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Chanting Growers Group

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I pop in this thread every now and again, but I still find myself asking- What is with this chanting?

I see the occasional pearl of wisdom but feel as though much is lost (to an outside reader such as myself) amongst the various mantras and scriptures.

Just a thought.


The invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo was established by Nichiren Daishonin on April 28, 1253. Having studied widely among all the Buddhist sutras, he had concluded that the Lotus Sutra contains the ultimate truth of Buddhism: that everyone without exception has the potential to attain Buddhahood. The title of the Lotus Sutra in its Japanese translation is Myoho-renge-kyo. But to Nichiren, Myoho-renge-kyo was far more than the title of a Buddhist text, it was the expression, in words, of the Law of life which all Buddhist teachings in one way or another seek to clarify. What follows is a brief and unavoidably limited explanation of some of the key concepts expressed by this phrase.

The word nam derives from Sanskrit. A close translation of its meaning is "to devote oneself." Nichiren established the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as a means to enable all people to put their lives in harmony or rhythm with the law of life, or Dharma. In the original Sanskrit, nam indicates the elements of action and attitude, and refers therefore to the correct action one needs to take and the attitude one needs to develop in order to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.

Myoho literally means the Mystic Law, and expresses the relationship between the life inherent in the universe and the many different ways this life expresses itself. Myo refers to the very essence of life, which is "invisible" and beyond intellectual understanding. This essence always expresses itself in a tangible form (ho) that can be apprehended by the senses. Phenomena (ho) are changeable, but pervading all such phenomena is a constant reality known as myo.

Renge means lotus flower. The lotus blooms and produces seeds at the same time, and thus represents the simultaneity of cause and effect. The circumstances and quality of our individual lives are determined by the causes and effects, both good and bad, that we accumulate (through our thoughts, words and actions) at each moment. This is called our "karma." The law of cause and effect explains that we each have personal responsibility for our own destiny. We create our destiny and we can change it. The most powerful cause we can make is to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo; the effect of Buddhahood is simultaneously created in the depths of our life and will definitely manifest in time. The lotus flower grows and blooms in a muddy pond, and yet remains pristine and free from any defilement, symbolizing the emergence of Buddhahood from within the life of an ordinary person.

Kyo literally means sutra, the voice or teaching of a Buddha. In this sense, it also means sound, rhythm or vibration. Also, the Chinese character for kyo originally meant the warp in a piece of woven cloth, symbolizing the continuity of life throughout past, present and future. In a broad sense, kyo conveys the concept that all things in the universe are a manifestation of the Mystic Law.
Primary Practice

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo--also known as "Daimoku"--is the primary practice of SGI members. Through this practice, one is able to reveal the state of Buddhahood in one's life, experienced as the natural development of joy, increased vitality, courage, wisdom and compassion.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I pop in this thread every now and again, but I still find myself asking- What is with this chanting?

I see the occasional pearl of wisdom but feel as though much is lost (to an outside reader such as myself) amongst the various mantras and scriptures.

Just a thought.

its a chant that is difficult to translate in a traditional sense since they are simple words with quite profound meaning

My simple interpretation of the philosophy behind it, and please understand I am not even a neophyte, is that those who practice it find harmony through truth and unity

the reason it has a place here in the growing section of ICMAG is that the practice of growing, depending on the particular circumstances can lead to behaviors that are analogous to behaviors which the philosophy practices, the practice of selfless giving

i find most every writing to be congruent with the truth in my heart but it practices from a foundation of proof that exonerates other philosophies that are not based on these truths

For me they do not negate each other and nor is it a real issue to those that practice the philosophy since one does not negate the other it just wont acknowledge it until it can be measured by a set of criteria (i believe the three truths) and for me it is not a betrayal of my own moral compass to explore a philosophy that seeks harmony

In my quest to explore and not intrude I simply started at the beginning of the thread and it does do a very nice job of showing how it got started and some of the insight of like minds

there is an amazing dynamic to be experienced regardless, at least there has been for me

its one of those warm fuzzies that exists on the internet where the marijuana counter-culture can find refuge in the fact that we didn't grow pot just because its a rejection of authority or a source of black market income or even a simple commodity but a medicine that heals more than the body but also the mind and the soul and that refuge is in the testimony of our fellow chanters

everyone blames marijuana as a gateway to so many other bad things but what about it being a gateway for the healing?

:) i think we can all agree its starts with a seed :)


3rd-Eye Jedi
good morning

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

I am encouraged to wake with the spirit of selfless giving and hope the same exists within you


Did you just read this page and miss the last few hundred?

Did you just read this page and miss the last few hundred?

I pop in this thread every now and again, but I still find myself asking- What is with this chanting?

I see the occasional pearl of wisdom but feel as though much is lost (to an outside reader such as myself) amongst the various mantras and scriptures.

Just a thought.

Over 840 pages about one mantra "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" and something may have gotten lost in translation?? I've been here for over 5 years and it gets better and better as we progress in my humble opinion!

:thank you:


Another Bodhisattva Renews their Vow to Humankind!

Another Bodhisattva Renews their Vow to Humankind!

good morning

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

I am encouraged to wake with the spirit of selfless giving and hope the same exists within you

"Admirable Nichiro, because you have read the entirety of the Lotus Sutra with both the physical and spiritual aspects of your life, you will also be able to save your father and mother, your six kinds of relatives, and all living beings. Others read the Lotus Sutra with their mouths alone, in word alone, but they do not read it with their hearts. And even if they read it with their hearts, they do not read it with their actions. It is reading the sutra with both one's body and mind that is truly praiseworthy!"

Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 204)

By chanting the words you are like Nichiro my friend! To you family you are like the Sun who is shining a new dawn upon your world! Keep up the great work - your fresh perspective and ichinen is focused, it time you started chanting in your sanctuary to your own Gohonzon. You sir, are ready, willing and able in my opinion and I'm thrilled to read such great insight and compassion in your words!

The same is true for all the great Chanting Growers posting some strong material and directing some really good vibes!

Keep up the great work yall!


[一念] (Jpn; Chin i-nien )

A single moment of life, one instant of thought, or the mind or life at a single moment. Also, life-moment, thought-moment, or simply a single moment or instant. Ichinen has various meanings in Buddhism: (1) A moment, or an extremely short period comparable to the Sanskrit term kshana. The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom defines one kshana or moment as a sixtieth of the time it takes to snap one's fingers. (2) The functioning of the mind for one moment. The "Distinctions in Benefits" (seventeenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra speaks of a single moment of belief and understanding. (3) To focus one's mind on meditating on a Buddha; Shan-tao (613-681), a patriarch of the Chinese Pure Land school, defined ichinen (one instant of thought) as chanting Amida Buddha's name once. (4) T'ient'ai (538-597) philosophically interprets ichinen in his doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life ( Jpn ichinen-sanze Chin i-nien san-ch'ien ). In this doctrine, ichinen indicates the mind of an ordinary person, which at each moment is endowed with the potential of three thousand realms; its characteristics are: (a) it pervades the entire universe; (b) it includes both body and mind; (c) it includes both self and environment; (d) it gives rise to good and evil; and (e) it encom-passes cause and effect simultaneously. Nichiren (1222-1282) embodied this philosophical framework in the form of a mandala known as the Gohonzon. By this he aimed to establish a practical way for ordinary people to manifest Buddhahood from among the Ten Worlds of their own lives.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
this is prob sort of way off topic...but anyone ever see the movie "The Little Buddha"?
with keeanu reeves as the buddha?...OMG,that movie is both kinda good and cracks me up at the same time.... bill and ted's excellent enlightenment...LOL !!


St. Elsewhere
Over 840 pages about one mantra "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" and something may have gotten lost in translation?? I've been here for over 5 years and it gets better and better as we progress in my humble opinion!

:thank you:

Perhaps I'm ignorant. I understand the core of Buddhism, but the entire concept of "chanting" eludes me. If someone could explain it I would be grateful. I am trying not to view this group as I would a Pentecostal Church group, but I feel like I'm definitely missing something.

The concept of "any person is capable of attaining the wisdom of the Buddha" rings true with me, but I'm curious as to whether or not there is more going on here that I am missing. Is this a Buddhist support group? Am I simply not giving myself to the group and that's why I am confused?

Not trying to be negative, but at the same time, I must vocalize my confusion.

(The concept of the Sanskrit "Mudita" [compassionate joy] as I learned from TrichyTrichy is one of my all-time favorite things, so please avoid seeing me as a directionless skeptic.)


3rd-Eye Jedi
Perhaps I'm ignorant. I understand the core of Buddhism, but the entire concept of "chanting" eludes me. If someone could explain it I would be grateful. I am trying not to view this group as I would a Pentecostal Church group, but I feel like I'm definitely missing something.

The concept of "any person is capable of attaining the wisdom of the Buddha" rings true with me, but I'm curious as to whether or not there is more going on here that I am missing. Is this a Buddhist support group? Am I simply not giving myself to the group and that's why I am confused?

Not trying to be negative, but at the same time, I must vocalize my confusion.

(The concept of the Sanskrit "Mudita" [compassionate joy] as I learned from TrichyTrichy is one of my all-time favorite things, so please avoid seeing me as a directionless skeptic.)

I will give an outsiders take

Buddhism, which is a philosophy of truth, was conceptualized by the first Buddha and as time passes other Buddha would reveal themselves and add to the existing body of truth

chanting Buddhism is a type of Buddhism that was refined by one of those Buddhas.

His addition to the philosophy was that if in the state of searching for truth we wish it for others we may ALL find it

now personally this journey for me, many of the Buddhist dynamics, because they are based on truth, contain concepts that are compatible with the dynamics of other beliefs, because the algorithm of truth produces truth regardless of how you arrange the facts in the equation

so as I see it the chant of

nam myoho renge kyo

can represent many things depending on your capacity and desire to understand truth for yourself and others

regardless of whether it completes you or not, it in is rawest form is a wish of harmony (peace) for ALL (the best part IMHO) and knowing that it has been heard and that the person hearing it understands the wish and perhaps even passes it on

its deign is to encourage goodwill among us and I truly feel that as we give selflessly to others (a named dynamic in Buddhist philosophy) the truth and everything else we need will be given to us

and in that aspect for me, give selflessly without limit for enlightenment is very much the same as

"For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your
neighbor (everyone you effect) as yourself." (Galatians 5:14 RSV)

and so as I see the truth through buddhist eyes I see the grand congruency of truth that exists in so many beliefs and on the hearts of so many of those "enlightened ones" that came before us I no longer question why I have had that calling in my heart, why it brought me to feel a passion for the welfare of my fellow man and what it desires me to do.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

give selflessly and be strengthen because selfless love given to another will never go unrequited

this is the type of love that is real NOT fade away

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The Daishonin states, "The voice does the Buddha's work" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 708).
To chant the Mystic Law is to praise the Gohonzon. Hearing the sound of our
daimoku, the heavenly deities will be set into motion and work to protect us. A
weak and unclear voice will not move the heavenly deities. That is why it is
important for us to chant daimoku with voices that are clear, strong and
brimming with joy.

Daisaku Ikeda


Perhaps I'm ignorant. I understand the core of Buddhism, but the entire concept of "chanting" eludes me. If someone could explain it I would be grateful. I am trying not to view this group as I would a Pentecostal Church group, but I feel like I'm definitely missing something.

The concept of "any person is capable of attaining the wisdom of the Buddha" rings true with me, but I'm curious as to whether or not there is more going on here that I am missing. Is this a Buddhist support group? Am I simply not giving myself to the group and that's why I am confused?

Not trying to be negative, but at the same time, I must vocalize my confusion.

(The concept of the Sanskrit "Mudita" [compassionate joy] as I learned from TrichyTrichy is one of my all-time favorite things, so please avoid seeing me as a directionless skeptic.)

Ok Marquis,
Let me give you a short history to how it got to Chanting NMRK
Since you already familiar of some Buddhist concepts, I'll try to patch some pieces of the "puzzle" that may missing in your understanding. We all agree that Gautama Siddhartha or Shakyamuni, which ever you refer or know of the name, was a prince that relinquished his right to his father's kingdom throne of Magadha. He did so in the search of the truth to solve the 4 dilemmas that all human being are facing going though a lifetime which were: Birth, Old Age, Sickness and death. In his quest, he started with Bodhisattva's austerities which were common at that time such as sustaining oneself without eating or drinking for long period of time while meditating on nothingness and the purpose of going through such austere practices, he engaged, was to separate the physical body from the spiritual soul or entity, so he thought to achieve. Upon succeeding to eradicating such bodily desires, he felt that such austere practices would lead him to the perfect enlightenment by succeeding to do so. After a period time of austere practices and on the verge of death, he realized that such accomplishment of separation of body and soul would produce only a clinical death and such separation was not achievable without the destruction of both body/mind and desires simultaneously.

So Shakyamuni abandoned such severe practices and engaged in bagging for alms (food) to regain his strength and vitality. Shortly after he entered into a deep meditation and with his own volition, he attained enlightenment through this deep concentration. As he got up from his meditation, he declared that all meanings of life come from one Law. However none of his listeners and followers were able to grasp what he was talking about.

For the proceeding 40 years after his meditation, he taught what is known the provisional teachings where he taught his followers to gain civility and proper conduct to attain the same enlightenment he was experiencing and gradually moved them towards a deeper understandings of their connection to him as a teacher. Although his followers thought that they can never attain the same enlightenment he possessed, since Shakyamuni seem to them a special human being who was an exception from the others. Following the 40 years of teaching at the last eight years of his life, Shakyamuni had to refute his previous pronouncements and declared that he must now teach the truth of his original enlightenment since his followers were ready to hear what was the cause for his enlightenment.

Therefore in the last 8 years of his life he taught what is known, the Lotus Sutra which taught the very enlightened life of the eternal Buddha which he shares and no longer teaches them according to their capacity. The Lotus Sutra is considered the highest teaching of Shakyamuni which consist of only 8 volumes and 28 chapters where he pronounce to convey that it has been numberless eons of length of time since he first attained enlightenment. This pronouncement stunned his listeners and in their baffle, they asked how was it possible to be true since they only knew of him being enlightened in that lifetime with them. Shakyamuni disclosed to them that he and they share their connection in the distant past therefore their accumulation of merits since then has culminate for them to be born with him in India and at the present they are all reaping their enlightenment with him and are able to attain enlightenment in their present form right then with him and in the coming future as well.

He asked them who is willing to propagate this Law in the later future at the Latter Day of the Law when his teaching is no longer has the power to benefit the people. They replied that they would do so. Shakyamuni declined to have them spread the Law after his death since he did not thought they will be able to withstand the difficulties and persecution bound to befall on those who would attempt to spread the Law in the obscure and impure Latter day of the Law. Suddenly, a great numberless of Bodhisattvas arose from beneath the earth to the occasion and assembled at the Ceremony in the Air by the 4 leaders Bodhisattvas lead by Bodhisattva Superior practices (Jogyo) They vow to spread the Law despite the difficulties that they may go through. Shakyamuni disciples asked him who are these Bodhisattvas. His answer was that he himself was practicing the Law with these Bodhisattvas since the remotest past under the same Law by the same Buddha who lead these multitude since time without beginning. And so he pronounced that within five, 500 years after his death, in the Latter day of the Law when the Law has been forgotten in such age of confusion and chaos in this impure age, these Bodhisattvas of the Earth lead by the 4 leaders are to propagate the Law for the next 10,000 years and into eternity.

It is Nichiren who appeared exactly at the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law at the beginning of the 5th five hundred years after the Buddha's passing that Nichiren had realizes this. It is through his studies from the age of sixteen to vow and be the wisest man in Japan to solve the suffering and confusion of his people which took place in his society in the 12th Century Japan. For some 20 years after his commencement since childhood entered the temple to study all Buddhist teachings, he was able to declare that the Lotus Sutra is indeed the highest teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha and the essence of the Lotus Sutra is to be its title, Myoho-renge-kyo and by devoting oneself to the Lotus Sutra one can attain supreme enlightenment based on the pronouncements and declarations uttered by the Buddha two millenniums earlier. Nichiren added the prefix NAM to the title of the Lotus Sutra hence Nam-myoho-renge-kyo he declared to be the very vehicle and Law by which all people and Buddhas have attained and can attain perfect enlightenment by chanting this Law.

Nichiren was able to identify himself to be one of the 4 Bodhisattvas of the earth specifically their leader, Bodhisattva Superior Practices (Jogyo) who was depicted by Shakyamuni to appear in such time and age. It is through Nichiren's conviction to be Bodhisattva Jogyo that he was able to fit this description and be the person who would endure such persecution to fulfill the identity of Bodhisattva Jogyo who is to established the Gohonzon of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and ultimately to reveal himself to be the original Buddha which expound the very Law by which all Buddhas (and all people) have been able to attain the same enlightenment since the infinite past together with him since the remotest past.

The Gohonzon is depicting the very enlightened life of Nichiren which is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo down the center from the remotest past. At the same time, our lives is endowed with the same enlightenment and only through faith (just like Nichiren) we can enter and reveal this enlightenment that has been with-in us since the remotest past as well. This can be manifested only through our unyielding and uncompromising dedication to practice this teaching and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for ourselves and for others, teaching others of the greatness of the Gohonzon and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo through our actual proof of our lives revealing our true enlightened and indestructible happiness that we possess from with-in by chanting to the Gohonzon in this very life of ours right now this moment.



Perhaps I'm ignorant. I understand the core of Buddhism, but the entire concept of "chanting" eludes me. If someone could explain it I would be grateful. I am trying not to view this group as I would a Pentecostal Church group, but I feel like I'm definitely missing something.

The concept of "any person is capable of attaining the wisdom of the Buddha" rings true with me, but I'm curious as to whether or not there is more going on here that I am missing. Is this a Buddhist support group? Am I simply not giving myself to the group and that's why I am confused?

Not trying to be negative, but at the same time, I must vocalize my confusion.

(The concept of the Sanskrit "Mudita" [compassionate joy] as I learned from TrichyTrichy is one of my all-time favorite things, so please avoid seeing me as a directionless skeptic.)

Yeah I know where you're coming from because I used to laugh at BOG for selling seeds with the signature line saying "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!", and I thought it was some kinda capitalistic use of a religious mantra and reminded me of the catholic priest begging for money before during and after mass. I knew about this Buddhism since PasstheDoobie started this thread and I think I heard the phrase in the revenge of the nerds 2 - "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!". But your question seems to me to be: "What is Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism and what does Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! mean to me?"

I started posting around page 148 in 2006, but I really started in 12/2005 reading the thread and it took me about 6 months to read 145 pages while posting and reading more material. I think only you can answer your question and if you read enough, perhaps you'll attend a gathering with other chanting (growers) folks and kibitz a little with people who practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. We recently posted links to the sound and rhythm of chanting daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!). However, in my opinion the most important aspect of all this is: Why did Nichiren Daishonin inscribe the Gohonzon so people like us could chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!? That's another onion, but so delicious indeed.

I love writing about this all the time and a few others are really actively living this and seeking this everyday. The momentum has been for me on this thread like a snow ball at the top of mount everest gaining density, force, speed, power and attention. I appreciate your continued attention and polite response. Some things work really well in life and this practice of just saying this essential phrase: "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" has made me and my brother Bud's family very very very happy. I like sharing happiness and that's essentially what you'll find in all these pages.

Please enjoy and trying chanting, what do you got to lose?

Be well,


Gosho Passage for today Wednesday Sept. 1st, 2010 from - "On Upholding Faith in the

Gosho Passage for today Wednesday Sept. 1st, 2010 from - "On Upholding Faith in the

posted twice by mistake


3rd-Eye Jedi
good morning

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

may the truth be revealed in all of its glory before you, and may the substance of lies in your life be permanently dispelled by the truth
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