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Lucas Formula links


Guest 18340

Theirs A LOT of info out there on the Lucas formula so I figured it'd be easier to have one spot for all things Lucas.
I just came across a web page that dedicated to the Lucas formula and some variations. I don't know who the owner of the 'page is but credit goes to that person.
I'll make this a sticky open so that others can add links or copy/paste info on the Lucas formula and it's variations.
Remember, this is for LUCAS FORMULA/RATIO ONLY!
Here's what I found. (*NOTE*) On the bottom where it says "Interested in details? See the following", their are a few more links that I omitted because they were links to other Canna sites such as this one. To see them, click on the Lucasformula.com link.
Lucas Formula - A Hydro/Soil/Coco Feeding Strategy
Caveat: This page is WORK IN PROGRESS​
Summary: Lucas Formula, sometimes known as the Lucas Ratio, is less complicated than it initially seems. It is nothing more than a basic recipe of nutrients to give your plants during both the vegetative, and the flowering state.
The original recipe uses 2 parts of the General Hydroponics 3-part FLORA series (Gro, Micro, Bloom) nutrient system, but Lucas Formula may also be used with Advanced Nutrients, GH's dry nutes (Maxibloom), etc.

Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics 3-Part System

General Hydroponics makes a 3-part system named the FLORA series. It consists of FLORA GRO, FLORA MICRO, and FLORA BLOOM. These are 3 bottles you buy, that you would normally use together throughout the entire grow. You may use it as per the instructions on the bottle, with excellent results, but...
Lucas figured out that FLORA MICRO contains enough nitrogen, and everything else that MICRO GRO contains, that you use it with FLORA BLOOM alone, saving you from having to buy FLORA GRO.
How do you use it? Simple. Add 8ml of Flora Micro (dark red stuff) to 1 gallon of water*, mix, and then add 16ml of Flora Bloom (pink stuff) into the water, and mix. Done - unless you're growing in coco. If so, see below.'
Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics Dry Nutrients (Maxibloom)

MaxiBloom and MaxiGro are dry nutrient also from General Hydroponics. It turns out, Maxibloom, used in a ratio of 7 grams per gallon of water*, is very close to the original Lucas Formula (above.) You do not need MaxiGro, and so this is the cheapest and easiest recipe to use.
Add 7 grams of Maxibloom into 1 gallon of water*, and then adjust the pH, and stir vigorously to dissolve the Maxibloom in the water. I advise putting the 7g of Maxibloom into a cup of warm water, dissolving it, and then adding it to the remaining gallon of water, before pH adjusting and mixing again.

Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics FloraNova series

This is probably the easiest (but not cheapest - see MaxiBloom above) feeding plan available. If you're using General Hydroponics' FloraNova Bloom 1-part system, simply add 8ml of FloraNova per gallon of water* and feed.
Lucas Formula when growing in Coco Coir - Head's Formula

If you're growing in coco, you may need to adjust the Lucas formula slightly to compensate for a property of coco which may result in a calcium or magnesium deficiency. How? You may be able to get by simply by adding 1-2ml of calmag (or MagiCal+), or 1 gram of Epsom salt (any pharmacy carries this), per gallon of water, before feeding the plants.
There is a modified formula specifically for Coco that consists of using a different ratio: 6ml of Flora Micro, and 9ml of Flora Bloom, per gallon of water, along with 1 gram of Epsom salt per water.
Either works, but be sure to try Head's Formula if you're having deficiencies or other nute/pH problems.
Low light ratio, and flowering vs veg

Lucas Formula should be used in the same ratio throughout the grow. There is a misconception that one should use 5ml of Micro and 10ml of Bloom, when in veg, and switch to 8ml of Micro, and 16ml of Bloom, when flowering.
This was never stated by Lucas himself. He originally stated that the 0-5-10 ratio was for LOW LIGHT situations (fluorescent lighting like PL/L and CFLs, or HID lamps less than 400W), whereas 0-8-16 is for medium to high light (400W+)
* What type of water should I use? What about pH/ppm?

The original formula uses reverse osmosis, or RO, water, and is intended to be used without having to measure pH and ppm. Reverse Osmosis water makes this possible because it should, in theory, be the same for everyone. It is filtered water, which you can get either by buying a reverse osmosis filter system, or just buying bottled water (among other brands, Dasani, the bottled tap water is reverse osmosis, for example). One may also use dH2O (distilled water) with good results. You can get distilled water from most convenience stores (Walgreens, CSV, Rite-Aide, etc..)
Lucas Formula for seedlings/cuttings

For young plants (< 4 weeks old) or cuttings, which may not be able to handle a full strength feeding formula, may require that you dilute the nutrient solution before feeding. This is OK, just make sure you keep the correct ratio when mixing. For example, 50% strength would be 4ml Micro and 8ml Bloom, or 3.5g of dry Maxibloom per gallon.
Lucas Formula with tap water

You may use Lucas Formula with tap water successfully, but this may require pH adjusting on your part. Keep the pH close to 5.8.
Can I use additives with Lucas Formula?

You may. It is recommended that you do not introduce additives until your setup is dialed in. After you've ironed out any deficiencies and fully understand how your plant and strain likes to be fed, feel free to begin using additives (such as Floralicious) - not that the additives will help. For increased quality and yield, focus on good genetics, and ample light and temperature control, rather than trying to compensate for those with additives.
Interested in the details? See the following



Just started using the lucas, i have a question for you. When adding water back to the rez do u ph water then add? or do u add to rez then adjust? Also do i need to be adding back everyday? Or once a week, every other day?

Guest 18340

Just started using the lucas, i have a question for you. When adding water back to the rez do u ph water then add? or do u add to rez then adjust? Also do i need to be adding back everyday? Or once a week, every other day?
I can't help you there because I run to waste, I've never had to "maintain" a rez. Ask in the hydro forum, those guys have things down to a science:)

why you take out the ask lucas link?
I'm not sure if it's a no-no to have links to other MJ sites. Let me ask another mod. If it's cool, i'll def include the links. Lotsa great info in those links for sure!

Is the same pH recomended for soil also?
Thats a good question. I can tell you from experience that I feed my outdoor soil plants the same ratio/ph (6.0) as the outdoor coco plants and they look nice and green.
Just started using the lucas, i have a question for you. When adding water back to the rez do u ph water then add? or do u add to rez then adjust? Also do i need to be adding back everyday? Or once a week, every other day?

Always add back cold fresh h20, then PPM & pH.

Great thread buddy!! Even though the "Lucas" method is sooo far novice that I only use it as a base. What if my plants need more P or K? Or maybe even N!! 3 weeks into flowering and my AK47 plants are Nitrogen whores!! The standard Lucas Forumla wouldn't have worked. It's very strain specific.

Darth Fader

What if my plants need more P or K? Or maybe even N!! 3 weeks into flowering and my AK47 plants are Nitrogen whores!! The standard Lucas Forumla wouldn't have worked. It's very strain specific.

Agreed. I've got 4 OG Kush plants in veg now (in coco) and was developing severe N deficiency. I reversed the formula from 6/9 to 9/6 and then went 2:1 to 18/9 and the plants have come back to health over a period of about 4 days.

Now I question the premise. Won't a plants nutritional requirements change over it's life-cycle? I mean beyond dropping the N for a nice flushed flavor?

Guest 18340

Agreed. I've got 4 OG Kush plants in veg now (in coco) and was developing severe N deficiency. I reversed the formula from 6/9 to 9/6 and then went 2:1 to 18/9 and the plants have come back to health over a period of about 4 days.

Now I question the premise. Won't a plants nutritional requirements change over it's life-cycle? I mean beyond dropping the N for a nice flushed flavor?
All I can say is this, I have used the Lucas formula (GH Flora version and Maxibloom version) on the following strains;
pre 98 bubba kush
Gorilla grape (currently in veg)
Sourlifesaver (currently in veg)
Purple lady (currently in veg)
and none have exhibited any kind of defs. I use the same (tap) water for all my plants.
Your results may vary:tiphat:

Darth Fader

All I can say is this, I have used the Lucas formula (GH Flora version and Maxibloom version) on the following strains;
pre 98 bubba kush
Gorilla grape (currently in veg)
Sourlifesaver (currently in veg)
Purple lady (currently in veg)
and none have exhibited any kind of defs. I use the same (tap) water for all my plants.
Your results may vary:tiphat:
What's the ppm/pH of your tap water and are you in soil/coco/amended coco/hydro? Thx

Guest 18340

My tap is 300ppm and I use Botanicare bagged coco, no amending. Honestly, I have yet to run a strain that didn't perform well, but then again their are thousands of strains out their...
Not saying that smoke headies is wrong by any means.


How can I use Lucas for my OG plant in soil??????I know lots of ppl say its back words 16/8 any one know if this works?????And if it does will it work for the whole grow???????for veg and bloom????I see that 0-5-10 is for low light I have a 250 hps.So would I have to use this back words as well cuz I am flowering a og????? In soil so would it be safe to feed feed water or feed water feed water?????And I use ro water would the 0-10-5 have enough cal mag or would it be ok to add 1tsp or magical per gallon(US)????Og being a cal mag whore and all.Plz some one set this st8.I wish there was some way to hit up the man his self.....


Active member
You might just want to cut out the middle guy and look at the original info at PH's page at cannastats if you're interested in lucas form


Active member
the "Lucas" method is sooo far novice that I only use it as a base. It's very strain specific.

Now who's the novice here?

Everything your plants need is in the Lucas Formula. *shrug* Granted... there may be a tiny handful of super wacky strains that need something "extra" but you certainly haven't run them and I haven't either.

Your issue is that you've yet to understand pH and how your plants absorb nutrients. It's all there... you just need to learn how to unlock it for your plants.

In hydro it's done with a medium-slow pH rise (Approx 5.2 for systems with an auto-top-off and 5.4. for hand filled rezes.) Let the pH slowly rise on its own until it's around 6.0-6.1 during days 20-30 of 12/12 (depending on strain). Drop it back down to 5.2-5.4 and let it swing again.

In soil and soilless it comes down to the proper pH... at the proper stage of flower. Don't forget plain RO water the last 2 weeks, at least. :D

Keep reading. It does take some time, reading and working with your plants, but the results are definitely worth it. :dance013:

Stay Safe! :tree:


So I can't seem to find a st8 up answer if the 8/16 would work with Og's In soil and I hear that for og's its backwords.So it would be 16mill micro/8 bloom and if we are using ro water would I still have to add Magical(calmag)?????If some one could just give me a st8 up answer that would be so helpful.And if it works would I feed every watering or feed water feed water...???????plllllllz this has been some what stress full if i don't get a replay soon I guess i am gonna have to go with there recommendations using all 3 bottles....=/


Active member
So I can't seem to find a st8 up answer if the 8/16 would work with Og's In soil and I hear that for og's its backwords.So it would be 16mill micro/8 bloom and if we are using ro water would I still have to add Magical(calmag)?????If some one could just give me a st8 up answer that would be so helpful.And if it works would I feed every watering or feed water feed water...???????plllllllz this has been some what stress full if i don't get a replay soon I guess i am gonna have to go with there recommendations using all 3 bottles....=/

I would do a lot more reading before growing..... best to have this stuff down pat before subjecting any plants to your newfound skills.

Treat the OG's like any other plant. No Cal/Mag (Lucas Doesn't need it... only improper pH requires adding it.)

Feed full strength (depending on your lights/strain) every 3 waterings or 1/3rd strength at every watering.

Keep reading... only a few months left.:tiphat:

Stay Safe! :tree:


New member
Lucas formula Noob question ....nutrient values ?

Lucas formula Noob question ....nutrient values ?

Hey there,i very curious about trying out the lucas formula.but how is it , that one teapoon of MAXIBLOOM and 8ml of FLORANOVA should end up in the same nutrient ratio ?MAXIBLOOM 5-15-14FLORANOVA 4-8-7 for me there is nearly double as much Phospor and Potasium in the MAXIBLOOM mix than in the FLORANOVA mix...why should this be the same..., dont get it ?please help me,thx

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