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Losing some pounds part of your New Year's resolution?


Lammen Gorthaur
I need to lose some weight. I started on the diet on Monday. I need to lose almost 50 pounds. I can't believe it, but there it is. Thank God for SlimFast.

What about you? How much holiday poundage do you have to lose?


Active member
I lost 11kg last year on a low carb diest. I´ve now regained 3 of those so I need to loose that. Might sound marginal but I fought for them kg:s


Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
Trying to lose weight sucks. I'm getting bombarded by commercials telling me to eat crap then every other one is a weight watchers commercial. I need to stop watching TV, going on a TV diet.


Active member
I should really go on a diet. If nothing else I have had a horrible soar throat where I can't even swallow water. I haven't eaten in 3 days, maybe that will be the start I need.


im gonna drop 10 lbs or so. if your open to something that works for me

1. replace 1 meal a day with a cup of black coffee
2. run a mile or more a day.

i went from 255 to 185 over 18 months, weight just falls off when you begin running daily.


Lammen Gorthaur
My knees are shot so I don't know if running is on the menu. SlimFast works well for me so I am going to stick to the shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, reasonable dinner AND NO FARGIN' SNACKING! I should easily make my deadline by June 1st. I want to weigh 167 again. I haven't weighed 167 for 3 years. I quit smoking and ate my problems all the way up to almost 220. Once I get below 180 it will be time to exercise with a vengeance and that will help me accelerate things.


i used to weigh about 250 a few years ago. i decided that i needed to do something so i stopped drinking booze completely for a while and that took off aboat 25 pounds. i then started to cut that bad shit from my diet and became a label nazi at the store and stopped buyin anything with transfat, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup and anything with about a paragraph worth of stuff in it. i'm down to 175 now eating anything natural or organic that i want and drinking just tea(with honey best sweetener ever imo) and water with the occasional beer and the only exercise i've done in the past year is a couple pullups every day and bong lifts til my arm gives out.


stone fool
I lost 20 last year, 50 the year before that, over 110 in the past decade, over 400 pounds lifetime weight loss. 1200 healthy calories per day, dairy, meat, grains, beans, oats, cereal, veggies. Be careful or you loose bone and muscle instead of fat.


I hate cardio, I hate running on a treadmill, i hate going to the gym and I hate going on a diet.
turns out, I really like smoking a spliff and lifting weights. also turns out, for both me AND my wife, that HITT has produced the most dramatic results in the least amount of time.

there are plenty of flavors to choose from. High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise, sometimes called H.I.I.T is (in a nutshell) short duration, High intensity weight lifting. between 25 to 45 minutes per workout. focus is on destroying muscle fibers while maintaining perfect form...and getting the fuck out of the gym.

muscles burn fat, even when you are sitting on your ass. and when you have muscle fibers to rebuild, it consumes a bunch of energy (calories).

some programs like BFL do include short duration high intensity CARDIO as well. focus there is getting pulse up to 80-90% of max, raising metabolism early in the day....and getting the fuck out of the gym. 22 minutes for a typical HITT cardio.

personally, I couldnt do a strict diet or hours in the gym as a program, because its UNSUSTAINABLE. it hurts too damn much, and after a few months, I just dont want to do it anymore. to be truly effective you need to incorporate something long term into your normal lifestyle. otherwise, whats the point? loose some weight, feel like shit from dieting etc... then gain a bunch of weight and feel like shit because you "failed" or "gave up"

read up on it, and if you need a simple and self service program to get started, check out BodyFor Life its a pretty good program, even if i dont buy any of his supplements. the fundamentals are sound, and may give you a jumping off point to find what works best for you.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
your goal is to not lose weight..

it's to do fun, enhancing activities that will in turn put in you better shape.. it's how you phrase things that matter

so you want to eat veggies because there a great night time snack, and they don't make you feel bad about yourself like if you ate potato chips, and in return you go to bed happy get better sleep, and your body looks better..

you want to be healthy and happy.. now let the rest fall into place, and listen to your heart on which way/path that is best achieved..

most important, have fun and whatever you do, do it relaxed.

el dub

Diets suck, imo. You need a life style change.

Last jan I weighed 195. I evaluated my diet and saw that sugar was a problem for me. SO I slowly worked on getting it out of my diet. (I maybe drank 3-4 sodas a day.) Junk food was another issue. lack of exercise another.

Anyway, I now drink maybe three or four sodas per week. I haven't been to a fast food joint since April 1, 2011. I get more exercise in the garden and walking my dog. I eat two meals per day, max. (Sometimes one.)

The last time I stepped on a scale, I weighed about 165. But I may have gained a few lbs back over the holiday.

I was comfortable losing 30 lbs over 9 months. Almost one lb/week.

Good luck.



I very highly recommend 'I Can Make You Thin' by Paul Mckenna.

He's a hypnotherapist/NLP practitioner. Just read the book and you start thinking about food differently. No dieting. You get to eat all you want whenever you are hungry.

You will find yourself changing your eating habits and how you think about food. You will also begin enjoying your food much more.

I have lost weight with this method very easily with no effort whatsoever.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
it's all about calories... 3500 calories = 1 lb... the average guy can eat between 2200-2600 calories a day, so by going over or under you can gain or lose weight...

for example, i started eating only 1600 calories a day, so i was saving about 800-1000 calories a day. so in about 5 days you can lose 1 lb... it takes time this way, but will work. just make sure you are getting all the nutrition you need.

cutting out fast food, soda and alcohol really help too...

and of course exercising is great. for every 3500 calories you burn exercising you lose a pound.

im gonna drop 10 lbs or so. if your open to something that works for me

1. replace 1 meal a day with a cup of black coffee
2. run a mile or more a day.

i went from 255 to 185 over 18 months, weight just falls off when you begin running daily.

riding a spin bike is a great way to lose weight. i got to where i could burn 1000 calories in a 1 hour spin class. granted i was working my ass off, but i have found no other method of aerobic exercise that could compete with that.

running might, but it's way harder on the knees then biking. plus in spin class there is usually a fine ass or two in tight paints in front of you (sit in the back ;) ) to motivate you, as if you are chasing it :D

My knees are shot so I don't know if running is on the menu. SlimFast works well for me so I am going to stick to the shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, reasonable dinner AND NO FARGIN' SNACKING! I should easily make my deadline by June 1st. I want to weigh 167 again. I haven't weighed 167 for 3 years. I quit smoking and ate my problems all the way up to almost 220. Once I get below 180 it will be time to exercise with a vengeance and that will help me accelerate things.

when i quit smoking i went from 180 to 235 before i decided something had to change... :eek:

and yes, skip the night time snacks before bed...

i'm down to 200 and will get back to 180, just takes a commitment and a little will power for most...


Active member
i have lost 7 kilos so far, i think that is 14 pounds

i did it by changing my diet(or better said eat like i did before i gained the weight 5 years ago).

i eat just enough carbs , enough proteine and lots of vegetables , i limit the amount of fruit as they are full of sugar, maximum 3 , no sodas , no beer, only water

for the rest i do running one day then weightlifting one day(slow reps , perfect form , low weights)

and i dont smoke or vape anymore , but that is for a whole other reason and of course not for ever , just wanna see how long it takes to get thc out of the system

cuz i dont smoke or vape anymore i havent had the munchies or late night cravings for 23 days :D

and at least 2 liters of water a day


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i have lost 7 kilos so far, i think that is 14 pounds

i did it by changing my diet(or better said eat like i did before i gained the weight 5 years ago).

i eat just enough carbs , enough proteine and lots of vegetables , i limit the amount of fruit as they are full of sugar, maximum 3 , no sodas , no beer, only water

for the rest i do running one day then weightlifting one day(slow reps , perfect form , low weights)

and i dont smoke or vape anymore , but that is for a whole other reason and of course not for ever , just wanna see how long it takes to get thc out of the system

cuz i dont smoke or vape anymore i havent had the munchies or late night cravings for 23 days :D

and at least 2 liters of water a day

water is great for you... i've subsituted more water for sodas...

on the topic of THC... i've checked this before. it takes the average person around 73 days to become fully saturated at 1000 nanograms. to get back to 0 ng, it's another 73 days... to get below 50 ng to pass a typical urine test takes about 29-30 days... YMMV... :tiphat:


I don't go on special diets, but I started the year with a resolution just to eat healthier, without a specific weight loss goal. During the last couple of weeks, I've laid off the alchy and quit eating sugar and starchy snacks. Other than that, I try to eat a balanced diet from the "food pyramid", with as many whole foods and as few processed foods as possible. I've lost a few pounds already.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I am just trying to eat better.

Been eating a lot of soup and salad lately. Good for the old digestive system too.

Down from 215 to 206. Beer and Wine are my vices though.

I can take down a bottle of red, no problem.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I don't go on special diets, but I started the year with a resolution just to eat healthier, without a specific weight loss goal. During the last couple of weeks, I've laid off the alchy and quit eating sugar and starchy snacks. Other than that, I try to eat a balanced diet from the "food pyramid", with as many whole foods and as few processed foods as possible. I've lost a few pounds already.

that's a very good choice cutting out as much of the processed foods as possible... :good:

I am just trying to eat better.

Been eating a lot of soup and salad lately. Good for the old digestive system too.

Down from 215 to 206. Beer and Wine are my vices though.

I can take down a bottle of red, no problem.

only 1 bottle? :dunno: :D