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Lumatek digital ballast's


Active member
Hey guys just wanted to dig up this old thread to report in, I got four of the new 1k Lumateks late last year. I have been using one continuously for a couple months now and over the past week have been bringing more online. I am running new Hortilux Super HPS bulbs on all, and all four are on 120V. (I am sure I will wire in 240V at some point but wanted to run 120V for now for convenience.)

So far, this ballast kicks ass. It's dead silent and is only warm to the touch, even after 10+ hours of operation. It seems like it has way more heatsink than needed..which is great IMO. The bulbs start up instantly and brighten up quickly, and hot restart is much faster than magnetic ballasts I've seen.

I have recently tried the power reduction switch to switch bulbs down to 400W and 750W and it works as advertised. I am growing vertical in a tent and was right on the edge as far as heat (low 80s), but by reducing the ballasts to 750W I was able to bring an additional bulb online which helped out my situation a lot.

I guess Lumatek must have got most of the bugs ironed out of these units. If mine keep working like this for at least a year or two, let alone the warranty period, I'll consider it to have been money well spent. I am glad to hear of others getting good customer service from the company. It puts my mind to ease dealing with a company does its best to do their customers right. Technical glitches come and go but good customer service is worth its weight in gold.