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loans! $$



This isn't an sovereignty thing... Other nations have to obey our laws to conduct business after all.

Payday loans, money tree, etc, etc, etc... Predatory loans by corporate America. We used to have laws on the books to protect us... Caps on what they could charge/do/approve. That went away with new legislation... They wanted to have the same percentages as loan sharks, even though those rates used to be considered illegal. Prop up a politician, give out incentives, change the laws... Open a can of whoop ass on the poor, which is most of America. They passed it straight up... These are our laws... Our system. GBA
^^^ THIS is the winning answer. When our legislature eliminated the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, they GUTTED any protections the American consumer once had from predatory lending or usurious lending rates. The rub is that regular folks can't use these kinds of rates, IIRC anything over a 25%APR on a private loan is illegal still.

What's worse is that these very same companies now also utilize what are called 'mandatory arbitration agreements', which the courts uphold. These agreements, in essence, remove our RIGHT TO REDRESS IN COURT. In other words, you CAN'T sue.

This is our New World. Thanks for voting the fucks back into office so consistently, USAnia!

h^2 O

well I did it, took out loans with two of the Native American companies...both show they should be deposited tonight or tomorrow morning. Can't believe how easy it was! One gave me $1200 and the other gave me $750. That's more money than I've had in 2 years. This is the beginning of my nest egg; i am dirt poor, being extremely gifted at being lazy.
So this 2 grand will be in my bank tomorrow, then I will take all of the money out and put in the wall or something and start using those prepaid debit cards from CVS. Then I will close my bank account, as it will no longer be needed and will only be a liability. My federal disability will be going into a new account with debit card that is created solely by the us treasury to pay social security, etc., and is exempt from ANY type of garnishment. It is federal law, social security payments can not be garnished for any purpose.
I used a Google voice number as my contact number with both lenders, so any calls have been getting bypassed straight into Gmail. Otherwise, when I default they'd be blowing up my phone until I changed my number.
From what I found, these Native American loans are in fact illegal, and the worst they can do is attempt to contact me and report the deliquency to the credit beureaus, which would make my horrible credit even more horrible. No big deal. I plan on filing bankruptcy eventually anyway.
So I might keep going while I'm still hot and see how many of these loans I can get.

Am I a bad guy? No, I'm just poor, caught in this shitty country of BS which allows the rich to screw over the poor and get away with it.

So with my 2 grand I will buy a quarter each of chemdog and masterkush, a bong which i dont have anymore because i had to sell, and that should be it, I'll try to keep the shopping to a minimum as I want to stash away as much of this cash as possible and start a big pile of it. With this money I can basically move out of this bok choy house of horrors and gang stalking area and rent a trailer or something in the woods far enough away from the road that I can't hear cars, music or people. Then I will be a happy camper. And free.

Now to hit up those other loan sites before word gets out that I'm applying to tons of loans at the same time.


Active member
Can you grow H2o? Wouldn't that be better than taking out a loan and sinking your ailing credit even more?

It sounds like you are being sued from the way you describe it...and trust me...I know what that is like. Have you tried giving creditboards.com a try? There is a ton of information there...and I have had success dealing with collections agencies and JDB's. How much do you owe currently on top of your good accounts(if you have any).



h^2 O

just got another loan, this one is for $400 and they throw in a free iPod

Today is really the day to get it all done, getting as many as possible

h^2 O

Can you grow H2o? Wouldn't that be better than taking out a loan and sinking your ailing credit even more?

It sounds like you are being sued from the way you describe it...and trust me...I know what that is like. Have you tried giving creditboards.com a try? There is a ton of information there...and I have had success dealing with collections agencies and JDB's. How much do you owe currently on top of your good accounts(if you have any).



oh yeah, as soon as i have my own place i am golden, will never buy a bud again and will sell an ounce or so a week for money

i think i owe like $8,000 from about ten years ago or so.


Active member
oh yeah, as soon as i have my own place i am golden, will never buy a bud again and will sell an ounce or so a week for money

i think i owe like $8,000 from about ten years ago or so.

Check with your state laws and Statute Of Limitations(SOL)...I'm pretty sure you are in the clear. But make sure to check. If they are not within their legal rights to come after you...you can sue them.




i hate all loans,regardless of the interest rate,imo its just another bill,another reason to stress and worry about paying on time.we have enough bills,we dont need another,yeah loans are def needed SOMETIMES,but if your taking out a loan to buy furniture,or redo the kitchen,then yeah,not needed,go buy some sofas cash,and the kitchen can wait,maybe paint it youself?


Active member
just redid my kitchen lol. i am sure the indians got their asses covered. its prob a tax rightoff on the peeps that dont pay. i bet somehow they make cash anyhow. have to talk to my tax guy and ask . next time i see him. at those rates if just a small percent pays it back your gonna be ok LOL AND i hope i never get so low. i have to get a loan knowing i couldnt or didnt want to pay it back. not passing judgement just saying that would be a real lowIMHO
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h^2 O

its definitely written off.

Superman you do know there's like homeless people out there right? With hobo towns and stuff?


I think that if you are in a position to need a loan then generally you are fucking up; ie, spending all your money on pot and alcohol. And if that's the case then you will spend all the loan money on the same.
Probably need to fix you life up, so you wont be in that position.
ie, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for life.
You are just asking for a fish to feed you for a day, buy you need to learn how to fish, that is to not spend all your money on drugs and alcohol and dial a pizza, and once you have conquered that you will be set for a comfortable life.

h^2 O

you pinhead, the country is going down the tubes, take advantage of things while you still can. Wall St already did

what are you gonna do, OCCUPY H^2 O?


The country is not going down the tubes, only the poor people are.
The rich will stil be rich, separated from the poor in their gated comminities with a security guard at the gate with an M16 with orders to shoot any poor who approach.


That's why Americans need to embrace socialism, Americans have been brainwashed by the rich for years that socialism is evil, but think, who does socialism benefit? The poor, to the detriment of the super rich. That's why the rich hate socialism.
The sad thing is the poor aren't thinking for themselves, they are being brainwashed by the rich to support the rich by voting against socialism.


Active member
I think that if you are in a position to need a loan then generally you are fucking up; ie, spending all your money on pot and alcohol. And if that's the case then you will spend all the loan money on the same.
Probably need to fix you life up, so you wont be in that position.
ie, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for life.
You are just asking for a fish to feed you for a day, buy you need to learn how to fish, that is to not spend all your money on drugs and alcohol and dial a pizza, and once you have conquered that you will be set for a comfortable life.
you really like fish huh? and have you ever eaten fish every day? i did for a while it gets old quick . lol


The Tri Guy
H2O, watch yourself, not sure on usa legal system, but in the uk, you'd effectively be taking out loans that would normally get chased through the civil courts, but since these are unenforcable debts that can't happen. So in theory you are golden. The problem comes from taking out loans that you don't intend to repay at the time of taking them out. That's financial fraud and will land you in criminal court. The worst civil court can do is give you a bill, criminal court of course has other methods. Just a heads up. If you do this, make sure you're able to pay it back when you take it out, and then if your circumstances happen to change, and you become unable to repay, then you can't be guilty of a crime.

h^2 O

hmmm interesting...idk though, it's not fraud...i need money and will do my darned best to live up to the loan agreement.
That said, spent $120, got a bong and some jars. No more soda bottle bongs for me guys! Haven't had my Roor in 2 years or so and must say this thing hits soooooo smooth its quite comparable to the one i had gotten for 350.
Nicely ground parts fit well, ice things to keep the ice up and a diffuser and the beaker bottom. I'd say it's 18" and holds 8 ice cubes

Good deal. We smoke em peace pipe.

I will pay them back their money next month but NO interest or fees
