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Dirt! The Movie on PBS


Paint Your DreamStrain
I just watched this, it was pretty entertaining. I figured I'd let my Organic Dirt comrades know. It comes on tomorrow at 3 AM here, of course, you'd be best to check your local schedule if you're interested.


Paint Your DreamStrain
Do note that it will be listed under the name Independent Lens, which is the program that is presenting it. Also P.O.V. is showing Food Inc. tomorrow at 9 PM and 1 AM, same channel. Looks like PBS is crackin down.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Thanks for the clarification on the 'Indepenent Lens' paradigm!

I'm looking forward to watching this program after enjoying the 'Botany of Desire' broadcast.

PBS kicks ass! I liked their special about the corn "industry" here in America and how corn has infiltrated almost all processed foods here. They also explained how almost all livestock are fed corn and how cattle require massive doses of antibiotics to survive on corn.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks for the tip off! I'm setting it up on my DVR...well, as soon as I can find it.
Great tips gang, thanks!

1) I cant find the movie, all I can find is previews...which are frustrating. It looks so good I want to watch it NOW!

2) This: http://dirt.3cdn.net/6b384ed2b60060917e_dwm6b52kg.pdf Hey organic folks, is there anything like this elsewhere, is it beneficial, if you havent used it...could it be? Seems like if it free it could be used to check the health of your growing media. I dont know if it would work on things like amended coir, etc, or needs true soil to work. I am thinking there could be similar issues to how PPM meters dont work on organics since all the usable mineral ions are in chelated and unchelated forms. Any of you soil wizards used something like this?


ICMag Donor
I just watched this, it was pretty entertaining. I figured I'd let my Organic Dirt comrades know. It comes on tomorrow at 3 AM here, of course, you'd be best to check your local schedule if you're interested.

Thank you!
Just grabbed it.
Nice tip.


Active member
hey i saw that last night too! such a cool thing to stumble upon while channel surfing, that indian lady was bad ass! she was so into the living dirt, even my wife liked it, we have been looking to buy a house and this show got us both worked up about the backyard and vegetable/fruit growing that we will get to enjoy, gotta' work that dirt!


once again you can watch it on the pbs website for free.
how about linken us jay, i found botony of desire a while back on ther site for free, saved the link but it doesnt work no more.
any way i want to see this, thanks canna