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Looking for a new home...



I am making a living selling seeds, so I just want a place that I can grow my garden outside and it won't be a big deal. I like the caribbean for first choices, really not wanting to go to the pacific or indian oceans.


Making a living selling seeds and want to grow outside?Scrap the Philippines off your list then:hide:I have a house there in the sticks,lived there before and just use it for holidays nowadays,its way down south,as a puti living in the sticks every man and his dog has an interest in your business,its their national hobby,a little thing called tsismis,in a typical hick/boonie village they will know what time of the night you farted and went for a piss,as for growing and seeds,your white=target,everyone will want a piece of your pie,and if you miss someone out your going to jail,a friend of mines in jail over there at the moment for something inconsequential,he has been held for 18 months so far and still hasnt been sentenced,all because he didnt grease the right palms and the cops wanted to arrest a white guy because it looks good on TV:hide:

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Scrap the Philippines off your list then. every man and his dog has an interest in your business,its their national hobby,a little thing called tsismis,in a typical hick/boonie village they will know what time of the night you farted and went for a piss,as for growing and seeds,your white=target,everyone will want a piece of your pie,and if you miss someone out your going to jail.

No truer words were ever spoken.You do NOT want to get caught here with anything pertaining to the herb, and everyone is watching what you do.

That is the simple truth.


Amen to that slim,I lived in the back of beyond,learnt the language,and discovered pretty early that paradise has thorns:hide:If your doing a seed business,your white,and your growing they are going to drop on you like a ton of bricks,if your a corrupt pinoy politician growing a farm of dope thats fine,if your a local warlord murdering 58 rivals and media-crew at a roadblock thats something that can also in time be swept under the carpet,but if your a lone white guy there is no utang na loob for you:watchplant:


Hey hey friends.

I am looking to move to an island. I prefer something tropical to semi tropical. Looking for favorable laws when it comes to our herb. I would prefer English as the most common language. Someplace with todays tehnologies as far as internet and power and such. I would like to find a place where the cost of living is inexpensive too. I need somewhere that welcomes new citizens easily.
Any suggestions where I should be doing some research would be appreciated.


Why do you want to move to an island? Do you have a boat?


Why do you want to move to an island? Do you have a boat?

No boat. I want to live on an island in the caribbean. I am not looking for a tiny private island that I would need a boat. Like I said, just want enough privacy to grow my garden and not worry about the law.


go to the deep mountains of Canada my friend. if you sell seeds online you should only go into town to drop off seed packages once a week. land is cheap and youll have to best of both worlds , your own self medical supply and your regular Joe life sector .
plus you can make your own moonshine .lol


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
dude, go to st. john. i have some land out there and a dude that i had renting decided that it would be a good idea to grow weed in the back of the property that wasnt being used. not a very good idea when your cousin is the police comish at the time! when i was told the news i almost died laughing. they guy totally admitted it like it was nothing; "yes im those are my weed plants . . . and?"

theres alot of land out there up in the country inbetween the town and coral bay. more than enough space to have a couple crops here and there


New member
The Canary Islands, probably not the cheapest place, but cannabis friendly (spain laws) and beautiful weather.

Nice point, i agree.

Canary Islands, not the cheapest place as you say, but semi-tropical and cannabis-friendly.

Spanish is the main language, but Canary Islands economy is heavy based on tourism, a lot of british and other euro-expats living there, etc 5-10 fliying hours from N.America or northern Europe, 3-4 From Spain, Italy, France. Good airports, internet conexion, etc... It´s a good place dude!


New member
It looks like housing in the canary islands is about like california.

Just saw a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment for 360k usd

Spanish housing bubble strikes back! :wave:

That´s a crazy situation, because the income average in the Canary is very low compared with California. A typicall spanish services or industrial worker without experience is the "mileurista" profile, meaning that their salary is aprox. 1000€ x month...and Canary Islands is not the richest region in the spanish scenario...so last years housing prices in Spain where just crazy bubbled "fantasías" for a non-skilled spanish worker, and prices still falling all around Spain


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
housing prices have dropped in my area of cali. 2500sf house 220k is what there going for right now


Tropical Outcast

<<<<<<< My island would be an option to a certain degree because of your stated requirements.

It has federal laws but the island(s) is/are run by the elderly and their saying supersedes said federal law...and they all smoke. ;)

Weed cannot be imported so you can imagine where it is coming from.

From reading your "new home to be requirements" there are a few things you would not like/want to be living with though...one of them English being spoken with a (very) heavy dialect, the other living there not being cheap.

You will NOT find cheap island living to your stated standards, period!

Then again cheap is relative...there is always a price to pay.

PS: Everyone will understand I won't say publicly where said island is.



Tropical Outcast
I read someone suggested T&T...I have been all over the Carib and spent quiet some time at many of the places (not just a quick 2 week visit) and I can say the smaller half of T&T would be a great choice supporting most of your goals.

Tobago has remote areas available for still somewhat reasonable pricing especially compared to comparable islands.

T&T is politically stable, has its own oil, no fly overs for MJ ;), gas is cheap and flights are low priced as well. Medical system is just as it is here in the US. Most important it is not very corrupt, a big problem elsewhere especially if you are a foreigner.
And there is a market for weed as well in case you have some "overproduce"...lol

What you should do is this:

Go to the places which sound appealing to you and spend @ least a full month. Don't stay @ a all inclusive resort, best would be to find some average hotel for the first week, then rent from a local and get in to every day life so you can see what it all is about.

Living somewhere permanently is completely different from vacationing there, always keep that in mind.

Believe me or not even the most picturesque beach can start looking pretty old after 3 months.



Active member
yeah...why not jamaica? i have friends that have land in the cheap parts of jamaica. they are super tight with the locals because they helped the locals do their plumbing or something like that. everyone smokes weed. pretty tropical. and so chill. as long as your cool no one gives a fuck.


Tropical Outcast
yeah...why not jamaica? i have friends that have land in the cheap parts of jamaica. they are super tight with the locals because they helped the locals do their plumbing or something like that. everyone smokes weed. pretty tropical. and so chill. as long as your cool no one gives a fuck.

Been there.

If you are a foreigner with white skin and don't speak their local dialect...you will have a VERY hard time "fitting in".

If you get pulled over as a tourist and have weed on you they usually take you to the next ATM so you can bail yourself out. ;)


Active member
Been there.

If you are a foreigner with white skin and don't speak their local dialect...you will have a VERY hard time "fitting in".

If you get pulled over as a tourist and have weed on you they usually take you to the next ATM so you can bail yourself out. ;)

i think it all depends on if your a total tool/stranger. than yeah you aren't gonna fit it. it's like any community. fit in. get good with the right people. maybe i'm giving people more credit than they deserve, but me and my friends have no problem fitting in with the right people. i get what you mean though for sure.

it all depends on what kinda people skills you have. that is an important fact largely overlooked in this industry. you can have all the grow skills in the world, but without people skills, you're fucked in more ways than one.


Tropical Outcast

it all depends on what kinda people skills you have. that is an important fact largely overlooked in this industry. you can have all the grow skills in the world, but without people skills, you're fucked in more ways than one.


One doesn't go w/o the other.

And if then the whole deal is not gonna last long...


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