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lost herb

What the fuck are you still doing on this forum? You're nothing more than a lying asshole, Drugcheese. I doubt you ever lost any herb. This thread is probably another ditch attempt at conning good people out of their weed.

danny karey

^^^could you elaborate a little more on why you decided to write this^^^^



Cannabis 101
:confused::fartyparty:I dropped one of my last joints on nutrient formula before.... that sucked... my dog has ate severl of my last joints... little fucker and lost my wallet in Barneys coffee shop.


Driving across the bridge to sanibel island to fish the pier at night, me and my buddies had just purchased an 1/8th of some kind earlier that day, once we reached the middle of the bridge my friend and I noticed what appeared to be a piece of plastic getting sucked out of the window (they were all down) a look of disbelief came over his face and then when we checked the spot where we had stashed it only to realize that it was our baggie of sweet sweet ganja that flew out the window. It was pretty devastating we almost we're going to just say fuck it and go home but we fished anyways and got and limited out on snapper and caught/released a few snook


High Grade Specialist
i lose all kinds of shit but never my smoke.
i dropped my weed at a party once. but 30 minutes later i noticed it, reconstructed what my last steps was and then found it laying on the floor.

i just remember i did lose a joint once.
had some prerolled ones in the bag of my hoodie, went to a friend pulled out a lighter and he said it looked like i dropped something. when i checked my pockets i noticed one joint was missing. we teared his room apart later when we were dry but didnt find it. its still a mystery wether i actually lost it in his room or not because it shoulda turned up we looked under every piece of dust!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
So let me get this straight... You had a gram and you were smokin'. Now you can't find it. A gram... Dude You can't find it because you smoked it. How far does a gram go between you and your friend?

Not trying to be rude, but that's just funny as hell.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

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