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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Living organic soil from start through recycling

You guys are freaking hilarious. Just piss in a bucket for a few days, dump in about a pound of pink Himalayan sea salt(remember, it has to be pink)and water your plants. Never have to worry about pH ever again.... lol

And on a lighter note, I picked up my oyster shell flour, alfalfa meal, and glacial rock dust this past week and will be getting kelp meal, fish meal, and fish bone meal. Need to get some gypsum, crab/crustacean meal, and will be ordering the 44lb sack of neem meal shortly.

Talked to my pops about his worm bin and he said feel free to use it. He said he has been filling the thing up for years now and it just keeps going down without them harvesting much so he believes the bottom is very compacted EWC. I was wondering if there is anything I should do it? I was thinking about sifting it threw a small screen to help loosen it back up.

And wanted to say thanks for pointing me in the direction of Evernote. I believe it was Cootz, but I'm now organizing all my notes and articles and love how simple it is to find them.


Guys can I make a suggestion, especially among the newer members who it seems in my eyes are trying to fit in in with the established crowd, that we keep the level of snark and sarcasm regarding chem/non-organic practices to a minimum. There are times when *I* am unsure if the advice being offered is legit or sarcasm. Then there are the throwaway joke comments that don't do anything but alienate the couple chem-heads who might wander in with an open mind. We're preaching to the choir when we make fun of people for measuring their pH runoff, we all know it's a joke, all it does it make the people doing it feel defensive.

If we're trying to give organics a hard reset, and I think many of us are, and make it a sensible well organized place for discussion and discourse I think we're gonna have to reinvent ourselves a little kinder and gentler. Not that a chemhead who thinks they can talk down to us about chemistry and basic soil science shouldn't be schooled.


:) filling the mentor shoes already...I like it. agreed that we will be more approachable as a group if we cut back on the flushing and sea salt/urine talk lol...it is fun, but at this point every joke has been made at least 10 times over the course of the thread...might be time to give it a rest.

although in fairness, those who are keen about learning this style of gardening will deal with the sarcasm in order to reach the gems of knowledge that are hidden underneath. it's kind of like a filter that makes sure only the persistent/educated make it through and stick around. reminds me of a Dr. Seuss quote - "those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"



I have a couple borage plants that I'll be chopping down soon and was looking for ways to use the plant material. If I remember correctly, I believe you mentioned a high mucilage content in borage and comfrey and I'm curious if you have any info about the use of mucilage in the garden?

Looking into it Wiki says:
"Mucilage is a thick, gluey substance produced by nearly all plants and some microorganisms. It is a polar glycoprotein and an exopolysaccharide. Mucilage in plants plays a role in the storage of water and food, seed germination, and thickening membranes. Cacti (and other succulents) and flax seeds especially are rich sources of mucilage."
Other searches contained information about using mucilage to make glue.

Would this substance be beneficial in a foliar application? It seems like it would be a good substance to help our sprays stick to the plant but, I'm concerned it may work too well and clog the plants pores as well as the sprayer.

My plan was to cut a branch or section of stem off, split it, and scoop out the juice/gel much like Aloe Vera.



I disagree regarding the persistence. We're not a buddhist monastery where you have to sit in the cold for a week to get in or a fraternity hazing during rush week. Our current methods only seem to draw in some tough skinned people. That and at the end of the day our jokes are at the expense of other people, and the jokes have become a bit of a parody of those we mock. Not trying to fill any mentor shoes or live up to a new tag; just been feeling that way for a while and it's caused me to avoid the public forum in favour of closed groups.


Active member
Glacial rock dust vs GLACIAL ROCK DUZT TM anyone?

Would rock yard dust work? Its mostly granite.

I know coot said 200u for particle size.
Why 'topdress' w/forest duff....just curious.

ya know i was going to mix it in like normal, then got to thinking (during my after work jib) that in nature...... that material doesnt get mixed down, its on the top layer under the leaves, so i figured i would put it under my mulch with my other top dressed things as they happen. natural layering i guess?

im always open to constructive criticism, so if im off base here, please, by all means, tell me.

started mixing everything last night. atm its all in seperate smart pots, each "part" still seperate but in containers so that when i get an extra set of hands here to help shake the tarp with me to mix up, all i have to do is dump it all together. making ~120gallons
I disagree regarding the persistence. We're not a buddhist monastery where you have to sit in the cold for a week to get in or a fraternity hazing during rush week. Our current methods only seem to draw in some tough skinned people. That and at the end of the day our jokes are at the expense of other people, and the jokes have become a bit of a parody of those we mock. Not trying to fill any mentor shoes or live up to a new tag; just been feeling that way for a while and it's caused me to avoid the public forum in favour of closed groups.

this guy has a good head on his shoulders. I must also say the hes right where he was talking about making new people to the conversation feel unwelcome and a bit defensive.

id been trolling this thread for almost a year before i chimed in. i would go the route that most of you hate, making a new thread for a question.... but i always got good advise without any harassment that way.

however, there is so much knowledge and experience here that it was all worth it on my end. what ive taken from this ongoing conversation and implemented into my garden have made all the difference.

so thank you, sincerely, to all those here that keep this train rolling.


ICMag Donor
If we're trying to give organics a hard reset, and I think many of us are...

I think this statement is very true. I probably spend a bit more time in the other various sections of the site than some of you die hard organic folks - and I can say for certain - there is a trickle down effect and there are more and more REAL organic gardens showing up over the past couple of years...

There is bound to be a bit of repetition in what has to be taught. In one sense, it's like teaching some to walk all over again.

Feeding the soil vs feeding the plant really does have a bit of a learning curve if all you have ever been taught is that you can essentially inject results by adding this that or the other - and a bigger picture mentality is never achieved.

It is just like soil remediation - it takes time.

But I assure you keep up the good fight - it's looking much brighter out "there"...




Active member
I guess its like if your comfortable going up to a new group of people and breaking the ice or your the person that avoids people in real life... its a forum if someone mocks ya I dont understand why people get scared of posting again... its not like your ever gonna see these people its only words on a screen.. but I do agree about some things and I have been guilty of being that person who gos a bit far sometimes... sometimes its good to get a lil wake up call thanks MS.. I am going to trry harder to make this an enjoyable place for everyone :)
I guess its like if your comfortable going up to a new group of people and breaking the ice or your the person that avoids people in real life... its a forum if someone mocks ya I dont understand why people get scared of posting again... its not like your ever gonna see these people its only words on a screen.. but I do agree about some things and I have been guilty of being that person who gos a bit far sometimes... sometimes its good to get a lil wake up call thanks MS.. I am going to trry harder to make this an enjoyable place for everyone :)

and saying the same things to someones face is "just words". but we all know, it still sucks.

be good to eachother. simple baby.


Active member
I disagree most of the people being ridiculed here have taken stupid positions they can't back up. If you are going to make claims about sea salt or whatever then back it up. If you can't then get laughed out of the forum. Facts are not relative like much of the growing community pretends.

If you can't tell when they are joking then you should probably just delete your account do some reading, mabye some critical thinking exercises and get back to us when you put your big boy pants on.

I am grateful for the information shared here but don't think the contributors owe anyone anything.
Much less courtesy to noobs that don't do the reading in the first place.


Or iron in some deposits...you are looking for paramagnetic without too much magnetic. If you look at the cattle farmers they try to not let iron get too high cause it ties up P and lowers the nutrition their cows receive...not as important in cannabis but a pretty good general rule.


Ok bigshrimp, let's lay it all out then. You're just as much of a joke amongst some in organic fanatic circle as the people you're trying to make fun of, so don't think you're part of some cool clique that picks on "noobs". You haven't brought anything to the table except an attempt to jam your nose as far up a couple senior members' asses as possible. Get the fuck off your high horse and get down here in the shit and the mud with the rest of us.
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