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locked up abroad


Active member
anyone catch the mj smuggling from mexico ep?

dude got fresh herb, bricked it up with a big press while spraying it with "mj tea"

and we wonder why brick is all fucked up most of the time... fuckin spraying it with water..

yep i saw that one. for the most part it was really good, but the part where they are loading that press w/ weed that had never been dried, and then wetting it more, and then sealing it made no sense. (ive seen 'em make briks before) and the weed is usualy crappy, but dry....and then sprayed.

..then dude kept getting caught trying to escape prison....id be trying to escape too.
good show...a bit depressing but excellent tv. The one I couldn't believe was the 2 ediots who got caught smuggling bars of gold into Nepal to avoid taxes (I believe it was Nepal) strapped to their bodies. Those guys were crazy.

Teh sentences these 3rd world countries deal out is f'n scary and my sympathies go out to anyone sitting in a nasty cell far far away. I really like the happy ending ones though. Like the one mentioned earlier when Iraq got invaded and the one guy walked right out of the prison to his freedom


Active member
havent smoked schwag since 1993...havent paid for weed since then either (ppl pay me)


good show...a bit depressing but excellent tv. The one I couldn't believe was the 2 ediots who got caught smuggling bars of gold into Nepal to avoid taxes (I believe it was Nepal) strapped to their bodies. Those guys were crazy.

Teh sentences these 3rd world countries deal out is f'n scary and my sympathies go out to anyone sitting in a nasty cell far far away. I really like the happy ending ones though. Like the one mentioned earlier when Iraq got invaded and the one guy walked right out of the prison to his freedom
Pierrs Hernu,british Journalist was the one in that episode I think?When I was based in Hong Kong it was common for westerners to take gold to Nepal,there were loads of touts in Chungking Mansions on Nathan Road looking for backpackers who wanted to earn extra money to fund their travels,I stayed in loads of Guest Houses in Kathmandhu whose "Traveller-notice-boards" were filled with requests for warm clothing and sleeping bags for western prisoners in the local nick during the winter.


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ICMag Donor
What I don't get is why people in those situations expect the US embassy to get them out of trouble. Here in the US we have minimum mandatory sentencing for drug traffickers, and our prisons aren't that great either.

It's like having an illegal come into the US and break the law here, say by smuggling some cocaine for a cartel. Would you really be happy if all the person got was a slap on the wrist because the Mexican Ambassador intervened?
my friend was surfing in Bali, he came back to the house he was renting for the week and it was full of local cops...they found 2 joints hidden in his bedroom. Whoever he got them from prolly ratted him out. He went to the shittiest prison ever for almost 2 years..barely enough porridge to stay alive and extremely crowded.

He was facing 20 years to life.The U.S. Embassy couldn't do anything...you need to abide by a countries laws..His parents went over there asap and were told they would see their son when trial came up. The court wouldn't take money then, so they flew back home. It took almost two years for the trial to come up; theyd rather have money than him imprisoned so he paid around $130,000 U.S. in fines total to be released and he was out with time served, ordered never to return to Bali again.


Kiefer man that's a bad one, poor bloke, and then crap porridge. I was concerned while in Thailand, but in the islands if you keep to yourself or just blend in it's all good.


New member
One of my favorite shows. I've wondered the same thing myself about going to the embassy. Like the one where the guy "falls in love" with the girl and gets "dragged" in to a smuggling situation, only to be left high and dry. Any chance he could have gone to the embassy for protection? As opposed to going through with it out of fear.

Anyway my favorite is the one with Glen Heggstad. I like most of the hostage episodes, even though they can be tough to watch at times. At least this one ends on a good note. I couldn't believe he finished his trip, although I guess I should have expected considering he was able to survive that situation.
I really enjoy watching Locked Up Abroad...but like most...feel sorry for each individual busted. Getting busted in foriegn countries is no joke...altho the sentences are "usually" more relaxed than getting busted in the US, the prisons seem far more dangerous...like the one in Venezuela, where inmates actually have guns...yikes... Those guys got like 10 years, whereas if they'd made back to London and been busted by the British customs would have been around 20 yrs behind bars...

Now getting busted in Singapore carries a life sentence or possibly death...You'd have to be a nut to even think about it... Mandatory minimums are the worst part here in the US. I believe each case should be considered differently depending on the individual and the circumstances, and our system is all fucked up because of that...


Nokuy, are you smoking the brick where you are at now? What are you paying?

Everybody smokes schwag around here (I´m in Brazil), You can pay 3USD/g for a really good one, or you can pay 1USD/g for the normal stuff, it´s get you high at least.

A friend of a friend, is locked up somewhere (Thailand or Malasia maybe), and he´s just waiting for execution. He´s going to be burried to the neck, and an Elephant will step on his head...

Well, for every one that got caught, 10 more get through, that´s why people keeps doing it on and on, the money is good and chances are not that bad...


I spent a year overseas in Central Asia. In the Tien Shan Mnts, which is part of the Hindu Kush chain. Nice quality stuff at super cheap prices (ciggarette pack stuffed with herb was cheaper than the pack of cigs - about 30-40 cents American) - but too much interest from the local police. I rarely went a week without being stopped for a random search. The locals were wanting a bribe, and foreigners caught were given long sentences in harsh former Soviet prisons. Needless to say I stayed away from everything - freedom was much more important. But I always wonder what I missed.


european ganja growers
yeah my father only get's ONE hour that he can leave his cell:fsu::fsu::fsu:

:yoinks::fsu: sorry to hear that bro..where his he banged up if you dont mind me asking?,,,just tell me to fuck off and mind my own business (i wont take affence bro) just that 1 hour is shit he must be somewere bad....

hope all goes good for him (you keep ya head up to)..best wishes and loads of good Karma/love/hope for you and ya Father..

keep it green


Active member
he is banged up in germany
thx 4 the support guys !

It is his third time so i have become less sensitive towards it.

But i ain't gonna visit him cuz i never wanna see a prison again , the guards treat me , as family member also as a criminal.

If i want to go visit my dad I have to pay for a translator.(the cops want to understand everything we say.

Why cuz those germans don't understand italian or dutch , I myself talk gemran pretty well and am a translator byt still i have to pay approx 100 euros for another translator.

So if i want to visit my father i lose about 300 euros(translator , journey , gsoline , food , translator


european ganja growers
he is banged up in germany
thx 4 the support guys !

It is his third time so i have become less sensitive towards it.

But i ain't gonna visit him cuz i never wanna see a prison again , the guards treat me , as family member also as a criminal.

If i want to go visit my dad I have to pay for a translator.(the cops want to understand everything we say.

Why cuz those germans don't understand italian or dutch , I myself talk gemran pretty well and am a translator byt still i have to pay approx 100 euros for another translator.

So if i want to visit my father i lose about 300 euros(translator , journey , gsoline , food , translator

thats fucking outa order (how long has he got?)....i thought the Nazi where long gone.....tell him what ever he does not mention the war lol (sorry bro thats me trying to make a we joke out of a bad situation)...

keep it green


Yeah, I've seen a few "I shouldn't be alive," and it was pretty good. Pretty grizzly, what some of the shit people had to deal with, like the dude who got stranded out off the coast of Baja Mexico.