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Magic the Gathering -- any nerds here?

Anyone play MTG (or its spinoff, Hearthstone)? :underwater:

The game itself dates back to the mid-90's but I just got into it a couple years ago and the strategy is so much fun! Forget chess/checkers, this is where it's at! :woohoo:

Cross breed hearthstone + MTG = the best of both!
I buy bulk commons, uncommons, and rares and then piece together 30 card decks, max 2 of any card, no lands (automatic 1 mana per turn like hearthstone) and no set rules around color use. Fast games, great variety and no land screw/flood = win. Give it a shot!


New member
I've played on and off since Ice Age, but I haven't played in awhile now. Seems like every set makes the one before it completely obsolete. As fun as it is, it becomes a money pit. The only money I dump in anymore is to get a couple pre-constructed decks with my buddies to play with. We do this once every set, just $10-$15 and you typically get a pack with the deck to slightly modify your deck and trade.


Well-known member
I tried playing once but i was just way too buzzed and im a rpg master.not to mention those decks are pricey.my brother used to play in tournaments but dont think he ever won.and the people it seems to atract are pretty snobby.
I've played on and off since Ice Age, but I haven't played in awhile now. Seems like every set makes the one before it completely obsolete. As fun as it is, it becomes a money pit. The only money I dump in anymore is to get a couple pre-constructed decks with my buddies to play with. We do this once every set, just $10-$15 and you typically get a pack with the deck to slightly modify your deck and trade.

I only play it via the Steam network so never tried it officially in a tournament. It's just fun how strategic it is. Like was mentioned before, it's so similar to chess yet you get interesting art and flavor/story text with it. If you have some cards kicking around and people to play with, try playing it "hearthstone" style where you get one land per turn automatically and your deck doesn't have lands, only playable cards @ 30 per deck with a max of 2 of any card. It can be fun! And the games are much faster, plus no frustration of getting screwed/flooded with land.

I tried playing once but i was just way too buzzed and im a rpg master.not to mention those decks are pricey.my brother used to play in tournaments but dont think he ever won.and the people it seems to atract are pretty snobby.
Yea, tournaments aren't my scene. I can see why that'd be a turn off.