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Looking for feedback on this idea to pay for ICMAG to stay here....

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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Gypsy Nirvana said:
...If I sold my car I would get $14,000..(I just had it valued at the dealer that sold it to me)...that would keep the site up for 140 days.......good idea!........maybe I should start cycling again?.........maybe I could sell my washing machine too and just do the washing in the bath tub with a bar of soap and put those funds into this site?........would be a good work-out for the fore-arms....

.....how much does an X-Box cost?

a regular xbox or a 360?

regular probably like 100$ 360 has diffrent levels between 199 and 499 i think. you gonna sell your car and buy me a xbox.. thats sweet of you. if you dont mind me asking.. what sports car you driving around? for 14k? i want one.

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The Tri Guy
to be fair, it did cost a couple of billion dollars to develop the xbox, and everything you get when buying one was done by employees of microsoft. A bit different than a site where all the content was created by its members. A better comparrison along those lines would be linux.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
well I'm having a chat with a marketing wizard and he's saying that he has a cunning plan.......

....but I have to go to get some food at the supermarket right now.......so will see what he's got 'up his sleeve' in the way of ideas soon........

I have never 'had a go' on an X-Box......is it any good?.....is it better than ICMAG?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Gypsy Nirvana said:
well I'm having a chat with a marketing wizard and he's saying that he has a cunning plan.......

....but I have to go to get some food at the supermarket right now.......so will see what he's got 'up his sleeve' in the way of ideas soon........

I have never 'had a go' on an X-Box......is it any good?.....is it better than ICMAG?

no offense but yes xbox is better than icmag, but icmag is a very close 2nd.(not really a fair compare though, 2 diffrent toys) i think i see where your going with this though. smoking the bud i learned to grow from icmag, while playing xbox is much much much better though.

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
GMT said:
I had to put my xbox away, I was fogetting to do anything else.

Lol!.....maybe I have to put ICMAG away?.........I still have'nt made it to Sainsbury's....

Endo.....I have a 6 year old 'S' type R....got 100,000 miles on the clock......mostly on Belgian motorways.......

If this X-Box thing is better than ICMAG then maybe I should sell my washing machine for one?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Gypsy Nirvana said:
well I'm having a chat with a marketing wizard and he's saying that he has a cunning plan.......

....but I have to go to get some food at the supermarket right now.......so will see what he's got 'up his sleeve' in the way of ideas soon........

I have never 'had a go' on an X-Box......is it any good?.....is it better than ICMAG?
Endo said:
no offense but yes xbox is better than icmag, but icmag is a very close 2nd.(not really a fair compare though, 2 diffrent toys) i think i see where your going with this though. smoking the bud i learned to grow from icmag, while playing xbox is much much much better though.

NO! not better than ICMag at all. these forums help folks who come here for healing & knowledge, I wished I could help by adding to the grow forums but I've nothing to report lately.......

Now video games on the other hand
just like other bad drugs XBox, PS2, Wii, etc....... are all addictive, I've seen friends turn into bonafide 'VIDIOTS' from these games over the decades. As these toys have grown in power, graphics, intensity, gore, etc....... so have the number of vidiots, sorta kinda exponentially.

I dig this place & will send in a donation w/in 30 days Gypsy.


ICMag Donor
Isn't an xbox something that kids play video games on? My kids keep asking for one and I assumed it was just something else to keep them in a chair with a set of controls in their hands. I had to limit their time with their playstations because it's all they seemed to want to do. They aren't getting an xbox if it's just another lazy video game.

Gypsy, maybe the moneys in starting a site where people have video game competitions and they can win games and stuff. I know my kids drop a couple hundred all the time on new games and think nothing of it. Hmmmmmm

Gypsy Nirvanas Game Boutique and Gamebay. The skys the limit........


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Stoner4Life said:
NO! not better than ICMag at all. these forums help folks who come here for healing & knowledge, I wished I could help by adding to the grow forums but I've nothing to report lately.......

Now video games on the other hand
just like other bad drugs XBox, PS2, Wii, etc....... are all addictive, I've seen friends turn into bonafide 'VIDIOTS' from these games over the decades. As these toys have grown in power, graphics, intensity, gore, etc....... so have the number of vidiots, sorta kinda exponentially.

I dig this place & will send in a donation w/in 30 days Gypsy.

why am i a vidiot? becuase i have a hobby that involves sitting in chair relaxing after my 60 hour work week to frag some people, that enjoy getting out their frustrations like i do? i buy a decent amout of games cause thats what i like, would you call a stamp collecter a boring old coot cause he likes to collect little pieces of paper with pictures on them? i enjoy the technology that is implimented this day in age, is that so wrong? to each their own. i dont think its right to categorize someone cause they love something. STONER!!!! your a stoner cause you smoke weed!, i dunno man i dont like being called a stoner either, cause i enjoy weed.. nah man .. not right. im a person just like everyone else with hobbies, though they may differ from what some people call the NORM.

kinda like people who spend a lot to time on the computer MODDING a web forum, sitting in a chair with a mouse in their hand. hmmmm.. JJ no offense but does that make you the same as the kids in the chair with a controller?

not trying to be offensive, i just think that people who enjoy something should not be catagorized because of it. i have plenty of hobbies, that involve not being lazy. i just dont do them as much as i should. probly cause im a vidiot stoner. :headbange
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ICMag Donor
I knew I had that one coming as soon as I read it, lol. Good call Endo.

I just like to see the kids get a little more excercise......

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Anti-Future said:
Um, this site is defietley an avenue for selling seeds...I don't know how can you possibly say otherwise and above that expect people to believe that? This is the most money hungry cannabis site I have EVER registered to...the 12$ a year wasn't bad but 100$ a year??? I pay half that for xbox live... perhaps gypsy could sell his nice sports car and use a quarter of that money to have the site set for life? I mean, the users here put that money there anyways. lol...shameless. I think its just time to take my leave. Good Luck!

Not singling you out, but this is a great example.
I am not sure what is up here, nothing changes for people that choose not to pay anything. If anything you should be thankful there are people willing to pay, as they will no doubt help fund upgrades to the site in general.

There is no argument, if you choose not to pay, then life goes on exactly the same it has before this thread was started. I am planning on donating, not sure how much, as being a pretend doctor on the internet, does not pay very well. For me it is more of a thanks for having this place, I have spent probably more time here than I do work in a week, so a gesture to show my appreciation is not that much.
If you want to hang out and shoot shit with people here, so be it, it is the same as it was before.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Endo said:
why am i a vidiot? becuase i have a hobby that involves sitting in chair relaxing after my 60 hour work week to frag some people, that enjoy getting out their frustrations like i do?
you quoted me properly the first time....... "I've seen friends turn into bonafide 'VIDIOTS' from these games over the decades."

Now I don't know you well enough to call you a friend & so I know didn't call you a vidiot either, of course your quick defensive stance tells me that you feel that way. Again my facetious sense of humor, tough luck.......


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Stoner4Life said:
you quoted me properly the first time....... "I've seen friends turn into bonafide 'VIDIOTS' from these games over the decades."

Now I don't know you well enough to call you a friend & so I know didn't call you a vidiot either, of course your quick defensive stance tells me that you feel that way. Again my facetious sense of humor, tough luck.......

kinda came out wrong, i dont take personal offense to what was said. just trying to make a point. now that i think about it i would hope that that your definition of a vidiot would be someone who sits and plays all day and does nothing else, that i would agree with you on. but if your saying cause your friends are very very avid gamers i would have to disagree with you. i didnt mean to get all uppity about it, it just bugs me when people imply that people who play video games are wasting their lives. (kinda what you did). if something is entertaining and you enjoy doing it, then do it. if you enjoy collecting rocks.... and thats your thing.. do it... i get shit from a few people about playing games alot. i say too bad for you that you dont have something you enjoy doing. i guess what im trying to say is im a gamer and always will be till the day i die, and i actually look forward to spending time playing games with my kids someday too. i know they are going to have even better ones than we have now. again sorry for getting all uppity. id like to think we are all friends here. in one way or another. peace and chicken grease..



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I was just having a bit of fun & defending the site, again in fun,
I didn't put that response up expecting you not to respond Endo,
again all in fun bro.......

personally I dislike holding those small game paddles or I'd be a player
myself. I was a vidiot back in the 80's at the stand up arcade video
games....... Asteroids, Asteroids II, Joust, Defender, Space Invaders,
Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Track & Field, Birdie King, BK II and of course
any pinball games wherever we were hanging at the time.


Grandfather & Grandma clause....

Grandfather & Grandma clause....

Gypsy Nirvana said:
Yeah......sure you can send in beans for a fundraiser that I will put together in the future.....

....would be kinda nice if I could get this site upgraded REGULARLY.....and have alot of the features installed that would make it MUCH more interesting and user friendly......that all costs....

The thought of going subscript is not an untenuous approach gypsy ...just make sure u offer a onetime first lifetime membership deal that grandfathers everyone in that responds early on to the idea , if paid membership is implemented .

Has to be a 1000 folks out there who would pay u $100-$xxx for lifetime membership up front ? Maybe Yes /No ?

That's sure alot of beans to get started with , and those folks get a little
"grandfather" logo by their names/handles too !

Now to get busy , back to making beans .....

regards ,


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We can always put on a dog parade. People are always wanting to watch dog parades.
[247 members and 453 guests

That is ALOT of guests...

Ill tell you how to fix the problem.

(a) Close the forums and make them member only.
(b) Get rid of the 1,000,000,000,000 Old threads/Grow Diarys that go unread.
(c) If there is so much traffic, get to promoting!


PhotoBucket.Com claims to have over 61,000,000 users who all can store upto 1GB of space without any cost.

I dont want to sound cheap, but $250 is half my months rent.

Honestly GYPSY, I dont think everyone wants more bells and whistles as It seems most people are happy with the site as it is. Do WE really have to pay for an extra un-needed person? I thought that was what the vendors ads are for.

I understand a business is about making money but I never really thought IC was a "business"...doesnt Gypsy also own seedbay and seedbotique??

I just think its going to create an "elitist" class system on IC and probably cause many users to leave since they feel they are not good enough to be included in all the discussions...


Should have tried this about a year or so ago when there was a lot of valuable information here and the place was fun.Learning and teaching to grow is going to cost money now?I doubt it
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