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lost herb


last night while i was smoking and drinking with my friend I had about a gram of some headies in a baggie. anyway...we were smoking in his car and I sat the bag on top of his console to pack a bowl...I thought I had put it back in my pocket after that but a few minutes after i got home i reached for it in my pocket and my wallet and herb was gone ......I was so fucking pissed I wanted to curl up into a ball and die after that, it was all I had

anyone ever lose herb? share your experiences


cant stop wont stop
wallet too? man id be heated probably more so than the herb.. even if you didnt have cash, the pain of getting a new id CC's ect. pain in the ass. happened to me last summer, my own damn fault too.


That sucks. I'd be super bummed. I usually never completely lose my bud, but I'll misplace it or forget about it and then find it weeks later. ha.


Smoked some 45x salvia one time with a friend and went and hid 1.5 ounces of weed to this day I don't know where it went never found it though.


New member
wallet too? man id be heated probably more so than the herb.. even if you didnt have cash, the pain of getting a new id CC's ect. pain in the ass. happened to me last summer, my own damn fault too.

I believe the wallet was there, just the herb was gone and noticed when he went for the wallet to empty his pockets.


one time when things were good and i was younger i thought i was on top of the wold

i had a decent harvest and for many months i saved all my roaches andthen one day i looked at themand thought "i dont need these i have hella weed"

so i threw all of them inthe fire place, probably a few ounces

2 months later i was bone dry...........lesson learned


I dropped a 1/4 bag once in the crosswalk of a somewhat busy street in Seattle. I was at the dentist when I discovered it was missing, and thought I must have dropped it in the office when I took my coat off, and nervously asked the receptionist if they'd seen the tobacco pouch it was in.

I was walking back home an hour later when I spotted the pouch in the crosswalk, just close enough towards the gutter to not get run over. Somehow, the bag was still in there, and not squished by a city bus. Miraculously, the pouch had fallen face down on the asphalt and no pedestrians could see the contents falling out.

........In another Seattle miracle, I once dropped a baggie grabbing for change in my pocket while boarding the bus. I was just getting to my seat in back as the bus started rolling and some guy was like, "hey, man, you dropped your bag..."

I was all like, huh, uh, me? ... "you dropped it on the sidewalk man". Confirming the void in my pocket, I yanked the chain crazily for the first available stop and hoofed it back up the road, and got to my precious nuggies before any other ruffian did.


yeah im right there with stoner too, WHAT.....DID.. . .YOUR. . .FRIEND. .. .SAY.. . .WHEN. . . .THEY ....WERE. . .TOLD/ASKED. . .ABOUT. .. .THE. . .WALLET. . .AND. . .THE. . . .WEEDBAGGIE . .? ? ? ?
My buddies and I blazed a quick bowl in the parking of a local burrito joint (BTB). When we got out of the car the weed bag in my lap fell to the ground. I didn;t notice my ganja was gone till we were heading back to school. After I dropped my buddies off at school, I raced back to the burrito joint to find my baggie still in the parking lot but completely squished from getting ran over. I was so relieved I smoke a fat bowl


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
there was a time a few years back, where i would go to my dude's house, get some "fire", drive back to my house, and the first thing i did when i opened the door was throw the weed in the garbage...

i have no idea why this happened (over and over again, for like a month straight)... but when the time came to pack a bong or something, we'd all be tearing apart my house and my car looking for it, and it was always in the trash!!??!!?!

towards the end of this crazy sequence, i'd check the trash first before i ripped all the couch cushions off, saying something like, "holy shit, i bet i did it AGAIN!"...

we figured it was something subconscious/ psychological, like that i didn't really want to smoke or something lol

but that habit stopped, and i'm still a happy smoker haha



i rarely lose weed, but i spill my bubbler daily. thats good for a solid 20 minute rampage. when i cool down i repack and smoke again. but one time i lost a bud and didnt even know it until months later when i found it. that was a good day.


We got robbed. They took my jewelry box,and I had an oz stashed in it. BASTARDS. They even took the Jager and the brewskis that were in the garage refrigerator.

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