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Lumigrow 330 es

Keep goin

Hey Keep goin,
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the difference between linear and rectangular movement. Could you explain a little further?

Sure...I simply meant that from my observation using the Lumigrow ES330 the "center" or "core" coverage at about 12-14" over the canopy is about 1.5' x 2.5'...outside of that it's rather dim.

So, if you ran a common "linear" light rail, or other type mover you would still only be covering 2.5' at best...of course you could think about moving the light over a 6' x 2.5' area...but, most of us are in tents or "fixed" areas. (I am anyway) I have a 40x40" canopy...so to use a mover I would need it to move in a rectangular pattern in order to move around the canopy and cover the edges.

Personally, I think the answer is to hang additional fixtures in the corners to ensure coverage.

Holy crap, is that a bunch of info...about Greeners and Lumigrow..(done with them, obviously) since they are done with us. I think that's interesting timing...considering they just secured a distribution deal with Hydrofarm to get into hydro stores!!??

I get what you're saying vukman...but come on there has to be profit in ALL those units. Every one sold has to be a plus...right?!?

Not sure what they are thinking, oh well.

Rives, I'm not sure...I have looked at so much info lately, can't keep it all straight...maybe it was Cali lightworks that runs 120 lenses? Not sure myself...moot point now I would say..given all the other info I'm seeing here. Not buying from Lumigrow again.

RapidLed...here I come..!!!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
A mover might work very well, but I've never been convinced that they could be installed in a tent and function long-term. There is nothing to solidly mount a track, and it seems like the motion of it starting and stopping would raise hell with the structure long-term.

this is the fix to that problem


also the movers do not move that fast but I do agree with enough weight especially if it wasn't against a wall in any fashion their would be some "sway" that would need to be dealt with. They do move pretty damn slow though and I never got any real "light wobble" when it hit the end and reversed or any big "clunk" stop ever.

I would have the tent supported in some fashion and not sure what all comes with the above "grow tent light mover brackets" as far as stabilization goes.


Active member

If I were buying LED's right now, I'd get the new series of Black Dogs. Best spectrum. See thread above. Good luck. -granger

yes, especially with the latest update from that thread:

So i got the root aphids killed without any problems (thanks greenbox) but 2 of my drivers blew out, So i will do a journal next round after I have the drivers repaired.

....4 months of use, 2 drivers blew out.

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