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Lumberjack starting over

So here is my first journal on icmag, i felt it fitting to start now when things are just beginning. or ending, depending on how you look at it :joint:

so i'm going to be moving in about a month, and so i've scaled things back tremendously... i had previously been running the vegging side for a 50+ plants/ever 2 weeks perpetual harvest op with a friend... so i had a lot of plants all the time.... well now that life has come up a bit, we've decided to part as growing partners, and do our own things...

so luckily, with me starting over i have kept cuts and/or moms of all the stuff i'm planning on running... i plan on adding more to the collection, but as of now i have a pretty nice line up...


in there is abusive's ogkush, kyle kushman's strawberry cough, agent orange, ghiesel (the cut is beat up though and might not make it, might need to get some more of that dandy), purple spaceship, lemon aire, hi ho silver, and sptnik 2.0

abusive's og kush- can't go wrong with the og... i've found she's a terribly light feeder and will stress with the full strength nutes i run everything else at...

the KK strawberry cough is next to it... just a small clone as i gave my mom away... this is a great smoke IMO, good daytime shit...

Then we got the agent orange... not a very heavy yeilder, but the smell and taste of it are magnificent! really frosty nugs of orange goodness!!!

you can see the ghiesel cut right next to it... after a soaking in floramite (fuck THAT borg) it seems it might have killed off all the new growth spots at the nodes... i'm gonna see if anything comes of it or maybe i'm just going to sustain the fan leaves.. oh well i have access to more if i need it...

thens the yummy purple spaceship... this is a great purple... the spiceir tasting kind, but it will purple even in 90 degree temps... its a cross of mendo purps and spaceship... the mendo being the dad...


and here's my PAGC gear (pacific aire growers club) LEMONE AIRE
this is awesome smoke... wonderful lemony taste and smell and nice thick buds too... hopefully i can get some more pagc stuff to show ya'll too, great meds for sure!!!


here's a friends cross he calls Hi Ho Silver (silver spur mom x white mustang daddy) the mom was orangy and the dad was funky so this one should be pretty neat...


and finally here's my peculiar sputnik 2.0... some how under 18/6 lighting its decided to start flowering.... oddest thing... i'm wondering if its going to ever revegg or just continue with this meager flowering attempt... i dunno but if it doesn't decide to revert i might just have to toss it... very skunky smell though so hopefully it'll behave itself...



so there really won't be much to update on for the next month until i get moved and situated at the new spot... should be able to show the construction of my grow room... will be pretty small just a closet grower really.... might try and pick up a 600w hps to use over the 400w i currently have... the moms are all under fluoro's right now to help hold back growth and lessen temp stress.... once things get going i'll throw them under an HID though along with cuts.. it'll be a mostly personal grow, probably will try to keep it fairly perpetual... i like harvesting every 2-3 weeks...

so i hope you all enjoy the show as much as i do... i like posting lots of pics with updates so stay tuned!!!
haha... just realized i left out some important details!!!

i run all my plants in 100% perlite hempy style kinda buckets (errr... i mean 32 oz. cups, lol) for veg i use gh's hardwater micro and flora usually 2 tsps per gal H20 of each... maybe another tsp of micro if i'm gonna push the N...

i clone in perlite as well... though i'm trying to figure out if i like any kinda plugs or rockwool cubes better.... I grow in the southwest AZ desert and have to battle high temps and almost no humidity... so it can get kinda interesting....

ok, i think that's all to add at this point... things might change drastically as it all goes along.. i've only been growing for just over a year so i still have lots to learn and try!!!


Power Armor rules
Impressive genetic line up you've got there. I've had nice results cloning in the organic rooting plugs or just some decent soil mix with plenty of perilite. I sure love cheap shoplights just for cloning too :joint:



Hey Lumberjack - Nice lookin cuts you have there. It's nice to see someone else doing hempy buckets here on ICMag. I just started using them but really like them already. Hempy has great growth rates compared to soil, and it's easier to maintain than DWC. Can't wait to see your setup after the move.

thank you to all my friends for looking in! much appreciated and if at any time you got something to say, make sure to say it!

should be picking out the new digs to live at here in another week or so, so room design is beginning... atm i have a 400w hps i plan on flowering with.... which should be decent enough for a while till after a few months when some free cash flow is coming in... i'm thinkin something of a mini SOG possibly, flower straight from clone in the 32 oz cups... i could fit a lot under the 400... and with all the dif kinds of mj the stretch shouldn't be too much of a problem... that'd be the quickest way to get what i need too... maybe do something else after the first crop... i dunno...

all just brainstorming right now...
lumberjack_ian said:
i'm thinkin something of a mini SOG possibly, flower straight from clone in the 32 oz cups... i could fit a lot under the 400...

all just brainstorming right now...

Yea get a perpetual SOG going, then you could harvest a few plants every week :D

lol, frank, as if you were a small person yourself... lol, glad to have you watchin!

and OPBS- i'm thinking the perpetual might have to wait a bit... i'm getting married end of Oct and might need a chunk of cash comin in from a single harvest... we'll see
so moving this weekend... will be constructing new grow spot soon... should be fun.... i DEF gotta get a carbon scrubber or something....

... low/no smell vegging has been nice, but i wanna see some flowers!!!
i've finally moved... well mostly... plants have been left behind... but later this week there will be some grow room construction and i'll get them over here.... nice to be away from roommates again...


natural medicator
hope the move went well!

lookin forward to seeing what the new grow space will look like.

solid little rundown of your strains too.


hey lumberjack glad to see you doing your thing dont see you much over on riu lookin good with this one I am pulling up a chair
i haven't really been anywhere too much lately friend! ha

thanks for looking in! should be pretty good once things actually get going

little snag... blew a fuse when plugging in my phone charger... WOW!!!
melted one of the prongs on the charger.... just a bit though, so the stupid thing still works...

but not the outlet... that things GONE.
so they have to come in on fucking monday to fix the damn thing... not to mention they have to put in some tile in the kitchen on saturday too... so the grow room is still all in boxes...

my plants are kinda sad... all 7 are in a box with a single cfl running above them...

they're gonna have to go through a scattered light schedule here for a bit while i'm waiting to have my space to myself... i'm antsy, thats for sure

completely out of smoke now... no money for over a week and no harvest for atleast that long, looks like its resin time =\... well.. i do have this little tiny fresh bud... whcih is the next thing to say

i killed my sputnik, it continued to flower... and actually matured.... thats the little nuggy i have...

not even half a gram... lol

oh well.... such is life i guess....

wish the best to all of you!
take care friends
so holllllllllly shit got a much later start with this than first planned... oh well, thats life it seems...

so the new room is mostly up, some touch ups here and there to be made to the flowering chamber (where plants are currently under 24hr lighting vegging till they get bigger)... the mom/clone room above is yet to be built as well... but thats a little unneccessary ATM, i got another week to get that up... but yeah, rough size is 2x2.5x5 width x lenght x heighth... perfect for the 400... have my ghetto rigged DIY cool tube fixture in there, its working alright but the heat is def a concern right now... almost bought a window ac unit for them (which i'm still gonna do) they were on sale at one Lowes location 69 bucks for 6000 btu... but sold out, went about 10 miles to another location just to find out they don't honor other locations deals... FUCK... oh well, will find something soon

i'm tired of this swamp cooler... i lived with one most my life not liking it... finally got a/c when i moved out.... and finally now i'm returning to the shit... =\.. the only upside is the humidity is much higher than i've ever been able to achieve in my other rooms... around 50 all the time (much different from the 20% i was toting elsewhere) so whatever.... just a bit of a rant, sorry....

so here they are: lemon aire, purple spaceship, kkstrawberry cough, abusive ogk, agent orange, and high ho silver (not necessarily in that order)... as well as some pics from setting up shop...

don't mind the plants too much, they'll all look different in another week/two... right now they're a bit sad from being put on the "backshelf" so to speak as i moved in... and they've acquired a bit of mite damage... but that'll be under control soon.... and i'm gonna top/take cuttings from all but the purple cuz its not exactly the pheno that was meant to be kept around.... WHOOPS!!!

oh well...


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