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lil coco Brainwreck


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GrowLab GL120
600w HPS (Hortilux Bulb) air vented hood
Can33 pulled by a 6inch HO Can fan
1 small fan on the floor facing up at an angle to blow wind up through the plants...and ideally blow some of the warm air away from the light.


100% Canna Coco in size 3 pots


Canna Coco A+B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym, PK 13/14, Boost (*used last grow with Brainwreck, might not use it this time*)

For the most part, followed the light feeding schedule recommended by Canna for coco with a few tweaks here and there.

Temp Range:

Now that the weather is changing, 65-75F

Veg History:

6 were vegged to be approximately 2 feet tall, best 5 were transplanted from 8 inch coco pots to size 3 pots. The other baby went under my mother light for potential cloning. My 2 mothers are in soil, I'm debating if a coco mother is a good idea.

After transplanting to size 3 pots, I let the roots settle in for about 3-4 days, pruned and flipped the trigger.

*Note: I am testing a pistol whipped clone that is just a few inches shorter than the 5 to see if I can maybe get in an extra cola. This girl is still in her 8 inch pot with a bowl under her for all the runoff. If she doesn't work well, I'll pull her before the stretch finishes*


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Current recipe:

Hand watered daily, usually with a slight runoff (sometimes every other day)

most of veg:
10ml a+b, 10ml Rhizotonic, 10ml Cannazyme

week 1 of flower (all per gallon):

~12ml a+b, 10ml Rhizotonic, (would use 10ml Cannazyme, but I just ran out)

I've noticed a lot of people push the a+b a lot more than I do, so I may try bumping a+b to 15ml a gallon until stretching stops and pk 13/14 begins.


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First week of flower complete! It has been fun watching these babies stretch about 5 inches over the past 7 days. They are 2'4"-2'5" now.

Each day I've had to clean up a few popcorn sprouts, which have made me wish I had a larger cloner. It is sad throwing away so many potential clone cuts. I'm really trying to keep the bottom half of the plants clean like a scrog setup for good airflow and to maximize the 600w hps.

I just ran out of Rhizotonic, so this last feeding was only canna a+b approz 12ml per gallon. The previous feeding had half the Rhizo I would normally add during veg/early flower (5ml instead of 10ml) because...well, thats all I had left. The past few feedings have been without cannazym, but, more of both is on the way. I've decided to NOT use Cannaboost this round. I read the end product may be more potent and the flavor richer without; the expense being a potential weeks cut in harvest time. We shall see. The real reason...I don't want to spend $100 for 1L.

These past couple days, I've noticed the smell after rubbing the stems has been richer, almost putrid in a good(?) minty way. It smells to me like the smell of a lot of work/change going on.

@707Corridor - Brainwreck is either White Widow x Trainwreck or... (something x Yumbolt) x Trainwreck I think. I've tried to track it down; however, there are mixed results. It was a rare cut from a local bay area club. The high is more mellow than trainwreck, no jitters. Minty/bright flavor with a hint of sweet trainwreck roots. It has enough indica in it to make you mellow, but not couch lock. No paranoia and great for social interaction.

Tomorrow I'll be planting some clones that are about ready from the cloner. I don't really need them yet so I'll donate or kill them after I see how successful my transplanting rate is. I'm still dialing in my cloning techniques and have a couple mothers I can easily take a few cuttings on for trial runs.

And now...a few pictures throughout the week:





nice grow man! Should be fun, duno what the dude above me is yelling about but he should calm down!


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About time for another update. Pictures shall be uploaded tonight.

Bud sites just started forming yesterday (day 13, it is day 14 now) and the plants are getting close to 3 feet tall now, bout an inch per day.

I have used boost during my last brainwreck grow. It did seem to speed up early bud growth; however, I won't have much of a comparison until this run is finished.

Wha I do know, is that I really don't want to pay 32 bucks for 250ml or 100 a liter for something that lists sugar as the main ingredient. There is obviously more to it, but unless this grow produces drastically less than what I harvested with boost, I won't be buying it again. I like to know what goes into my babies. Plus, I read in hazy lady's post that bonecarver likes the end product without it (and his thread rocks). We will see!

Ok pics and more details in a couple hours


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Ok, so I'm a bit late on my update. Trying to install windows 7 on a mac will do this. If any of you are thinking of doing this at home...clean install (no buts), and you will have to modify the boot cd so mac can understand it in boot camp.

On to the show! I am midway through week 3 and have been taking a few pictures each day so I can watch the progression. For most of the stretch, these babies grew an inch a day, staying pretty even until the start of week 3, where some of the left side of the tent shot up a few inches higher than the right side. Interesting, maybe my hood directs more light in that direction?

For fear of Powdery Mildew, I trimmed a few purple stem fan leaves and some of the lower branches that were several inches under the canopy. I'd say...the canopy is about a foot deep now. I've tried to thin it out so very few leaves are touching (although they are very close). This is somewhat difficult to do with my space as my plants are over 3 feet tall now. Maybe next time I will flower around 1-1.5 feet tall (flowered at 2 feet this time). Last time I flowered at 3 feet and...yeah, that was a LST nightmare! My tent is a little over 6 feet tall, but I lose about a foot of that due to the carbon filter.

Feeding wise, my recipe for week three is as follows:

Canna A + B - 10ml per gallon
*PK 13/14 - 1ml per gallon
Rhizotonic - 5ml per gallon
Cannazym - 10ml per gallon

* I am thinking of trying 1ml increments with pk 13/14 per week this time around. Is that a good idea? I figure, I should reach the recommended 5ml per gallon around 3 weeks prior to harvest. As I am not using boost this time around, I am curious to see if using pk in a slow titration vs 1 week 3 weeks prior to flowering will produce positive results.

I chopped 2 of my 3 mothers the other day as I found some PM on the lower leaves. This is ok, I REALLY do not need 3 mothers when I can only grow out 6 plants mature. I now have 1 mother in coco and a few clones chillin. These clones aren't really needed, so I will probably donate them or throw them away.

Picture time!



Calimed, looking awsome so far and it seems all your girls minus one are hogs with thick stalks. Any roadbumps to date? I would say no by the looks of it, gotta love coco :D


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@L-Immortal - Yeah, that lil one in the coco basket was taken out yesterday. It couldn't keep up. No real bumps yet; but I think I should add a fan to blow over the top of the canopy. The current one, lower right hand of the stalk shot, blows up at an angle. Other than that, I am just trying to maximize what I can get from the tent.


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-Midway through week 5-

Nutes for week 5 (ml per gallon):

10ml a+b
5ml PK 13/14
2ml Rhizotonic (10ml approx per 4 gallons)
10ml Cannazym

Everything has been smooth so far. I thought I may have seen the start of some PM; however, after taking off the one leaf and spraying some baking soda water around that area, I haven't seen any other signs of it. I REALLY don't want PM.

A small 6 inch air king was added yesterday to blow a breeze on the top canopy. I thought the clip-on fan would work great on the poles of my tent...totally wrong. The fan just slid right down the pole. Thankfully I had an extra strap (for the carbon filter) that came with the tent and rigged it to be hanging down at an angle.

It might just be me, but it looks like there are a lot more trichs on the upper leaves than last round. The stalks are nice n' thick and the calyxes look like they are getting ready to slowly start fattening up.

And now....Pictures! Below are a few pictures from last posting to present:

These last two were taken with a better camera to show detail, but there is so much yellow, you can't see much else.



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I just barely touched/rubbed one of the upper leaves while feeding last night and the scent is wonderful. During stretch, the scent had a bit of a putrid stench to it like you could tell the plants were going through changes. Now the smell is pure, very fresh, sweet, and fills up your nose like a whiff of mint or vix...but without that flavor (if that makes sense). I think this would be considered a trainwreck like smell, but I have only smelled cured trainwreck buds before.

Last round I smelled a bit of fuel in the flavor around this time. I wonder if this could have been contributed to the canna boost, which I am not using this time. This is pure speculation though with no basis whatsoever. If I feel rich, I will probably buy Boost again after seeing the results from Hazy Lady's thread!


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More about feeding...I haven't yet listed how much I water other than daily.

I use a 24 oz. water bottle.

The front two plants are interesting in that the left one usually drinks 48-60 oz before it will show signs of drainage a few seconds after pouring.

The plant on the right; however, will almost always show drainage at 36-48 oz.

The three plants in back only need 24 oz. before signs of drainage. Occasionally one of them will need just a splash more to show drainage...but I haven't noticed any particular pattern to it yet.

In relation to bud pictures, it may be hard to tell from the canopy which of the nicer looking colas are coming from so... lets take this picture taken today, day 1 of week 6:

FL = Front Left
BL = Back Left
MC = Middle Center...well, really back center

I'll have the other two pictures up in a few, my photo editor is crashing on me whenever I try to save :wallbash:.
they look amazing calimed!!! wow

it seems like in your grow and freeridehighs, one of your products really seems to give them that special perky overall great look appearance....you guys both use cannazyme. basically, i have to! try that stuff next time. and im considering trying canna coco ab.

ohhh quick question

u said u have a can33 with a 6 inch fan....how loud do you say that thing is??? a pic of your upstairs set up would be awesome!


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I think Cannazym also has some good vitamins in it. That is a good question though, I wonder if it does much for the overall growth when it is advertised just to eat dead roots.

I have a can33 with a Can 6 inch HO fan hooked up to a cheap speed controller...but I always leave it on full blast.

That thing is LOUD, but I bought a bunch of 6 inch duct insulation from home depot and wrapped the fan like an egg. I also loosely wrapped some duct insulation around where the venting comes out on top of the tent, then it goes through a duct muffler and then through a tiny bit more ducting.

I originally thought I wouldn't need to add a tiny piece to the end of the duct muffler...but oddly, it does sound a tiny bit quieter to me when I do.

I also used to have a simple duct fan hooked up to my air cooled hood, but when I cleaned the tent after last run...I turned the fan back on and it gave me this annoying banshee squeal. Took it apart and tried to fix it, but to no avail. I'll have to order another one sometime. For now, since it is winter here in the bay, I have both hood openings hooked up to ducting that curls up out the two top side vents. Oddly enough, tinkering around with how the ducting was placed outside the tent, I created a little cold air/hot air vacuum. It may not be a bazillion cfm, but it moves the hot are up out of the tent nonetheless.

I do happen to have a picture of my fan egg :). When I get creative I might try to lower the sound even more. Even with all this sound dampening, it sounds like an industrial server room (deep low wooosh). It doesn't bother me though and you can't hear it outside the house. If I close the door to the room, you'd have to put your ear to the door to hear it.

The green duct fan isn't hooked up anymore, and currently, the light is up much higher, closer to the ceiling as these babies are reaching up to almost 4 feet tall (not including container height). Last time I checked it was about 3'9 and I'd say that big cola in the center (the one still bustin out leaves) has grown another inch or so since then.
very interesting calimed....thanks for the info on those. i was thinking about getting that setup, but it sounds like it would be too loud for my application. security first. i currently have just a low cfm duct fan sitting on the opening on my hood. it does the trick for a 250. a shirt at the other end of the hood greatly muffles my set up, probably by about half the decibels. when you say yours is LOUD, lol im like dammm cant get one of those!


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Well, I should clarify. It was LOUD before I muffled it. It isn't so bad now and I'm sure it could be muffled a bit more if needed. If you slow it down even the slightest the sound drops in half I'd say. The level between 100% and 90% is huge.

Since it is winter, I could probably slow the fan down a lot. My temps with lights on is 63-65 degrees on avg.

At 50% speed it sounds about like a pimped gaming pc.

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