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I would wipe Belize off your list, it's not as nice as most people make it out to be. The cities are underdeveloped, bleak and pretty scary actually. Infrastructure like phones and internet are available, but the connection is usually bad and expensive too. The food and service is terrible, the prices very high and I didn't find the locals to be very friendly unless they were trying to make a buck. The culture in Belize tries to mimic the USA...so you can see where that leads to. Drug laws are actually quite strict and and there are tons of cops and military hanging around trying to arrest you and make an extra bit of cash from a bribe.

these observations were made over the course of two visits; I've spent alot of time living out of a backpack in many different places over my travels and Belize is one of the only places I would tell most people to stay away from. If I hadn't met a cute married girl living on the Cayes who convinced me come visit her for a week of no-commitment sex while her husband was away I would never have gone for the second visit.