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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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I can't imagine my compost being more dialed in. The stuff that comes out of my vegetable garden is the proof in the pudding.


Then your big work is done. The rest is just solid horticulture and the Cornell Mix (1938) is the basis of all potting soils since.

Potting Mixes for Certified Organic Production from the USDA National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service which is an agency that helps move conventional producers through transitional and finally to certified organic.

"Ain't rocket science"


Can we back up to compost?

Could I literally build a compost pile with minerals, alfalfa straw and horse shit? That is all I really need to get started?

It would go thermal and kill any seeds...right?

YS, I meant to comment. A good hot pile should kill most seeds, but horse shit is pretty notorious for being extra seedy cause of their digestive systems. Cow shit wont have that problem, but doesn't have the nutritional value that horse does.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
YS, I meant to comment. A good hot pile should kill most seeds, but horse shit is pretty notorious for being extra seedy cause of their digestive systems. Cow shit wont have that problem, but doesn't have the nutritional value that horse does.

I would go with horse shit before cow....it's not as 'hot'...seems about perfect to introduce to compost piles. Don't worry about weed seeds...if they sprout in your indoor containers...which will be few and far between...then just pull them out.

Really...not many plants can out-compete cannabis in your indoor garden....because you won't let them and honestly they just don't do as well indoors. They are actually more cute than anything...


There are half a dozen horses available to me, and almost 100 cows. I'll take it all though! Nothing like a pickup bed full of shit. Honest work.
I would go with horse shit before cow....it's not as 'hot'...seems about perfect to introduce to compost piles. Don't worry about weed seeds...if they sprout in your indoor containers...which will be few and far between...then just pull them out.

Really...not many plants can out-compete cannabis in your indoor garden....because you won't let them and honestly they just don't do as well indoors. They are actually more cute than anything...

Yup - any seeds that have ever sprouted in my containers was WAY outcompeted and were no longer a concern after a few days


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Today i started a tea for late veg with a handful of lucerne (alfalfa) cubes in 4 gallons of warm water. Thought i might add some leftover baby milk (certified organic) for good measure and started a bubbling. Smells fantastic kinda like freshly mowed grass :D

I also have the Nutritech kelp and fulvic acid powder that i use regularly. Probs put in a tblsp or so of this in for good measure.

What dilution rate do you use after bubbling is done CC?

Also i recently started using a high pressure hose for cleaning my deck etc. As i was washing off the green slime and moss of these rocks i noticed one was being washed out of itself. I mean it was slowly breaking down under the hose and the runoff was milky reddy brown. On further inspection i reckon its a bit of sandstone. Dya guys think it might be good for the garden? Cant hurt to try a bit!

Gives me an idea. Perhaps a cup or two of lavarocks in a strong metal sieve over a barrel. Give it a good hosing with the power sprayer and viola! Instant lava rock 'milk'...?



Are those dairy cows?

I don't believe so. Old guy nearby raises them to sell, whether that's for meat or dairy to other small farmers I'm unsure. but either way they have a few hundred acres of pasture they feed off and wander around. I can hear them mooing from my bed some mornings.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
Colombian Punto Rojo x oldschool Afghani from around the lower Kyber pass region... collected prior to the Soviet Invasion in situ

I had the pleasure of growing out a couple of these beauts and they are insanely gorgeous and wonderful to smoke.

can't wait to pop more!



We need to coin a term to replace "recycled soil" because that has too many roots in myth based cannabis growing and America's mass consumption culture, and it does not fully encompass the idea of rejecting the hydro store mentality. Tell a farmer you use recycled soil and watch his head spin.

I prefer the term "sustainable practices". One of the best things about growing cannabis for me, is that I literally feed all of my food scraps to my plants. I waste NOTHING. Then, when I smoke the bud, I even collect the ash to be returned to the soil as well. I use the heat from the lights to warm my house 3 seasons a year. For me, this creates a very rewarding cycle where my dog and plants eat what I cannot in a symbiotic relationship. For me, the ultimate goal has always been finding harmony and balance with the world.

"Let it be known there is a fountain that was not made by the hands of man"
Robert Hunter- Ripple


What dilution rate do you use after bubbling is done CC?


This is probably the best way to answer that - I use 1 cup of alfalfa pellets (meal is getting harder to source, GMO issues in the USA) to 5 gallons of water.

I apply this straight to the soil, i.e. no diluting at all

Hope that makes sense! LOL

Good to 'see' you - long time!



I don't believe so. Old guy nearby raises them to sell, whether that's for meat or dairy to other small farmers I'm unsure. but either way they have a few hundred acres of pasture they feed off and wander around. I can hear them mooing from my bed some mornings.
Grass-fed cattle?

You're gold......


We need to coin a term to replace "recycled soil" because that has too many roots in myth based cannabis growing and America's mass consumption culture, and it does not fully encompass the idea of rejecting the hydro store mentality. Tell a farmer you use recycled soil and watch his head spin.

"recharge" or 'recharging" is a term that makes sense to me on some levels.

Or not......


Daaaaammmnnnn how come I've never checked craigslist for supplies??!?? Free alfalfa fed horse manure - check, worm castings @ $10 for 5gal bucket - check - truckload of compost for $10 - check

Just need to confirm what the worms are fed etc etc, I've put off starting my own vermicomposting bin(s) for too long -

Hey, what do you all do for seed starting, anything special? Me, nothing special, but last time i soaked the beans in water/fulvic acid (dilution ratio per bioAg rec.) and I did notice quicker taproot growth - or is that just me? I'm thinking of sprouting them in rapid rooters also and maybe soaking the plugs in a solution as well - maybe the same as the cloning solution I've been enjoying - compliments of CC....

Had some stoner science runnin' through my head last night too, maybe I'll share a bit later LOL



Nothing special at all.

I know this is wrong because there's a plethora of books about growing dope that says so. Posters with long green bars under their avatar sneer at my general stupidity - but I just don't understand the role of Dioxin in germinating seeds.

Here's the wrong (stupid wrong) method that I use on all seeds from any plant:

Take soil mix and put it into #1 containers, hydrate with kelp meal tea, Aloe vera and Fulvic acid. Take seed and set it on the surface - and here comes the tricky part - I take my 'pinkie' and press lightly on the seed until it is about 1/4" deep - warning another tricky step here - I push the surrounding soil on top of it and gently tamp it down.

They go under 400w HPS CMH bulbs until they're of size to transplant.

Take notes - there will be a pop-quiz in the morning! LOL

"Tough Love" - that's how we roll in the shire

EDIT: Same method for 20+ year old seeds - pitiful isn't it?
Gives me an idea. Perhaps a cup or two of lavarocks in a strong metal sieve over a barrel. Give it a good hosing with the power sprayer and viola! Instant lava rock 'milk'...?


I did exactly this by accident when I was rinsing some lava rock that had been sitting in my garage - mixed the red sludge into my last batch of recycled/recharged soil. I think it'll be a few cycles before its totally available, but I'm definitely on the same page!
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