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MadMan Abusive OG X LA Confidential

... to answer the above, I believe crossing in the LA Con introduces much more indica traits to the (mostly sativa dom ) OG kush. 2 powerhouses of genetics ! Its a fairly new cross to the so cal area, might even be more potenet than the Skywalker OG that is taking the clubs by storm right now.

The club I got my madman from (apparantly) is testing their latest flowers from madman for thc content. But who knows if that was BS or not...


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i think u are fine veggin with the horti eyes
if you could only have 1 bulb those are it
@ 275 for the 8 bulb t5, when you can afford it i suggest looking into them.
way cheaper to veg under power wise, big even footprint, and mix spectrum capable
i have vegged under mh, hps, cfl's, and now my new t5
i am so blown away by my t5 growth and no heat to deal with. my power bill went down 30 bucks in 1 month by t5 replacing 1 400w mh. no BS
i now realize that i have no need to take cuts early now, i cant believe how rapidly the growth developes. that is nice to have fewer plant around while my flowers blow up.

any way wanted to chime in on that lil suggestion earlier

your room is first class and clean. way to grow dude.
some strains of envy for most of us....


Madman day 7 of flowering.
They were starting to strech so I finally finished my scrog.
I'll finish the other half tomorrow.
It's too bad I didn't have the screen finished sooner.
It would have been sweet to have a longer veg and totally fill the screen before flowering.
When finished, the screen will be 25" wide and 10' long.
These girls are pretty stinky too.

Im glad ive got this cut, Mine looks like everyone elses pics. Only a week into flowering and things are looking good. She stretched more than I expected for an indica but its all good. Wish ya the best of luck.


The madman sure is a stinky bitch, I have a homemade room deodorizer using ONA liquid but it just aint cuttin it.
After awhile having a house filled with ONA starts to kill my sense of taste and smell.
I had to break down and drop another $500 on a fan/filter combo.


Madman flower day 21

Madman flower day 21

These girls are some smelly whores!
5 weeks to go.
I had to ditch the homemade ONA deodorizer and buy a fan/filter combo.
They are already incredibly sticky.



I didn't get a chance to take a pic with lights off until today.
It's a much prettier sight without the HIDs.
I had 5 plants that didn't keep up, hence the gaps in the screen.
15 MadMan OG.
Very sticky and very stinky.
30 something days to go.



Soler Palau fans rock. They are quiet, cheap and use little power. I have 3 8" the last one I got was the cheapest yet, $162 no tax, free shipping.

I'll get some close-ups soon because these bitches are really starting to look impressive. As Dr. Cletus said, they have heavy trichrome production.

Day 28 of flower, 4 weeks to go and really puttin on weight



love machine
ICMag Donor
Clean set up there m8!!!

Tagged, ill be checking back for update, seem like every thread i read on this forum i learned a thing or 2.

Thank you for posting up pics and details

awesome !

Im flowering out a madman mom I got from Cletus (600 watt scrog coco) . I'm just amazed by how shiny and robust the leaves are, leaves are 5 times as thick as the SAGE sour Kush next to her , like damn steel blades these leaves are !

I like watching your thread to see what ive got to look forward too ;)