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lst topping and training thread



i thought i may as well get a uk thread started seen as a lot of us are trying to maximise yeild with all these new rules and regulations coming through ( or not ) :confused::confused::confused:

so here's your chance to give some input on how you do it :)

personally i use bendz and string , i've got 2 psychosis and 2 killer queen just about to start being trained for my next grow , i'll add pics as it goes but am interested to see how everyone else gets on



I use topping and fimming teqnique first. I now also use an elastic band around the top of pot, nice and thick strong one, then use paperclips bent into an S shape, tie a length of string to it, put the S around the stem I want to train and pass it through the elastic band to keep it down. Its easy to apply more or less pressure by feeding through the band or pulling tighter. Multiple lengths can be used to train one long branch in multiple places. Can be reused several times over using the "plastic" coated paperclips as do not rust. I have also used bendz and they are great to.


lst topping and training thread

Looks like we all got our different ways , look forward to seeing the pics :)


Active member
What new rules and regulations dude?

I've used string to tie down plants, yoyos hooked onto the underside of the edge of the pot. But usually i dont do that much training. Just bought myself a yield shelf for my budbox xl though, so that will make it alot eaiser.


What new rules and regulations dude?

I've used string to tie down plants, yoyos hooked onto the underside of the edge of the pot. But usually i dont do that much training. Just bought myself a yield shelf for my budbox xl though, so that will make it alot eaiser.

the 8 plant rule as i call it lol . have a look at mcsnapplers thread in the uk section , no one seems to know whats going on at the minute but if it all comes in we're all gonna be in shit lol


Active member
Cant find that thread in the uk section here. I'm guessing the 8 plant bit is meaning more than 8 plants and you're getting done bigtime or something? I'm just about fed up of caring now anyway, im on a suspended, not long come out for probation violations, fuck it, stick another couple of months on it and ill come out 15st and built like a barn door. lol, and probably with more weed contacts than i ever though tpossible. Silver linings and all that, hehe.


Active member
best jump in too, nice thread edge. yeah 8 plant rule sounds like an apt name mate, makes sense 2-8 plants could be seen as percy, soon as you start getting into double figures & multiples there of, sadly it starts to become pretty obvious it aint for percy. i can pull 15-16 oz offa 2 plant scrog with a 400, so it dont really phase me. ill be back to contribute something tidy to this thread! G'Luck

roll it large

F@:k da rules av got 10 mothers lol an am not getting rid of these yet end of day were breaking the rules anyway wether its 8 or 20+ you could be a bad grower an only get a few Gram per plant
the police estimated my mates at 19gramm per plant god knows how they estimated that but my other mate said thats what they estimated he went to court with him he had 30 plants and 6 600w lights
now to me thats commercial but without any evidence to prove otherwise its a cultivation charge he got a caution and community service


best jump in too, nice thread edge. yeah 8 plant rule sounds like an apt name mate, makes sense 2-8 plants could be seen as percy, soon as you start getting into double figures & multiples there of, sadly it starts to become pretty obvious it aint for percy. i can pull 15-16 oz offa 2 plant scrog with a 400, so it dont really phase me. ill be back to contribute something tidy to this thread! G'Luck

nice to see some pics from the experts ;)

i start training quite young , start off with bendz then string when the branches get to hard




roll it large

What i like to do is top agressively i will take quite a few nodes at once esp the first topping

eg a ten node plant will be topped at the 6th node i think this way you get healthier thicker side branches as apposed to taking out the very top node its easier to get bushes for me this way

al throw up some pics of a plants life in my hands and post it here then we can see what it yields like



Heres what you can do with 2ft of string .
when you flip 12/12 bend the plant down but be carefull you dont bend to far .




lst topping and training thread

Nice pics cheesey :D

Roll it , there very easy to use and also ideal in flower for bending fan leaves out of the way .
Just be careful when taking them off as its way to snap the branch , bend the plastic rather than the branch and they come off easier



I will try and find the first eva bendz test grow i did for PG .
Might take a day or 2 tho lol


Active member
Have to agree illustrates the point of training beautifully , nice plants/examples chaps!
After seeeing some of the results a mate has had with bendz, im impressed with those too.
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Here's a couple of mine... Usually a SOG guy so still trying to get it right.... Few different techniques being emplpyed, LST, topping and some neck breaking :D

Gotta ask.... Have you guys ever had a plant bleed a coloured (purple) sap when topping it?



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    LST'd Nelly....jpg
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    Neck broke cheese..jpg
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roll it large

Here's a couple of mine... Usually a SOG guy so still trying to get it right.... Few different techniques being emplpyed, LST, topping and some neck breaking :D

Gotta ask.... Have you guys ever had a plant bleed a coloured (purple) sap when topping it?


i get the purple sap on my razor blade everytime i make cuts
