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LUI Experts Plz


ICMag Donor
Hi started 2 LUI plants, 1 is growing normally, the other is not a very cute plant with deformed leaves that feel like sandpaper but still seems to be growing ok.

Everything else is doing great so certain nothing to do with enviroment but genetics, any1 come across this before n did it turn out a good plant in the end? or should I trash!

Deformed on the right




wow that's pretty strange looking leaf structure and form. i'd be growing that out for sure. some of those mutants can be very interesting smoke wise. only time in 12/12 will tell you the true secrets of this plant :kos:


Well-known member
I'm not a "LUI expert" but I have grown the cultivar. From my perspective both plants are suffering, one more than the other. The leaf deformities and the darkness of your soil tell me you are running a "rich" mixture. It appears the "mutant" is attempting to grow out of it, while the "normal" plant is showing minor signs of displeasure. My observation is that you have a good Ortega pheno on the left, and a (recessive) representative of the Blueberry family on the right. Back off on the nutrients and give them water only. Move the mutant to the edge of the garden away from intense light, or even better put it under fluorescent lights. IME LUI grows at her own rate, slower than most indicas. She neither likes nor needs to be "pushed". IMO both phenotypes you possess have great potential.



New member
multi problem

multi problem

A.soil mix too heavy, over watered
B.way too much nitrogen
C.Cal mag defficency THEY ARE MAG HOGS and with the added Mag they will not look like the same strain
D.pot size too small for LUI
Lui likes alot of roots to get a big plant but you cannot jump pot sizes up too fast I.E. only double pot size :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Thanks for input Morphote n luilover...:tiphat:

I will elborate abit more...coming up to 4wks since the seeds were planted...my soil mix is a premium potting mix amended with 10-20% perlite, great drainage I believe...they are fed with canna nutrients at a ec 1.2-1.4 for the last week before that ec 0.8...they are in 4.5lt pots n do need to transplanted but not root bound yet.
Would have to agree with the blue family recessive trait showing up there. Strangely I had blueberry boy which I culled due to it's ridiculously high maintanance needs which was almost a spitting image of the plant in your pic. The ortega pheno on the left will become a much easier plant to grow as she/he gets a really good root system going and once you have that it's smooth sailing. (at least is was for me and I'm by no means a great grower)

that was grown under 2 shitty UFO's and 130W fluoro for the last 3 weeks of flower so even with little skill one can gt a decent amount of smoke from these babies. (notice the huge amounts of leaf matter at the lower areas of the plant... shitty UFO's with the wrong spectrum, my fuckup live and and learn!) All the best mate and good luck as the finished product is well worth it.


ICMag Donor
Cool thanks mountain monkey for the input:gday:

I will back off the nutrients a touch just plain water for these 2...transplant to bigger pots...toss in the corner and see what happens to the fussy twats. :ying:


ICMag Donor
Should also add that every leaf since the seed germinated, including 1st true leaves have been deformed, that is why I though a genetic thing?


Well-known member
I did almost the same exact thing a decade ago, growing LUI alongside ST (I had #3, I assume you have #4). As LUI is Ortega x ST#2 crossing these two cultivars (LUI x ST) would have fantastic possibilities. You could play within that genepool (Sweet Pink Grapefruit, Blueberry, Ortega) for years and never get bored.



I agree too much fert and water. I run lui ortega cut at 800-1000 ppm. dont give up on her. she is one great strain done right. lui is not easy to get anymore. so start cloning and have a legend for life.
That's funny west. The LUI in the pic I put up had a buddy in veg inside my tent which was a SwT#3 but unfortunately he had to go to planty heaven because I really didn't want him to seed up my LUI. Grown side by side you will see how very similar they are yet quite different, if you get my drift. In fact that SwT of yours looks less like most SwT's do than your mutant LUI. The first thing I thought when I saw your first pics was "oh, sick SwT's" due to the leaves having those hooked ends you see on SwT plants. In fact your SwT looks more like a LUI in veg to me. Sure there's been no mix ups??? I'm not doubting your growing just that the SwT in the pic ha thos shiny LUI leaves with the very distinct patterning on them. Just asking that's all, probably wrong. After all they are very close relatives. Well anyway, hope the advice these other growers have given helps as they are the one's to listen to not me. I barely test the ppm of my nute's let alone the ph! I'm lucky any of my plants make it into joints!
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ICMag Donor
Hi guys...thanking all for the input :thank you:

I had a good look today and certain both LUI are gonna b male...the good news is the Swt is 100% female :jump:

Taking note of the breeding suggestions thanks dudes...stay tuned :ying:


ICMag Donor
its from the blueberry in the genetics. grow it out it will still produce some good bud.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
What kind of Sweet Tooth is that big healthy beauty? :biggrin: