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Made the switch to vertical


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Day 60 Flower

Day 60 Flower

As Ace Ventura would say "Well alrighty then"...we're back with a Day 60 update.

Just as quickly as I witnessed new pistil growth on one plant,they have started to mature and turn orange and there's definitely some fox-tailing on some of that plants buds.So far my plan is to chop sime time between day 63 and 65 but I still can't get over how green some of these plants still are,only one has started to pale in comparison but still no real yellowing and I've been flushing with plain tap for two weeks now.

Any way,on to some mo porn...







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Pre-Chop Update

Pre-Chop Update

Excited to say that three of the five ladies will be getting the axe tonight...light goes out in about another hour and a half and comes back on in 12 hours @ 7:30 tonight so I'll be back tonight with some harvest photos and a day 65 flower update.The three to get the axe tonight are the Indica up front & center,the plant in the front left corner,and the plant in the back left corner...we're working clockwise here,I remember when I flipped I arranged the plants from most Indica to most sativa in order lol.

On to some pre-chop porn (starting with Indica & moving clockwise) shall we...





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Discovery Requires Experimentation
Looks f'in beautiful!

What advise do you have for a first time vert grower regarding training and plucking fan leaves?



Active member
Thanks Budelight,I find them quite beautiful myself!

Well,first things I would reccomend is read as many threads here in vertville to gain info/knowledge and to figure out which style you want to go (v-sog,v-scrog,donut,tree's HR style).Also as DHF preaches (and this goes for horizontal grows too) is to supply a minimum of 50w per square foot,exhaust fan capable of exhausting the total volume of air in the grow 2x per minute.

Now if you're gonna do a donut I would suggest vegging vertical as well.Plants that veg vertical grow differently then plants grown horizontal.Plants that veg vertical tend to bend/grow their branches to the light/front of plant,so there would be less "hackin' of the backs that get no light and rob the other parts of the plant for energy" as DHF puts it.All you would do is spread the bigger secondary branches while pulling rear branches forward and tying/securing in place...or you could use a screen in a cylindrical shape and v-scrog doing the same as above although I'd rather do like Marlo and run construction fencing along the walls and tie the plants to that if I used screens or trellis netting.

Don't get crazy with the pruning,only prune actual sucker branches/growth and reposition any potentiall decent branches toward the light.Prune what you want in veg but let chill for 3-u days before flipping to 12/12 to allow the plant to recover from any hackin'.Don't prune any growth again untill after stretch but try if possible to have all hackin'/pruning done before flipping to 12/12.Start to LIGHTLY defoliate after stretch has stopped (usually around the end of week 3),then again through weeks 5-6,and again the last week or two as leaves yellow and die.


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Thanks 5th,it sure will be a happy time for sure...whistle while you work da da da da da da da,buds bigger than 8" long know their gonna hit ya strong,so whistle while you work!


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Chop Chop Chop

Chop Chop Chop

So I chopped the Indica,plant in front left corner,and the plant in the back left corner tonight 10 minutes before lights on and now have them hanging whole to dry.Figure I'll do the usual and hang them whole for 3-5 days and then strip down to just branches for 2-3 days...from there depending on hoe dry or wet they still are they'll get stripped to buds and jarred or stripped to buds and left on screens until ready to jar.

Some hangin' pics...






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Day 65 Flower

Day 65 Flower

Well three got the axe tonight before lights on and all that is left in the tent is two plants,one in the back right corner and one in the front right corner...figure another 8-10 days on these two.The one in the front right corner has quite a bit of purple going on,nothing dark or black but definitely some hues of purple/lavender.The one in the back right corner has no purple but she smells oh so sugary sweet!

On to some porn...





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Day 65 Flower

Day 65 Flower

Plant in front right corner

Plant in front right corner

Plant in back right corner

Plant in back right corner


Active member
Still surprised that DHF called the Indica out as a keeper so long ago...dudes the weed whisperer lol!

I mean what started out under 12/12 looking like a plant with real wispy buds,she sure chunked up and has some rocks for buds!


Active member
If you back off on the nutes I bet you'll get even bigger buds. I see a lot of tip burn and a bit of leaf curl in your pics. No offense, cause the plants look nice! Just some friendly advice. Congrats on the harvest.


Active member
Thanks for stopping in Bobble's glad to have ya here always bro,and no offense taken what so ever.

I noticed a lil tip burn & leaf curling goin on around week 6 (when I cut feeding all together) of 12/12.As you know I am working in FFOF with GH FloraMicro & FloraBloom,no additives,8ml Micro/16ml Bloom as per the Lucas formula.Mu thoughts are that since I was feeding full strength Lucas in a medium that already has ferts mixed in,that the plant didn't eat very much of the food in the soil (hence why their still so green after a 2 week flush),or it just ended up there was a salt buildup (I'm pretty gpod about flushing with 1/4 strength nute solution every 2-4 weeks,but laxed this round).

Next round I think I'm either going coco or promix,no ferts mixed in...don't get me wrong as I still love FFOF and will continue to use it for my outdoor organic veggies & fruits.

Anyways,thanks again Bobble's,feel free to stop in any time,always glad to have you and the others around,and I'm always open to advice and constructive criticism...after all,it's one of the many tools that helps us progress and become better growers!


I hear that. I have been using coco with maxibloom at around 6g/gal and this round I haven't gotten the tip burn like previous runs at 7g/gal all in all things still look great man congrats.


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Yepp,lucas formula is meant as a base starting point to find out just what your plant wants and how much or little it wants.Some plants like a lot of N and others want very little N...same goes for P-K-Mg-Ca etc.


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I hope one of these plants has some good medicinal use...was smoking earlier,coughed,threw my damn back out...paun got so bad this evening I had to go to the hospital for steroid shots and muscle relaxers.I was actually dragging mysrlf on my stomach to get to the bathroom or kitchen and back to bed lol...fucking sucked!

Back home now,I have gained some range of movement but still sooooooore as hell...makes for checking the two girls left in the tent a galldamn feat I'll tell ya.

Watch your back,old heads and especially young heads.I'm only 31 yrs young but have been in a lot of car accidents,busted myself up skating,surfing,freestyle/flatland bmx and all other things...throw my damn back out at least twice a year every damn year for the last 8 or so years...I'm getting myself some damn MRI's already.

Rant over,I'll be back in a few days with updates on the three gals that have been drying since Saturday as well as an update on the two ladies still in the tent going on 9.5 weeks flower so far...hope shes done by day 70 but she might go five or so days later from what their trichomes were tellin' me two nights ago.

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