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Mag, or N?


I'm guessing it's either Mag def, or N, maybe PH. They are in soil outdoors. It starts at the bottom and works its way up quickly. I just gave them a epsom salts foliar.




Any ideas?


agreed N or PH so that N is blocked

this is normal in flowering, but yours are a bit early

foliar feed ONE BRANCH, and see if it "greens up" in a day or so, if it does, then hit em all with some N ferts once you establish that your Ph is in range.


Active member
I'm still in the learnin curve but would like to throw in my pennies worth.

I have 4 plants in flower at 3 weeks now and at 15 days flower i started getting what looks very close to what you are dealin with.

I have been foliar feeding with my PBP veg and they look about 65-75 percent better.

Reckon said it right...start with a branch or 2 and go from there.

I have a question myself.Would i be better off to keep sprayin or should i just throw some veg food in my feeding schedule to be done?



I have a question myself.Would i be better off to keep sprayin or should i just throw some veg food in my feeding schedule to be done?

for outdoor plants I personally HATE using/mixing liquid nutes, especially to correct a deficiency.

I like to get some granular ferts like Fox Farm peace of mind, and "scratch it in", that is, (following the amount guide on the back of the box) pour the correct amount of the granular fertilizer onto the soil surface right at the base of the plant, then dig the granular fert into the top 1 or 2 inches of soil, so it's just barely buried.

then no worries, just water with plain water, or add molasses as well during flowering.

most "scratch in ferts" will last 30 days, so I love em for flowering as about the time the ferts run out, your starting your final flush/fert deprivation* anyway (*blanching)


Active member
hey man, so are your leaves yellowing at the veins? or are your veins green?
I've got the same thing going on (pic attached). my veins are going yellow on lots of my bigger older leaves, and the green in the body of the leaves is slowly fading to yellow. tips are also dying. does this sound like what you have?
love to hear how your ladies liked the foliar


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    Picture 4.png
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my guess would be they're rootbound. the container looks like those 44 liter pots from lowes which is to small especially for how big that plant is.

IMO you should get a 45 gallon or larger smart pot or just dig a hole and put in the ground if you can. ive had rootbound flowering plants and it causes N def. symptoms.

my two cents,


Thanx for the advise guys. I fed a few plants some EJ grow 1Tbls/gal, almost seems to make it worse. They are def rootbound, they are in 5 gal pots. I will try and foliar a branch or two and see how that works. I also am gonna break out the PH pen, wich I've been avoiding.


Thanx for the advise guys. I fed a few plants some EJ grow 1Tbls/gal, almost seems to make it worse. They are def rootbound, they are in 5 gal pots. I will try and foliar a branch or two and see how that works. I also am gonna break out the PH pen, wich I've been avoiding.

KISS (you can ignore the last "s")

PH pens have a habit of NOT working correctly IF you don't use them/calibrate them OFTEN (you said "gonna break out the Ph pen")

get some strips or liquid/vial test kit to back up/confirm the pens readings,.....and really by the time you get the pen calibrated, you'd have had the info 12 times already with the strips or liquid/vial kits.


Thanx for the advise guys. I fed a few plants some EJ grow 1Tbls/gal, almost seems to make it worse. They are def rootbound, they are in 5 gal pots. I will try and foliar a branch or two and see how that works. I also am gonna break out the PH pen, wich I've been avoiding.

damn 5 gallons! i thought it was an 11 gallon and that still would have been to small.

ferting is only gonna make it worse bro. put it in a much larger container or in the ground with some "roots organics" soil and just water with a ph above 6.2 and below 7.2. and you should be good.



I ended up transplanting some of the girls, and boy were they rootbound like a muthafuka. I only went from 5 to 7 gal, but i'm hoping the roots will spread out abit. Thanx for all the input fellas


I ended up transplanting some of the girls, and boy were they rootbound like a muthafuka. I only went from 5 to 7 gal, but i'm hoping the roots will spread out abit. Thanx for all the input fellas

right on, that'll help for a lil while at least.

keep us posted,