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LEO Selling Pot Killed

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Trying to have a good day
500 pounds of marijuana. How many people on these boards grows or buys 500 pounds of marijuana? Do you think these people were just trying to get by in the bad economy? Did you miss in the story where the suspects had all been arrested before? For armed robbery and other crimes? We're not talking decent folks here.

A whole bunch of us here have been arrested.I guess that makes us not decent folks.


Active member
Sorry, but the cops are the criminals here.
They are doing this to seize property and steal from people.
They are arresting us and destroying lives every day, and for what?
Their own personal gain.
No sympathy for the pigs whatsoever.
They are trying to destroy us, and are the enemy.


Active member
A whole bunch of us here have been arrested.I guess that makes us not decent folks.

Depends, did you do harm to another person or their property? If you did than you are not a decent person in my eyes. I'm a criminal because and only because of the weed I grow. I'm not saying that people who deal in weed are not decent people, I'm saying the people in this story are obviously not decent, they have records for violent crimes against their fellow men.


Trying to have a good day
I have read you contradict yourself(or maybe thats just me reading before you get a chance to edit your posts) quite a few times.I dont really care what I look like in your eyes.


Active member
I haven't contradicted myself. I have nothing against people who don't harm others. I'm a strong believer in what you do in your home is your and only your business. If you're a good neighbor I have no problems with you.


Active member
A cop given the chance, would take me from my family, prolly take my son away too, lock me up and take my freedom. Do their best to sieze my assets, and it would make his day or week or career. So in my eyes they can all die and go to hell, I don't need 'em for nothing. Currupt or not fuck em all.


Active member
while i think the cops screwed this one up, i don't think anyone should die for such a stupid reason. i like to think about what would happen to my family if i was to be killed for some reason or another. and the people who are killed are only the first victims. you have secondary victims as well. what about the children (if any) that are left behind.you're dead, nothing matters to you. but the family did nothing to deserve daddy or mommy being taken away. even if they were a prick. and it will only get worse. basically guys, you're ideals might be different, but you're all here for the same reason. let's hope this type of shit never happens to anyone of you.


Active member
A cop given the chance, would take me from my family, prolly take my son away too, lock me up and take my freedom. Do their best to sieze my assets, and it would make his day or week or career. So in my eyes they can all die and go to hell, I don't need 'em for nothing. Currupt or not fuck em all.

Seems a little weak to me to blame the cops in a country where only a little over half the people vote at all. Blame your fellow Americans, blame the politicians who do nothing to stop the violence, blaming the cops have to enforce the laws made by the people Americans put in office seems backwards to me.

I blame cops for increased use of tazers and violence, for racial profiling, for doing their job in a shitty way, but not for doing their job.


What needs to be realized is:
1. Cops take an oath to UPHOLD the law. They broke that oath.
2. Drug deals of that size and that amount of money are not for those that play by the rules of fair trading. Your gonna carry weapons and take precautions.
Now the cops got killed, oh well. Like I said earlier if you play with fire you'll get burned. Every day a family is destroyed and a future ruined because they want to raid some poor soul whose growing a plant. It's a shame that a child now has to grow up without a father, but when you put a badge on your chest that's a chance you take. What about the cop that killed the little girl in Detroit? Not a damn thing has been done about that. Or the cop who emptied 13 rounds into a soldier in Baltimore at a nightclub because he thought the soldier was trying to pick up his date? And this wasn't that cops first offense shooting someone while drunk. We should just say "oh, he's a cop. it's ok".
Anyway you look at it those cops were DIRTY and don't deserve the respect a police officer should get. They are just as low as a regular criminal.


Active member
I for one would not want to live in a world without cops, I doubt any of you would.

Do you blame the pit bull for attacking a child or the owner who trained them to be vicious? We are the masters of the cops, look in the mirror.


man I sure would have liked to know how it really went down in that room just before the shoot out.
dead men tell know tales. Has far as we know or anyone else knows, someone else could of done the shooting. Police fabricate so much stuff to cover their asses it's disgusting.


Active member
I for one would not want to live in a world without cops, I doubt any of you would.

Do you blame the pit bull for attacking a child or the owner who trained them to be vicious? We are the masters of the cops, look in the mirror.

People rely on cops too much. When you've only got seconds, the cops are just minutes away. I protect and serve my family, I don't need cops. My pistol is like my wallet goes with me everywhere, my wife carries also. Fuck cops.


Well-known member
I for one would not want to live in a world without cops, I doubt any of you would.

Do you blame the pit bull for attacking a child or the owner who trained them to be vicious? We are the masters of the cops, look in the mirror.

I don't understand your attitude today. I normally enjoy reading your posts, but all of your posts in this thread today have came off really messed up, or at least that's how I've perceived them.

I do not like the fact that we the people allow people like those to abuse their power. i'm personally glad there's one less idiot in the world. I'm sick of Cannabis Prohibition and I'm sick of our pleas falling on deaf ears.

I know there are good cops out there, and cops that are out to solve real crimes, and not drug use, but the fact is, there are plenty of bad ones out there, and every time one of them gets killed, I am glad. And to the person who said "Now they won't have a father" well Good, now they won't have some dumbass telling them that weed is bad.


Active member
Just because a bunch of people on a pot board declare the cop was dirty doesn't convince me. I still see a story about cops being killed in the line of duty.


The cat that loves cannabis
Cops are people just like anyone else.
I've had a lot of different jobs, and if there has ever been a chance to do some scamming at them, 3/4's of the people who work there at the very least are down for it, over and over, all kinds of different jobs, it's human nature, and life in America, and I will bet the farm it's just the same with the police, 1/2 or better are down for scamming, in some shape or form.

250K in untraceable drug money is a big fucking nut, you bet these pigs tried to grab it.
It went bad, and they made up a story.

They heard about some Phoenix wanna be players with some large money, and they set them up.
Now two of these poor guys are dead

We need someone to protect us from them.
I mean who do you call when it's the cops who are robbing you?


Active member
i feel like there are alot of cops feel like they are above the law. some act above the law. trust me i had a narrow call a while back that firmed up my feeling on the matter. and they wouldn't let it go. i do not like turbo cops. i can't stand the cop who uses the badge like a junkie uses the needle. but i love my fellow man. and i do not include the turbo cop a fellow man. yes they choose to risk their lives every day, but those couple of idiots decided to risk their lives the day they took the cops life. and they are most certainly not one of us.
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