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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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John Deere

Active member
I was at a John Deere dealership earlier today helping a friend find a special 'tree harvester' and I was looking at the new models - pretty nice! Kubota is nice as well.

Green and yellow FTW! Kubota orange? Gack.

If they carry Dyna-Gro Neem Seed Meal then buy that. Don't get screwed buying Einstein Oil, Azatrol or Azamax. If they carry this oil then buy the smallest bottle that they have (I'll explain later), a bottle of Dyna-Gro Pro-TeKt (liquid Silica, i.e. Potassium Silicate) and LEAVE! LOL

Pick-up a bottle of non-preservative Aloe vera juice. It will contain preservatives but the 'good ones' do not have to be listed as a preservative, per se: Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid, etc.

The one you do not want is 'Sodium of Benzoate' - Whole Foods will have the right version and it will probably be from a company called 'Lily of the Desert' (Aloe vera is a member of the Lily family)

If they carry Down-To-Earth then they may have a Neem seed meal in a 6 lb. box and now they also have a Karanja seed meal - 99.9999999% the exact same.

Call them and ask if they carry any of these products. If not then post that information and I'll put together another plan of attack.

"Ain't rocket science"

Neem/karanja seed meal is what I was thinking/hoping--I'm digging the meals. And I've already got a bottle of Pro-tekt. I've got an alfalfa/kelp tea brewing in the garage right now, too. (just thought I'd toss that out there--:))

I've been wanting some aloe vera juice but wasn't aware that Whole Foods had it. I'll stop there, too. I'm hoping to find an aloe plant or two at the garden center. We always had a few growing in pots around the house when I was a kid and I always liked them. Great for rubbing on burns.

Any thoughts on DE, such as Napa 8822, as a source of silica? I've got a bag in the garage that I've used in the past with seemingly good results.

Thanks for all the info. This forum RAWKS!


^^^ I was thinkin' of mixin' in some DE as well in the next soil batch, good for pest control too I hear (fungus gnat larvae killer?)

John Deere

Active member
I've got some of the DE powder, too, but that turns to sludge when it gets wet and I believe it loses it's effectiveness as a bug killer that way.


OK - Sativa talk - I'm going to order seeds soon, what Sativa would you say is a must have, I'd like to avoid 200 week flowering times though.... did I hear someone mention a 38day sativa here recently? ;)

But seriously, my garden needs a good sativa, and the sam skunkman skunk x haze freebies didn't provide any keepers to me...

..and people at the silly shops don't want anything that's not rock hard, so annoying...



I'm not up on the Napa product at all so I wouldn't want to comment. What I can say is that organic growers who I know to be solid in their methods rave about this product.

Not much of an endorsement but it's all I have! LOL

So while you're at Whole Foods pick-up Cilantro (organic ONLY) and when you get home toss the entire bunch (sans the tie around the middle) into a food processor with enough water to make a slurry or puree.

Add this to 1 gallon of clear water and let it sit for 36 - 48 hours. No more than this.

Add 1 cup of strained Cilantro tea to 15 cups of water = 1 gallon. Allow for 1/4 cup of Aloe vera juice and use 1 tsp. of Pro-TeKt.

Wait until the it's almost "light's out" and spray the top of the soil, every branch, every leaf from top to bottom. You want the plant to look like you haven't watered in several days and it's drooping big time.

Leave the ventilation system going and by morning you won't have anything hopping, flying, whatever in your chamber. Follow this up every 4 days until you're completed 4 applications.

Done. Finis. Ovah.

This is not a pesticide in the usual definition and without a long explanation you might need to trust me on this one - I apply this and other 'Mint' teas to hydrate the soil every couple of weeks.

"Bio Stimulants"

If you're concerned then pick-up a couple of throw-away plants at Home Depot - Marigolds are a good one. Water this plant with your Cilantro mix and see for yourself.




OK - Sativa talk - I'm going to order seeds soon, what Sativa would you say is a must have, I'd like to avoid 200 week flowering times though.... did I hear someone mention a 38day sativa here recently? ;)

But seriously, my garden needs a good sativa, and the sam skunkman skunk x haze freebies didn't provide any keepers to me...

..and people at the silly shops don't want anything that's not rock hard, so annoying...
You couldn't find anyone who knows as little about the seeds offered at the various venues.

I usually have to send a PM to Gascan for clarification.





Yep - good material. Once again it's from ancient sea deposits like Limestone, Calcite Lime, Oyster shell powder, et al.

Good choice!



Gone but NOT forgotten...
Thanks man! Yeah it keeps getting better and better, just adding compost/EWC each batch and drainage/aeration additions as needed. I think I can cut most of the amendments in half though and just keep the kelp @ "full strength" as you suggested, seems to be pretty rich and as I mentioned the plants in the no-till tubs that only got topdressed are doing amazing.

I like to give 'em variety, so next round for example the soil will get a pound of powdered yucca root that's never been in there before, maybe some lava rock too... I really like providing a variety of mediums & amendments.

I'm convinced you could grow herb with just EWC/compost and kelp alone...save for a couple comfrey teas here and there.

The longer you go the more you realize that you don't have to do much at all. Pretty soon you realize the soil is like an animal in itself...a life form you have a responsibility to. A pet.

To borrow a line from Nietzsche's Letters to Elizabeth:

In wine there is truth and in tequila there is more truth

Truth is enlightenment so therefore I would recommend doing shooters of Heradura Tequila (might as well go with the good stuff) with a nice Chardonay to wash it down.

Now there is enlightenment on par with smoking Indicas! LOL

"Indica Hater" - that should roll through sometime in the next 72 hours. Some things are eternal and probably mandated by the Screwheads running the universe

I now some 30+ years 'stoned/high on grass'...can not find much pleasure in the head there...when I was a kid sure..that knock me out and slam me down on the couch for hours slobbering with PB & J sanmichez.....gaze fixed at the tube laughing and mumbling....that was great @ 17. ...I need my head space these days.


Floating free as a bird
Sixty foot leaps, it's so absurd
From up here you should see the view
Such a lot of space for me and you

Oh, you'll like it
Gliding around, get your feet off the ground
Oh, you'll like it
Do as you please with so much ease

Now I know how it feels
To have wings on my heels
To take a stroll among the stars
Get a close look at planet Mars

Oh, you'll like it
Gliding around, get your feet off the ground
Oh, you'll like it
Do as you please with so much ease

Bouncing about on the moon
Guess you'll all be up here soon
The candy stores will be brand new
And you'll buy rock with "The Moon" right through

Oh, you'll like it
Gliding around, get your feet off the ground
Oh, you'll like it
Do as you please with so much ease

Moody Blues - Floating


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Floating free as a bird
Sixty foot leaps, it's so absurd
From up here you should see the view
Such a lot of space for me and you

Oh, you'll like it
Gliding around, get your feet off the ground
Oh, you'll like it
Do as you please with so much ease

Now I know how it feels
To have wings on my heels
To take a stroll among the stars
Get a close look at planet Mars

Oh, you'll like it
Gliding around, get your feet off the ground
Oh, you'll like it
Do as you please with so much ease

Bouncing about on the moon
Guess you'll all be up here soon
The candy stores will be brand new
And you'll buy rock with "The Moon" right through

Oh, you'll like it
Gliding around, get your feet off the ground
Oh, you'll like it
Do as you please with so much ease

Moody Blues - Floating

....pretty much.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Just forced to deal with those pesky long ass flowering times...If they finished as early as Indica's we would control the universe.....I hear there's a 25 day sativa from googygirl or sumtin huh?....I'll bet that's the shit right there..


Yep - master breeder that holds the proverbial 'Keys to the Kingdom' with her array of breeding stock.

I was blessed about 2 years back with her Afghani #1 (**cough**cough**cough**) and it didn't make it past Day 25 before I hit it with a razor blade.

Been there - done that over and over and over and over


Picked this out from that article CC - interesting (and insightful) read BTW & I want some of this Ganja!

"Thumper says, Gale and a friend went surfing in Sri Lanka and discovered the villagers grew a powerful variety of marijuana. Gale offered to buy their whole crop. But the villagers didn't want money; they wanted Levi's jeans. "They headed back [to Laguna] and made everyone go to every Sears, looking in the paper for a cheap pair of Levi's," says Thumper. "And they shipped them over there and bought all this pot. They called it Mars pot. It was high-grade pot; it put Oaxacan, Michoacan and Colombian Gold to shame. And we drained Orange County of Levi's."


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Yep - master breeder that holds the proverbial 'Keys to the Kingdom' with her array of breeding stock.

I was blessed about 2 years back with her Afghani #1 (**cough**cough**cough**) and it didn't make it past Day 25 before I hit it with a razor blade.

Been there - done that over and over and over and over

That stuff gets old eh....

Some of the best plants I've ever had were the one's I made myself. After a while you just get sick of it and take matters into yer own hands.....I mean if your really really serious about this shit you'd want to...IMO

But what do I know...I've been baking brownies and cakes with all kinds of magic cannabis oils and stuff...cookie dough frosting,etc...all those damned spoons and bowls that have to be licked before washing them.....this is full blown hybrid oil..50/50 indica sativa mix from several types....pretty heavy wobbly action going down....almost nappy time mommy.



Okay - hold on for the ride!

The BOEL was made up of 13 original members - 6 surfers from Newport Beach and 7 bikers from a shit-hole bar in Anaheim a couple of blocks from Disneyland. As things turned out that was rather apropos.

The leader of the biker group, John Griggs, had been introduced to 'real' LSD-25 and eventually was introduced to "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" to rid himself of his ego. He then turned his friends to this 'holy sacrament' - fair enough.

One of this group had a cousin or something like that who was married to a woman from Mexico. Her family had a small marijuana operation, i.e. kilo bricks. So they began to bring in larger and larger loads which gave them working capital.

The surfing contingent was like most surfers - bums. Not that this is a bad thing but holding a real job was out of the question. You stuffed as many surfers into a cheap apartment in Newport or Huntington and worked enough to cover rent, food, alcohol and pot. Pretty standard stuff.

So these 2 groups somehow meet and greet and the fun begins. The surfers now had some 'funny money' to work with which allowed them to go around the world on surfing safaris. Easy way to smuggle small amounts of samples, seeds, etc.

By the time they had hit Kerala and played with the Sativas they were introduced to 'real' Afghani hash that had been moving from there to Kerala for centuries. Once the 'Black Afghani' hit the boys back in Laguna a 15 year period of insanity was born.

Then Leary shows up in 1968 and he's living on a short dirt road off of Canyon Acres. Not long after he arrived he gets popped with a kilo of Black Afghani. The Laguna PD and the OC Sheriffs had never seen such a thing in such a 'large quanity' - a kilo? Seriously?

So Leary does a short stint at OC Jail and returns to Laguna and by this time his son is now working as a manager for the BOEL's store on PCH - Mystic Arts World.

Nixon takes office in January, 1969 and then things really got weird. The DEA was still an idea on a legal pad over at DOJ and the FBI had a decade's long antithesis to drug investigations - especially rag-tag group of bikers and surfers in OC. Heh.....

In the summer of 1969 John Griggs' dies from a several day run on Psilocybin from Sandoz Labs. They were out at 'the ranch' in the Ortegas. They decided to do a re-run of a session a few years earlier at Leary's Millbrook mansion.

The party guests at Millbrook included Leary, Ginzburg, Huxley, Burroughs, Richard Alpert, Kerouac, Gaines, Cassidy, et al. and they were ingesting 400 mikes of LSD-25 every 4 hours and this went on for 5 or 6 days. Hope they had a good time!

Griggs and his close associates decided that they would take the same amount (400 mikes every 4 hours) and on the 4th day or so, Griggs falls over dead. This was the beginning of the end of the BOEL but they just didn't know it.

On Christmas Eve in 1969 the entire canyon was lit up like a war zone. The OC Sheriffs had their new helicopters and were flying over the area where I lived on Canyon Acres. The choppers were there provide cover for Laguna PD, OC Sheriffs, California State Police, FBI, etc. and they were there to grab Timothy Leary. He was charged with having an ounce or so on his person and for that he was tried and convicted and then incarcerated in a federal prison up north.

The BOEL, geniuses that they were, decided to get Leary out of prison which they did. And they did it by working with the Black Panther Party - Oakland gangsters? Are you f*cking nuts?

By the time that the shift went from LSD-25 to ALD-52 (Orange Sunshine) it was downhill from there. But it took massive amounts of cocaine to really seal the deal - what a path of destruction that blew through South County - amazing in its totality.

"But it still never got weird enough for me" - Dr. Gonzo
OK - Sativa talk - I'm going to order seeds soon, what Sativa would you say is a must have, I'd like to avoid 200 week flowering times though.... did I hear someone mention a 38day sativa here recently? ;)

But seriously, my garden needs a good sativa, and the sam skunkman skunk x haze freebies didn't provide any keepers to me...

..and people at the silly shops don't want anything that's not rock hard, so annoying...

Though I'm a bit biased, I've been really happy with the Rare Dankness hazes - flower time's never longer than 72 days and the breeding line is impeccable. I'm one of those strain collector jerks - feel free to PM me.


Picked this out from that article CC - interesting (and insightful) read BTW & I want some of this Ganja!

"Thumper says, Gale and a friend went surfing in Sri Lanka and discovered the villagers grew a powerful variety of marijuana. Gale offered to buy their whole crop. But the villagers didn't want money; they wanted Levi's jeans. "They headed back [to Laguna] and made everyone go to every Sears, looking in the paper for a cheap pair of Levi's," says Thumper. "And they shipped them over there and bought all this pot. They called it Mars pot. It was high-grade pot; it put Oaxacan, Michoacan and Colombian Gold to shame. And we drained Orange County of Levi's."
True story......


ive heard good things about cannabio work but never made a purchase my self


here's some Super Silver Haze worked by dynasty
& a NL#5 x haze that may look familiar to some

some true landrace sativa's imho really dont do well indoors under artificial light & confined containers...
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