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Loss of dreams from cannabis?


Active member
Yes, when I start dreaming REM, I release about some intravenous DMT into my blood to reach aliens in other dimensions, what of it?

I know that little thinking spots on the brain grow bigger and is great against anxiety, but I wonder how the extra grey-matter branching effects the dreaming besides the physiological cause of the sedative effect?

It even affects LTP, long-term potentiation by promoting neurogenesis and improving plasticity (not necessarily needed).

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah sleeping pills are never a good idea if you can avoid them do not start going down this road for sleep this is my 2 cents.. peace out Headband707

mad librettist

Active member
Looking back on it, I guess it was kind of cool....can't say I've ever woken up like that before....adrenaline through the roof, sweating, not sure where you are....yeah man I would wake up like gasping for air or screaming. I think I might ask my doc for it next time. I take klonopin now and it doesn't really do anything for me anymore...I usually rely on bud for anxiety relief.

klonopin is very slow acting.

if you can take cannabis instead of a benzo, IMHO that is a good thing.


the shit spoon
You're still dreaming, but weed lessens the hold your dreams have over you. The ones you don't remember even when sober for months. We dream all night about random shit, programming ourselves.. People's subconscious can be controlled by invoking themes of fear, envy, insecurity, etc, in their dreams.

So weed loosens the power structure and society's control over your mind... just a lil bit.

Mind control, that's right. Put down the foil hat, make a shitty pipe out of it.


Active member

I'm getting kind of convinced that use of non-habit forming OTC sleeping medication diphenhydramine allows me(us?) to have greater REM sleep, and thus dreams. Last night I again took 78 mg of diphenhydramine, but this time I also took 2 mg melatonin (mixing sleeping pills is not a good idea, do so with care). And last night I dreamed, a lot.

In the past, I used to take skullcap and Valerian root, to help me sleep. I think taking those, along with melatonin, will be my next test to see if they can increase REM and induce dreams (that I can recall with ease).


Active member
Oh yea,

One thing I notice very strongly is I am much more 'awake' and 'clear headed' when I wake up after taking sleeping meds. I assume this is because I am better able to enter/use REM sleep stage while sleeping ...


You're still dreaming, but weed lessens the hold your dreams have over you. The ones you don't remember even when sober for months. We dream all night about random shit, programming ourselves.. People's subconscious can be controlled by invoking themes of fear, envy, insecurity, etc, in their dreams.

So weed loosens the power structure and society's control over your mind... just a lil bit.

Mind control, that's right. Put down the foil hat, make a shitty pipe out of it.

I've heard that many times, still don't remember dreaming anything but have been assured that I did.


Active member
@ Zonker,

I'm not so sure Dislexus, and others, claims that we still dream normally are correct. I have seen no scientific evidence produced to support their claims ...

I really think they are wrong, being that there is scientific evidence cannabis negatively effects REM sleep. And that I have dreams when taking sleeping meds, but don't have dreams when not taking the meds. I recall my dreams very well, I always have, I am what's known as a 'powerful dreamer'. That is why I think we don't dream (or not as much), and/or not as well, due to cannabis intake.

mad librettist

Active member
@ Zonker,

I'm not so sure Dislexus, and others, claims that we still dream normally are correct. I have seen no scientific evidence produced to support their claims ...

I really think they are wrong, being that there is scientific evidence cannabis negatively effects REM sleep. And that I have dreams when taking sleeping meds, but don't have dreams when not taking the meds. I recall my dreams very well, I always have, I am what's known as a 'powerful dreamer'. That is why I think we don't dream (or not as much), and/or not as well, due to cannabis intake.

spurr try the mugwort it's worth a shot. you probably have some growing withing 500 feet of you right now. There are a few moments in the one straw revolution where we see the master drinking mugwort tea with guests.


@ Zonker,

I'm not so sure Dislexus, and others, claims that we still dream normally are correct. I have seen no scientific evidence produced to support their claims ...

I really think they are wrong, being that there is scientific evidence cannabis negatively effects REM sleep. And that I have dreams when taking sleeping meds, but don't have dreams when not taking the meds. I recall my dreams very well, I always have, I am what's known as a 'powerful dreamer'. That is why I think we don't dream (or not as much), and/or not as well, due to cannabis intake.

Never been interested in it enough to search very hard for for any studies linked to this concept, but have been told numerous times by various friends in differing medical professions that we all dream constantly. I've always just taken their word for it as I honestly can count the number of dreams I have ever recalled upon waking on one hand, I just don't recall my dreams if I do indeed have any. The ones I have been able to recall were typically after getting ripped really good, and we're talking quite a few years of possible dreams here ; ) I have experienced some really cool halucinations while on Versed/opiate combos during medical procedures, but no "normal" dreaming to speak of.

h^2 O

spurr even better would be one of those isolation tanks like in the movie "Altered States." You're in complete darkness in water and for some reason or another no matter WHAT the human brain will start to do some crazy stuff after a while...like full-blown trips


spurr even better would be one of those isolation tanks like in the movie "Altered States." You're in complete darkness in water and for some reason or another no matter WHAT the human brain will start to do some crazy stuff after a while...like full-blown trips

Oh yeah, I've never noticed that. I find those isolation chambers very relaxing myself, mind just goes totally blank. Caves are a much cheaper alternative, have spent a good deal of time underground (and water for that matter) over the years, could be why it relaxes me so well ; ) :dance013:
perception of unidentified or undefined sensory input can be difficult for certain peoples thought processes
half spoken words or unidentified smell or the like may become the dominion of creative instead of analytical brain function and can be manifested in dream state in a multitude of obscure terminology that can be impossible to translate to comprehensive language or imagery

some essentially train themselves to ignore what they can't easily understand making some dreams impossible for the conscious mind to recall


Active member
@ all,

Would a couple of folks try what I did, and report whether you have/remember dreams? That is, will at least a couple of you take 75-100 mg (safe dosage rate for adults) of diphenhydramine before bed? The drug diphenhydramine is non-habit forming and it's over-the-counter, not hard on the liver and inexpensive, it's known as 'night time sleep aid'. It's found in Tylenol PM, Advil PM, etc., as it's found just as a sleep aid, without pain killers; that's how I take it, because those pain killers can ruin your liver, etc.

I would also be very interested in reading effects (re dreams or not) from ~50-75 mg diphenhydramine with ~1-2 mg melatonin. Please don't mix sleeping aids, unless you are familiar with their effect. Mixing them cana be dangerous, so make sure to use as little of each as is needed.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading whether other people have/remember dreams with a sleep aid; something not as powerful as Ambien, etc. Please try to keep the same sleep/wake cycle when using the sleep aid ...


Active member
Hey MM,

Nice post, I have not seen that web site before, thanks. I prefer not taking synthetic drugs when I can take natural things such as herbs like skullcap, etc., to sleep better. But it's nice reading that page to get a better understating of the mode of action, etc., of diphenhydramine.

I found this part of particular interest:


LD50=500 mg/kg (orally in rats). Considerable overdosage can lead to myocardial infarction (heart attack), serious ventricular dysrhythmias, coma and death.


Well-known member
I've got good news and I've got bad news. First the good news. My dreaming is now somewhat normal after 2 months of not smoking. The other night I dreamt I was smoking from a bong, and I could feel the warm indica buzz all over my body. I woke up with a smile on my face. In another dream a budtender at a dispensary was trying to sell me some "dank", but when I went to look at the buds they were all seeded LOL. The bad news is that my insomnia has returned. No matter how much exercise I get I wake up during the night after only an hour or two of sleep. Last night I did my laundry at 3am. I wish I could sleep all night and have normal dreams.


guest 77721

Can anyone tell us how sleeping pills affect their sleep/dreams?

I got a prescription for a mild sleeping pill a few years ago. It was Zyloplop or something like that. I checked it out online and it is a psychadelic drug. On the nights that I did take it, I was able to fall asleep quickly but I found I was dead tired in the morning and it took all morning to get the fuzz out of my head. All I can say is that it was better to take the pill than to lay in bed awake all night. Hmmm that was before I was using cannabis.

Anyway, the sleep from this pill was non-dreaming and non-restful where I find cannabis to be restful, unless I smoke too late at night where I can't settle down because of the racing thoughts. I don't think cannabis impairs REM sleep but just the short term memory of the dream state.

mad librettist

Active member
and I also wonder if I remember less dreams because I am less anxious. when I am very anxious about something I dream more vividly.

also have noticed that repetitive physical activities can induce a dream state that incorporates something from the activity, so for instance water dreams after paddling all day, descent dreams after skiing, etc..

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