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Low's ~O.G.A~ growlog V.01


Registered Medical Patient
Lookin good Low, like Dog said, get he floros right on top of those lings or ur gonna get some major stretch...Watch the wetness of ur soil too bro, it looks a bit too wet!!! I usually srat lings in nursery trays or plastic beer cups...much better IMO, you get them a really goot rootball befor the first transplant!!!! Keep it up bro, laters

- Z
Dr Dog, Zeus: thnx fer the tips. I've got the one single CFL very close to them now and I plan on hanging a PC fan inthere for circulation and to dry out the soil some..
I've also found out that I wasn't as nearly broke as I thought I was :D, so I've ordered an energy saving CFL 250 wtt blue spectrum which fits in my regular hood..it should arrive in a couple days..
:wave: Low
Well, damnit!!

Well, damnit!!

I'm gonna get flooded with work and other BS the next couple weeks...:badday: which basically means I won't be able to update as regularly as I'd liked:wallbash:..I will continue to take shots and when all the hectic times have died down some I'll post a photo time-line to chronicle my OGA babies lives..
Also found out that the payment for my light went wrong so i'm gonna have to resend them the money, after that i'll get my light :frown:
I did take some more pix today so ya'll can see the panda-stool :tongue: :smile:
So here's them pix:

Here's the panda stool With CFL :joint:

Well that's it for now..
Laterz, Low
Due to grower neglect all babies died, and since I haven't got my affairs in order right now...I'm closing this thread..
I'll start a new one as soon as i've got all the stuff I need to start over and do things the right way..


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
sorry to hear HLow...hope you get everythun sorted !