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Low odor/good yield for tiny space

Odor is going to be my prime concern for my next grow and it will be in a very small space - maybe 2 feet by 2.5 feet but only 2 feet high - I'll train them but I need a plant that I can grow a few of till I sex them, then select the best one or two females to finish. Only priorities are smell and yield.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
northern lights is one strain that comes to mind...sensi seeds if u want 2 spend the $ or just get nirvanas...hope this helps happy growing..
That is really not a lot of space....I'd go for a short plant such as White Widow. Or as Smoke68 suggest and autoflowering strain like Lowryder. I'd think the WW would stay shorter than the NL. NL is very forgiving though.. So many tough desicions. But personally I'd got with WW.
Limited space, but you can easily reach some nice yields in that, at least from what I've seen users here do before.

Mr. Micro's PC grow: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=39837&userid=13342
well over an ounce in a single PC case, about 1/4 of your space

Also check out DrBudGreenGenes thread on his CFL Sea of green.
Lots of controversy on this grow, but one thing is for sure, he knows how to grow small :)

Grow in a SOG, maybe 6x6 = 36 plants, if that doesn't mean life in jail for you (try to find information on laws concerning plant numbers in your state/country). In a SOG almost any strain will yield well, and you can keep them ANY size you want, but try to go for single-cola plants with little side-branching, they can be packed closer together.

I'd recommend Chronic, Power Plant and Northern Lights, all are said to be very low odour, and all are known for their high-yield.

Bear in mind I've never actually grown myself, but I'm planning a grow very similar to yours, so all I've been saying is based on my own research. I'm going IKEA-style :p , 2' x 3' x 2.2' height, but that includes veg cab (NGB-style cab, but with CFLs)... going to Amsterdam in 4 weeks to pick up some seeds, planning Chronic, Skunk #1, AK47 and more in a perpetural 4x6 plant SOG ;)
I have grown Nirvana's white widow and that was the only plant that ever gave me trouble - it got way too big and had crusty, bad-tasting buds. I believe nirvana's white widow is more sativa than most, so who has a good small widow? I also wonder how I could do a breeding project in this small a space but that comes later.
...and as for the 'Sea of Green' plan, I just want to buy one strain of the highest quality - price is no object, but I just want to buy one great pack and start all ten, cut down to all females so maybe six plants in that small a space if I can swing that? I'm leaning towards sensi northern lights - will a pack of that grow at the same rate all the females? need to keep even.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
if price is no object then definatly get sensi's northern lights ive got both sensi's and nirvanas growing now and the sensi's has much more even growth and overall looking alot better than the nirvana's...


Nirvana's Northern Lights is a good option. Check out the 12/12 from seed thread, as I think that might be the route you should look into.

Regarding odor, I must emphasize this: No strain is odor free. I remember when I did my first serious grow about 10 years ago, I was on alt.drugs.pot (or whatever the newsgroup was), and asked the same question as yourself. Everyone said NL, so I got NL. Had no odor up until about 6 weeks of flower. Then it STUNK!

I remember a buddy of mine came over one evening, and as soon as he walked through the back door, said "Man, this place smells like raw chronic!" I'll probably never forget that moment as long as I live. It was funny and freaky at the same time. I'm sure he had no idea my little box was in the basement, but the fact remains. If LEO or any shady cat showed up during those two weeks, I would have been toast (which is why I cut them waaaay early).

Granted, NL has less odor overall than any other strain I've had experience with. For example, serious AK, or a skunk, will reek up your pad in veg...in flower they'll smell you a mile away, almost literally.

Just think of it like this: Let's say, for the sake of argument, that each of your six plants yields a half...they may yield much more than that, but just for the sake of argument. So imagine if you had three oz of primo bud sitting on your kitchen table, with a fan blowing on it. It'd stink, yeah? Real bad. So why assume that growing plants, with the same amount of material hanging off them, would have low odor?

Now then, there are a lot of bullshit odor care products out there. I'll name a few: odor gels and sprays that attempt to mask odors; ozone generators (more harm than good); odor sox/deau passe half-assed filters.

The only method of odor filtration that will work 100% is a real deal carbon filter, using activated carbon (not a fibrous carbon mat like the odor sox/deau passe of the world). There are many small carbon filters available out there. I know Dutch Breeze and Can makes a few good ones.

The summary of all this? There is no such thing as a low odor strain, regardless of what anyone tells you. If you want to grow, and odor is a concern -- as it is for most any sane person that isn't living in a bunker -- you'll NEED a proper carbon filter, and an in-line fan to run it. The advantage of a carbon filter is you can run whatever strain you want, and there will be zero odor (although NL should still be considered, as for your space it is about ideal).

Recommended setup: Elicent AXC 100A (~$130) and Can Filter 2600 (~$60).

EDIT: There's a lot of bold, underlining, and caps not because I think you're stupid or dense, but to really emphasize all of this. I'm almost positive someone told me the same thing when I was asking about low odor (ie: "You'll absolutely need a carbon filter"), and I ignored him because all the other people were recommending northern lights without a second thought. In short, you do not want to be 3/4ths of the way through flower and find yourself with a major odor problem.
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Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
:laughing: :rant: :laughing:
basicaly what jawnroot is saying is that all weed stinks so get a carbon filter which i agree 100%... :dueling:

[/QUOTE]I remember a buddy of mine came over one evening, and as soon as he walked through the back door, said "Man, this place smells like raw chronic!" I'll probably never forget that moment as long as I live. It was funny and freaky at the same time. I'm sure he had no idea my little box was in the basement, but the fact remains. If LEO or any shady cat showed up during those two weeks, I would have been toast (which is why I cut them waaaay early).[/QUOTE]
why would u have shady people around were you grow in the first place i find that extremly strange?
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BENJI said:
why would u have shady people around were you grow in the first place i find that extremly strange?

He wasn't a shady person, he was a close friend. And no, I don't invite LEO over for tea or anything like that.

I'm saying, hypothetically, if 5-0 or a fireman comes knocking on the back door to warn me about a downed tree at the end of my driveway, or the mailman shows up to deliver a package. It's called being prepared. No one wants their house smelling like weed. Even if I lived in an isolated cabin on top of a mountain, there's still the what-if factor.

The only thing I was trying to do with my post is make it very, very clear to the thread starter that he/she cannot grow without a carbon filter if odor is a concern.
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Agreeing with above poster but, cool temps and low humidity is the way to go if you want to minimize smells without filters.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
jawnroot said:
He wasn't a shady person, he was a close friend. And no, I don't invite LEO over for tea or anything like that.

I'm saying, hypothetically, if 5-0 or a fireman comes knocking on the back door to warn me about a downed tree at the end of my driveway, or the mailman shows up to deliver a package. It's called being prepared. No one wants their house smelling like weed. Even if I lived in an isolated cabin on top of a mountain, there's still the what if factor.
:laughing: why didnt you say that in your first post?

Im not trying to disrespect u or anything i wasnt saying your friend was a shady person but LEO obviously is and he has been round your house from the sounds of it. I understand quite well u need a carbon filter and agree with you on that ive never grown without one. That will fix nicol bolas main concern so realy he can buy any decent yielding strain and not hafto worry about smell, but maybe he doesnt have room for one? So nicol bolas why dont u invest in a carbon filter then there would be not a worry in the world about smell, also u would have a larger choice of big yielding strains 2 pick from?
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i definitely feel what you are saying about carbon filters, I was planning to invest in one anyway, a much bigger fan and filter than I need for my space so when I move I can use it still. But when I open the cab the stink will escape. I rent an apartment within a house, its pretty removed from the rest of the building but if the landlord knocks on the door when I'm handling my babys I want to be totally sure there's no stink. I just can't deal with the paranoia, it got real scary on my last grow even though nothing bad happened.


If you have a strong enough fan running, even with the doors open you'll be okay (just don't have the doors open all the time, and/or only open the doors late-night). One of those odor gel thingies will be enough for whatever odor might escape with the cab open, if you're really concerned about it.

BENJI, if you're not trying to disrespect, then why on earth do you use those taunting smilies in each of your posts? And no, LEO hasn't been floating around my pad. All I'm trying to do is give Nicol some straight advice. If you feel the need to laugh at me for that, then go right ahead.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
they arent taunting smiles i was using that smiley in my last post cause he is pointing up to the topic on which i asked u a question bout and received no anwser? Just thought your original post DEFINATLY could of been shorter and more to the point. I aint laughing at you and i realise your only trying to give advice so dont take them lil smiley faces the wrong way cause they arent intending what your thinking. And there is such thing as low odour strains all dope smells just some stronger than the other hence low odour strains...


Active member
My advice would be not to skimp on the size of the carbon can/ inline fan setup, its worth the peace of mind and security come flower time, also if you decide to increase garden size down the road

Benji...why are you riding jawnroots ass? ....the smile thing is just an smartass little shit jab and picking apart niknak shit in a post where somebody is trying to help another is a waste of our time man.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
kathmandu said:
My advice would be not to skimp on the size of the carbon can/ inline fan setup, its worth the peace of mind and security come flower time, also if you decide to increase garden size down the road

Benji...why are you riding jawnroots ass? ....the smile thing is just an smartass little shit jab and picking apart niknak shit in a post where somebody is trying to help another is a waste of our time man.
do i need to explain myself again read my last post kathmandu i aint ridng no ones ass..why would they have the smilie things in here in the first place?
and i have to say i dissagree with your advice using a larger fan and filter is a waste and u would also need 2 buy a fan dimmer cause the room would run 2 cold i would just buy a fan and filter to suit the space your growing in but thats just my opinion dont take things the wrong way..


BENJI said:
do i need to explain myself again read my last post kathmandu i aint ridng no ones ass..why would they have the smilie things in here in the first place?
and i have to say i dissagree with your advice using a larger fan and filter is a waste and u would also need 2 buy a fan dimmer cause the room would run 2 cold i would just buy a fan and filter to suit the space your growing in but thats just my opinion dont take things the wrong way..

This is nonsensical advice. Even if you have a billion CFM fan, temps will run no lower than ambient (ie: if the room outside your cab is 70*F, regardless of how much airflow you have, it will never get below 70*F). Granted, getting a 1200 CFM fan/filter combo would be gross overkill for that space, but anything in the 100-300 CFM range would be completely fine, and suitable for a larger grow later on.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
This is nonsensical advice. Even if you have a billion CFM fan, temps will run no lower than ambient (ie: if the room outside your cab is 70*F, regardless of how much airflow you have, it will never get below 70*F). Granted, getting a 1200 CFM fan/filter combo would be gross overkill for that space.
that statement is a contradiction and u r wrong air which is moving and being extacted is always going to be cooler than the ambient temp..