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look at all these bricks


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle


pure dynamite
You just need some more of those bricks.. then you can build a house from them... :wave: :yoinks: :laughing:


Oh my, the fun we could have with that.

Helluva weekend for me, eh???

Damn, buddy - we could hook up *K* every week for 5 years, and still smoke ourselves stupid(er) all we wanted... :woohoo:


Active member
I was wondering where I left those.
Would you be so kind as to hold on to them for me, and I'll send someone by this afternoon to pick them up.
Thanks for the help.


reminds me of the pile of medical books in my basement

omg liek don't smoke it its teh schwag


Active member
Anyone want to guess at the total weight there? I don't know what it is myself, but if those numbers written on the bales are lb weights, it looks like they range from 21lbs to 30lbs a bale, and what, about 150 bales or so? Looks to be about 7-8 bales across each row, rows about 5 deep, stacked lets say an average of 5 high, some are less, some look to be more. So 7 x 5 = 35 single stacks roughly, X's an average of 5 high per stack = 175 bales give or take a few, X's the average weight of 24lbs(if that is pounds on them)
I come out with a best guess of 4200lbs, that seems kind of high though, who knows, I'm no math wizard.
If you sold that at $200 a lb you would make $840,000 nice
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Active member
get out the bubblebags, rent an industrial ice maker, and take a month off work
troof. i'd rather have a quarter of that amount in high quality sensi, and forego the headache from shitty mids or beast

fuck that. I'll make enough cannabutter and canna oil to get italy, france and spain stoned for years! And honey oil! Just eat gobs of it! Weed Volcano Cakes!!!!!!! Pure oil in the center!

Fuck. Or i could just sell it and tune in and drop out, completely dissappear for a couple years. with that kinda money any "hippie" hipster girl from the school would gladly go along to colombia or venezuela. Buy a house i remember from one of my travels in colombia and just live.

Even if i just sell it for 200 like the original poster and get the 840k, that's enough for a few years in colombia. maybe not venezuela or the more stable countries like argentina and chile, but still. although, that priece is not likely, prices are actually going up, even in the latin corridor countries. Just go to Hispaniola an try to get a lb for the maybe 100 bucks or so it'd cost, even to a tourist. don't ask, long long story, ex long term girl was from there and i made some local business transactions there.

ok, i just realized i have a whole fantasy planned...but that is my plan eventually... just sell all my immobile posessions and go live in a remote location, i just adapted the source and quickness of th emoney from attorney and long ass time to lucky ass motherfucker that stumbled upon a shit load of weed and basically overnight(or rather, a few months, gotta stagger that shit out to not call attention, whoever lost it will want it!)