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locked up abroad


Active member
ok...i watch this show whenever its on....i dont know very much much about international travel in general, but i do know if your smuggling drugs your can get fucked.

heres a link to the homepage of the show if u havnt seen it (not a video link)


seems it's ALWAYS just their first time, or they were 'set/up'...and didn't know they were mules (i rarely buy that), but some of their stories sure sound legit.

i feel bad for most of them regardless....some places punish u to life or death in some 3rd world shithole jail for moving some hash even.

also almost always they have 2nd thoughts at the last min. or last day (who wouldnt).

so as i watch this it makes me wonder what would happen to them if right at the last min. instead of the check-in line (where they often get caught)... they went to the US embassy....and told their story....would that get them off the hook?

im not saying 'snitch' (im sure they'd want u to tho)....but to say their was set up if that was really the case?

...or are they usually bein watched so close like it looks, that it would be too dangerous to do that...what do you guys think?


lover of all things hashlike
dude... i like the one where that chick carrying H train in her woman purse ends up getting x-rayed then doesnt dump the product after they release her from the xray station.

"in thai you die"


Active member
dude... i like the one where that chick carrying H train in her woman purse ends up getting x-rayed then doesnt dump the product after they release her from the xray station.

"in thai you die"

yeah they gave her a chance....yah snooze ya loose (felt bad for her too)


Jeez, it's like watching that movie "Midnight Express," where the dude gets life for moving some hash in turkey.:fsu:


love that show, just watched it 2day girl got busted with 4 birds of coke and only did 4 years in a cuban prison.


got something similar overhere called banged up abroad on nat geo,probably the same program.
the shear stupidity of some people astounds me.smuggling class a narcotics in third world countries is just crazy,and then crying how bad they had it in prison.lol


european ganja growers
have you seen the one where the young british guy and his Iran friend get banged up for buying hash and makeing home make alcohol in Iran :crazy::yoinks:....
think he got something like 25year..worked out ok for him the the end. Iraq invaded Iran 3month later = all the screws rans away when thay heard of the invasion (prison on the main road from Iraq into Iran) and left everyone..thay all broke out and he escaped to UAE,,

he said at the end..looking back it was abit stange/weard/funny braking out and ecaping with a chinese mass murderer and some other nutt job ,,, a white guy , black guy , chinees man all escaped across the boarder in a taxi LMFOA yeh a taxi....

keep it green


Active member
Shit like that depresses me , my father is one of those" people locked abroad" and it ain't his first time.

Some people never learn. Too bad for him. He only get's to leave his cell for ONE hour a day.

Good recipe for going coocoo:fsu:


lover of all things hashlike
anyone catch the mj smuggling from mexico ep?

dude got fresh herb, bricked it up with a big press while spraying it with "mj tea"

and we wonder why brick is all fucked up most of the time... fuckin spraying it with water..


all praises are due to the Most High
thing is that all brick is sprayed with something, usually water + alcohol or lime juice, if not, it will not compress.

so we grow our own, it is a matter of public health.



I love that show, stayed up way late last night to watch the one with the girl trying to take out the heroin. Noky, you ever see I shouldn,t be Alive? Hey right now on History channel, Hooked Illegal drugs Marijuana is on.peace guys


I think I've seen pretty much every episode of this show, only here in Canada it's called "Banged Up Abroad."

Seen some pretty crazy shit on there. Seen a couple being told they were gonna smuggle some green over the border and turned out it was a whole lot of smack. The episodes where people wore jackets loaded up with bricks of gold were pretty intense.


Marijuna is the Devil's weed, if you smoke it you are inviting your demons ro come out. Old school propaganda is so funny


this show makes me realize that no matter were you go its not worth trying to smuggle some local bud back due to draconian laws

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