first place.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Make sure you use a fake return address that is close to the post office you are dropping off at. (IE Don't put a town 8hrs away). Common sense. Printed Labels are great too.

Use USPS only!

I know a broker from Cali that has been doing it for years all across the US. Double vacuum sealed bagged elbows in plastic totes.

All the risk is on the receiver.

EDIT: I've seen triple (or quad??) bagged. I think it was triple, for Sour Diesiel coming from Cali. It was only a QP/time though.
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double sealed works great.. ive seen people just throw the lbs in a box and tape it up, and ive seen people go as far as buying a lock box and putting the lbs in that then in a brown box.... over night it and make sure no smell and chance are your going to be ok... fake return address a must...
also boomers in honey combs cereal silver bag and box work well too, then into a brown box like all the others.... just one in a million packages being sent to friendly people throughout the u.s